Sunday, March 19, 2006

Meeting Novilia & The Brinkman

Ups... I forgot to post anothe journal.On Thursday, I went to bank,and stopped at Novilia's office.She's a new friend I met from FS.She has an office located not so far from home,just only 5 mnts from home. * Arrrghhhh.... How could the pic with me and Novilia not in my compt? I thought I had saved it.Aduhh...sorry berat,Nov,fotonya gak kesave ternyata*

I rode my bike ( since I still haven't got my license yet,jadi ceritanya pake sepeda kumbang neh).I parked my beloved bike ( hahahhahhaha,ingat cie Agnes di telp, dia penasaran pengen liat sepeda kumbang,katanya ),and entered her office.

I said," Can you do my tax,pls?".She's quite for a few seconds and then," Mei-Mei!!!!!!!!! " Hahahhahahah.Gotcha.... We chit chat quite along then I went to Walgreens.I called Ronnie to pick me cos I was cold.Hahahahha. *Gak jadi tuhhh, akhirnya plg sendiri naik sepeda kumbang*

Thursday nite,Dewi from MN called me.She wondered abt the recipes she saw at my MP * duh Dewi,bela2in telp ke sini,thank a lot lhooo *. While I was talking with her on the phone,Britney called me.Ups... I kept talking to Dewi and thought I would call Britney back. Later on,Mirna called me!!! Mirnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaa... Long time not to see.Almost a year!!! Bener kan ? Last year we met on Summer.She called me and asked abt the directions to the bar.About 30-45 mnts,she showed up with James. James makin ganteng,euy.Mirna makin cantik juga ^___^. Happy belated birthday to James

Mirna and James looked around the bar and then left early.They had another appointment with other friends.Wish they could stay longer,but it's fine!!! Kangennya udh terobati banget!!!!

Before they left, I took pics ^___^


The Brinkmans & The Ries


Thanks for coming.Remember,before you move back to San Diego,let's make a farewall party.Ok ??? Mirna,besok2 kita hang out bareng ya ^___^ . I bet she's reading rite now.


Duo M.^__^ .Mirip ya?? **

PS : Mirnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..thnks for the email.. Hahahhah See??? You're reading.Now,time to JOIN the MP. Biar bisa keep in touch. Oceh...oceh,bebehhh? Atur aja deh kapan mo hang out.Paperworknya selesain dulu. Hahahahhahah


  1. Mei2 & Mirna ceriaah banget, senyumnya segeeer aja difoto yg paling bawah!

  2. Mirip ya??? mirip ya?? *maksa banget* Hahahhahaaha.She's a sweet lady.Tapi bntr lagi mo pindahan neh :( . Mumpung Mirna lagi ol nih kyknya,Mir, gabung di MP donk.

  3. sigh if only her office is 5mins from my house.. ;p

    she's gorgeous.

  4. She is,really is.Don't mess up with her hubby. ^____^

  5. nah i won't. i don't wanna die young anyway ;p

    besides, it's not everyday you'll see a gorgeous person. if i do, it does brightens up my day.

  6. Hehehehehe.She's just like a sister to me. Yes, gergeous people are rare,rite? Hahahhahahaha

  7. lah tuwww foto yg lainnya ga bisa kebuka seeehhh * garuk2 kepala *

  8. Bisa kok.Foto2 cakep kok gak bisa gitu? Hhahahhahaha. ** Gede2 lagi fotonya,Mpok.Makanya jgn makanan mulu yg diincar :P

  9. Mei, timbul juga akhirnya elo, gak kerja ya? hehehe kanngen cerita elo Mpo, tapi kok itu poto2 laen kaga bisa liat yak? Cuman yg pertama doang? ^__^

  10. yeee dibilang ga bisa dibuka tuwww foto2 * mulai melotot gw *

  11. Lhoo...masak sih ? Di sini kebuka lho..Jelas banget foto2nya.tapi kalo masuk ke email,emang gak keliatan. Hari ini off,Mpok.Ronnie bntr lagi plg,dia juga off ( tapi,dasar,juragan,maunya kerja mulu ).Bener lho,foto2nya bisa keliatan di sini.Dicheck ntar salahnya di mana.Aneh bin bingung. ^___^

  12. si Ria.hahahhaha. Ok deh,dicheck lagi.

  13. Mei Mei.... I miss you.... *pake teriak kaya tarzan* hehehehe

  14. temen lo banyak juga ya Mei disana..enak bener bisa ketemuan..

  15. Auooooo...cicie.....I miss you, *Nah lho..ini Jean nya Tarzan yg teriak* Hahahhahaa.Pa kabar,cie? Udh mantap kan MP nya ?Diganti2 gak lagunya ^____^

  16. Yup,temen lama,kalo udh ketemu cekakak cekikik.Hahahhahaha. Aduh Mirna,telp dunkkkk. ^____^

  17. Banyak kenalan,suka ketemuan.Jadi asyik kan ?^____^

  18. iya dah bisa liat wewwwww seruwwww...teuteup mei dengan narsisnya di foto wuakakaka....

  19. Sekali2 narsis boleh lah..Hahahhahah.Asal jgn keterusan,ntar didemo sama elu .Hahahhahah

  20. Mei, nice talking with you.
    Gimana enga gue bela2in Mei, itu BPK menantang air liurku utk mengalir dengan deras ha..ha.....ngiler booo...
    Mei posting dong itu BPK (Karonya), gue pengen coba bikin walaupun kaga punya andaliman nya, kecuali ada yg mo ngasih thanks dear.

  21. Ada tuh di MP , liat aja.Ubek2 semua resep2 di sana.^___^

  22. hushhhh lo ketawanya di kecilin tuwww volume, kedengeran tetangga ga enak tengah malam gini ;))

  23. Ualamakkkkkkkk..Pagi2 si Mpok udh mampir ke sini. Hahahahhaha. Udh gosok gigi blm,Mpok?
