Finally I have time to post all the pics here.After being vacuum for 2 weeks!!! Here're the pics of the farewell party held in our bar.
I am honoured to cook for the party.Indonesian food, of course. James was so excited eating Rendang ( eventhough it's not the time yet to eat).Hahhahahhaha.
I cooked Gado2, Rendang,Lumpia Shanghai,Fried Noddles,Sambal Goreng Ati,Beef Kebab,and some crackers,Nastar n Snow Cookies.
Some people asked me abt the Kebab.They liked them. Thank youuuuuuu..Even James asked me the ingredients.Mirna teased me and said,"Ahhh he wants me to cook them someday."Hahahahha.I thought James would do that.
We had great time, indeed,we had. Thank you for having party in our bar,The Brinkmans.
God bless you!!!!!!!!!!
mmmm kutiaunya menggoda iman...
ReplyDeletemei gw suka kalau loe di poto ganyanya ade aje...):
ReplyDeletenoh...iseng banget Mei....
ReplyDeleteopssssssssssssss sensor..pak hansip lewat...):
ReplyDelete^_____^ Itu masakan dari Kak Irma,bawa dari Dayton tuh, Thai Food.
ReplyDeleteMarce tuh yg ambil fotonya.Itu dari sore sampe malam,makanan gak abis2nya.
ReplyDeleteMakan trip kedua tuh.^____^.
ReplyDeleteSuami sibuk bartending di dpn,bini entertaining tamu di blkg.Begitu ketemu, sun2an dehhhh :D .
ReplyDeleteYg lain lewatttttttttt.Hahhahahahahha.
ReplyDeleteaduh itu gayaa...
ReplyDeleteGaya usil. ^___^.Blm tidur lu,Jen? Ol dunkkkkkk di YM :)
ReplyDeleteehmm..ehmm...itu bibir itu bibir...
ReplyDeleteabis acara, kenyang makan, begini ya jadinya??
ReplyDeleteya olohhhh Meiiiiii bwahahahahaha
ReplyDeletekoq sampe monyong monyong gitu Mei hihihi
ReplyDeleteTabir.....Tabrak Bibir :P
ReplyDeleteBlm kenyang sebenarnya.Mo makan,rendangnya sek amblassssssssss..Hahahhahahaha. Ini sih dlm rangka mo kidnap Marce....
ReplyDeleteDpt sisa gpp, deh.Sblm disamber sama yg lain.Hahahhahahaha
ReplyDeleteSatu malaman tidak bersua dgn suami,begini deh jadinya.Nyosor terusssssssssss
ReplyDeleteduhhhh terusssssssss menggoda neh si mei2 dengen makanan2nya
ReplyDeleteDilarang tergoda.Udh ada yg kena korbannya,cie Devi.Hahahhahahhaa.
ReplyDeletemakanan muluuuuu ... gak bagi2 lagi hehehe
ReplyDeleteBagi foto kan ? :)
ReplyDeleteSerunya...lagi makan apa sih say...
ReplyDeleteKissie couple....hehehe...
ReplyDeleteSuka deh liat yang mesra2 terus...
Yang ini adegan apaaa?
ReplyDeletethank you mei for your hospitality!!!
ReplyDeleteMkn kerupuk udang model french fries.
ReplyDeleteBiar awet muda :D.
ReplyDeleteAdegan rampok.Marce disarang Club Evolution.Hahhaahaha.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome,Mir.Thanks for using our bar,too.We did have fun!!! Btw,jadi semalam dinnernya ?
ReplyDeleteha...ha..ha.... Nice picture nih....
ReplyDeletewaduh.... si jagoan dah teler nih....
ReplyDeleteSisa rendang
ReplyDeleteGagah ya suaminya Mirce ^___^
ReplyDeleteArghhh! Mei2! Saya gemuk dan buruk! Saya suka makan Gado-Gado!!!!
ReplyDeleteNah, dua lunatik dan Mei2 dan Bu!
ReplyDeleteSaya mau Gado2! Saya mau Gado2!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho cares,Donna? ^___^ Gado2 memang enakkkkkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteApa itu Lunatik,Donna? *bingung* Hehehehhehe
ReplyDeleteGado2nya sudah habis,Donna.Besok2 Mei2 masakin ya ? ^___^