Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Slumber Party @Batavia - March,25th 06

Aduh.....I couldn't upload all the pics in MP. I still have 6 free pics to be uploaded.Wait till next month? Gak kuku,bow..So,I just put the link here. Hundreds pics!!!!!

Slumber Party at Nia Norman 's house was great!! As Mirna said," I always laugh,my cheeks hurt now".Hahhahahhaha.Nia was naughty with her " cucumber ". Keke and Wati were busy putting make up before taken pics.Erna was busy as Ms.Cook at nite ( soalnya malamnya kita masak Lumpia Shanghai n Cap Chai lagi ).

Having lunch,we went to Eastgate Mall.Jalan2 nih ceritanya,naik kuda putar ( pusingggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! ). THen stopped at Steve n Barry's, shopping.Wati bought a lot!!! I bought a blazer. I was fussy,I tried on sport outfits ( blue ones ). I laughed at myself.I showed the pic to Ronnie and he said," Oh my!! I love this pic!!! Print that for me."Hahhahahha

Wati bought a nice jacket.I liked it,but ashamed,I didn't buy it at the mall.I asked her to sell it to me.Hahahhahahha.Syukur,bu Gubernur mau jual.

We went to the bar around 11pm.Keke n Wati learnt how to play pool. Duh,Wati is influenced by me, doing the Kungfu style everytime she's done shooting.Hahhahahahahha.

Thanks alot,Nia.Thanks very much!!!


  1. oooo jadi ini party yg lo bilang itu...seruwww pantes lo bela2in ninggalin gw sendirian di ym huhuhu...teganya...teganya....

  2. Heheheheh.Yang namanya pesta,mana boleh ditinggal.Bicara pesta,pasti bicara ttg makanan.Liat aja tuh foto,lagi makan.Hahahhahahah. Elu yg disapa besoknya,malah menggosok pakaian.Hahahahhaha.Brp hari tuh siap gosokan? :P

  3. Got your pics. Meeii walaahhh kamu tambah tembem disitu dari terakhir ketemu?...hii hii

  4. hahaha...udah hampir selesai sebagian dibawa mertua gw kekeke....

  5. Overweight nih,Ser.Di sana aja kmrn makan sampe 7x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baju2 udh pada gak muat neh.Jeans aja banyak yg baru2 beli ( bbrp bulan lalu) maksudnya sih besok2 mo dipake,ehhh gak taunya udh pada gak muat lagi.

  6. Wahhh enaknya yg punya mertua,mau ngegosokin.Nitip donkkkkkk.Hahahhahah

  7. asik Mei, party terus, maem terus.he..he...

  8. Party terus,maem terus.Nunggu party selanjutnya neh.Ada yg mo ngajak gak?Hehehehhe

  9. Mo ikutan gak,Lin?Dijamin pasti kenyangggggggggggg
