Thursday, March 2, 2006

Karl n Maria Visiting Us

Maria called me on Monday.She'd like to come to the Bar on Tuesday nite. Mom dropped me to the bar once we were done shopping to Walmart.

I cooked Sambal Goreng Ati n Udang.Maria was surprised cos I have Sator ( Pete ).So,I offered her the sator I have ( not a whole package,but it's ok ).I gave her a CD of her birthday pictures.

Tuesday nite is Karaoke Nite with Alecia.So,I asked Maria and Karl to dance.

We had fun,eventhough I'm sick,but I was very happy to meet them.Suddenly I felt better when they came.^___^

They left abt 12 pm.Meanwhile me and Ronnie went home abt 3am. It's a long day...Both of us are sick and tired.