Thursday, March 2, 2006

Insomnia & Anxiety ??

I have been sick for almost a week. I got a breath problem ( shortness breath for sure ).Besides,blow nose, sore throat,headache...complit dah.

Ronnie is sick,too.I didn't realize till Maria told me that my husband is a quite person ( indeed,Ronnie is not as fussy as me ).I called him and he came out from the office.He said he's taking a nap.I heard his voice changes,too.Aghh... he gets cold,same like me.

Last sunday,we didn't finish the sermon at church completely.Suddenly I didn't feel good.I couldn't breath well.We left the church and Ronnie stopped at Walgreens.He bought me a spray inhaler for asthma.

I don't think I have asthma,even my aunt has.He asked me to spray it to my mouth.Since I've never used it before,I got a problem.I sprayed abt 7 times,and they didn't get through.They got stuck on the ceiling of my mouth.Don't ask me the taste.It's horrible!!!

Ronnie took me home. He brought me some food to bedroom.I had my lunch at bed.He laid down for awhile with me,and then he left to the Bar. I was taking a nap.

Mom went to our bedroom and asked me to come down for dinner.I wasn't hungry,but I went downstairs.Ronnie called me,asked me to stay at home instead of working at the bar.

At nite,I couldn't sleep.I need abt 1-2 hours to sleep back.I felt strange on my throat.In the morning, I woke up,and goodness!!!! My throat was really sore!!!! I couldn't swallow,and it's really dry. I was dying,I thought.

All day long,I really didn't feel good. Ronnie asked me to call doctor.He worries a lot. I stopped using the spray. Finally,I called a doctor ( as Desy recommends to me ).Maria,my ex sis in law sent me to the doctor.

The doctor is really nice.He asked me lots of questions and checked my blood pressure and my chest.He said," I do feel strong that it's ANXIETY ". Duhhh........... how could???

I told him that I can't sleep well.He said," You're suffering from INSOMNIA. It's because your daily routine changes a lot. My nurse will give you article abt it.Here're some medicines. Ones are for your heels,and the others are for your stomachache. Nice meeting you,Yuky."

He gave me 2 notes,too.He wants me to go to a hospital and have a plumonari test ( whateverlah ). Geee......  I wish I wouldn't have asthma. The doctor's nurse just called me and said the hospital would call me to make an appointment.

Ronnie called me as soon as I was done with the doctor.At nite,I called my family to Medan. My elder sister,Vivie moves to Surabaya.Her husband has resigned from his work and they're ready to start a new life to Surabaya. The news made me shocked. Indeed, abt 1 month ago,they've told me abt the plan. 

I called them,and everyone was in the airport. I cried. I said to Vivie,"You've left me once when you got married,then you've a kid.Now,you're leaving again, far away from us." She said," We'll be ok, honey. Don't worry. Tell me,when you come back to Indonesia,we'll meet in Medan.We'll come to Medan,too."

Michael,her son talked to me on the phone.He said,"Hellooooo". Goodness... I've never seen him,but I believe he's a cute boy.

Papi said," I always send people to the airport." I said to him,"Pray,Papi,one day we'll send you to the airport.You'll travel around." He laughed.

I sent sms to Ronnie and said how sad I was. He encouraged me and said,"They'll be fine,hun."

Ronnie went home abt 12pm.I couldn't sleep and then cried. Suddenly,I'm homesick again.I cried more when I saw their pic right in front of my eyes. I put the pic next to the bed.Ronnie hugged me and said," Gosh.. You're missing them so bad,again."

I took almost 2 hours to sleep well last nite.

Am I suffering from INSOMNIA and ANXIETY ?? I dunno....


  1. aduuuh Mei..sedih deh dengernya...
    cepet sembuh ya doain.
    Kalo soal keluarga,didoain aja terus Mei..syapa tau dengan pindah ke Sby mereka bisa jadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya, ya kan?! who knows..

  2. haa? kok bisya mpo? Udah tenang2 aja elo disini jug akan keluarga pada baee semua. Gw doain elo cepet sembuh and gak sakit apa2... U gotta speak healing over your life Sis... that's how faith works. Speak it into existance...Keep you up in prayer!

  3. Thnks,Lin.Besok mo periksa PFT nih.Mudah2an gak apa2. Kangen nih sama mrk jadinya.

  4. Stress melanda,Mpok. Puji Tuhan masih sanggup menghadapinya.By my faith,I'm OK !!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Kalau kamu ke bagian Pulmonary, biasanya nanti kamu di test kapasitas paru-paru kamu Mei. Mereka ada mesinnya, dan biasanya kamu juga harus nahan napas segala macam. Jaga kesehatan ya Mpok!! Jangan ngoyo kerja, take it easy mppookk..tapi sakit-sakit masih sempat foto-foto segala nih...aduh maaf ya...aku ketawa..sorry Mei.

  6. cepet sembuh ya mei! wah udah keduluan the biologist mo nerangin ttg pulmonary :D

  7. kasian amat, say
    cepet sembuh iyah..??

  8. Besok mo ambil test PFT.Mudah2an gpp. Mo tidur dulu.Ronnie udh plg, jam 9.30pm tadi. Si Sera malah ketawa neh... ^____^

  9. aawww mei mei sakit :( istirahat ya say, jangan kerja dulu mungkin kecapean juga makanya jd gampang kena penyakit *big big hugs buat mei mei*

  10. Get well soon Eda Mei...I know that you miss your family a lot. Sometimes I felt the same too.Just keep praying that God always take care of them...

  11. Mei sayang.. udah donk ah.. jangan sedih2 gitu (ayo telp gw, biar kita ketawa2 lagi)... bykin istirahat & jangan diforsir ya... dikau kan bukan robot :-)

  12. Thnks,Na.Barusan dari rumkit tadi.Skrg lagi di office.

  13. Bisa sakit juga aye ternyata :( .Mei2 lagi kerja nih,Din. Mana hugsnya? gak terasa tuh

  14. Amien.Mudah2an semua sehat2 saja.Di sini yg homesick berat.

  15. Dohhh si Iin....... Telp donk ke sini... ^___^ .Elu mah ketawanya bikin geger,jadi takut dengernya.: P > Gak bisa istirahat,say.Kudu kerja hari ini.

  16. gimana kabarnya hari ini ci?
    udah mendingan belum?
    istirahat yg cukup ya ci... semoga cepet sembuh...

  17. Eda perlu istirahat yg banyak yah....say.....!!!!

  18. aduhhhh cintakuwwww...jangan sedih githu duong...lo kan ga sendiri...kita juga sama kok jauh dari keluarga hiks...udah2 ga usah sedih masak ajah masak...klo lagi sedih inget gw aja yachhhh...yg selalu menderita liat posting makanan2 di MP hukssssss....

  19. morning,Lu.Puji Tuhan udh baikan.Udh balik kerja lagi. :)

  20. Thnks,da.Ini lagi diusahain istirahat yg banyak.Sabtu kmrn tidur 12 jam!!! ^___^

  21. Mpok,udh gpp lagi kok.Tapi,ttp aja msh homesick nih.Bntr lagi mo mulai masak,soalnya msh utang orderan nih.Ah elu kan udh bisa masak,say.Paling nggak dpt titipan dari org lain :P

  22. ssssttttttt...jangan buka rahasia lo * code icon malu ga ada di kamus gw hari ini * wuakakaka....

  23. Udh rahasia umum,Mpok.Hahahahah *kabur ahhhhhh mo masak dulu,biar si Ria ngiler terussss *
