After shopping in CAM,
Mirna Brinkman n me drove to the bar.I called Ronnie and he wanted me to pick his food at Perkins,not far from bar.Mirna isn't familiar with the area,so when she asked me where the entrance , I showed her," This way,take a left side,turn and enter."
But....suddenly,we felt the car was really close to the ground and we heard something hit the ground.Awwwwww!!!!!!! Mirna said,"Mei,are you sure this is the entrance? It's way too low". Ups..... I thought it was,but it's not.It's dark and snowy,so we couldn't see well at that nite. But,Mirna kept driving carefully and guess what?? The entrance was still a couple feet in front of us. Hahahhahahahha. Duh.. dodol bener nih si Mei2.Sorry banget ya,Mir.
I entered Perkins and picked the food.The cashier said,"Maam,that's not the entrance. I was worried when I saw you drove in.Is your car ok?" Hehehhehehehe. How embarassed I am!!!!
I paid and then back to the car.I told Mirna,she laughed and said,"Ha??? so he saw us ??" Hahahhahahhaha. I bet,people in the Perkins and other drivers saw our silliness.
Anyway,we drove to Bar.Ronnie's there.Mirna went behind the bar.She's our bartender for one nite!!! She brought her own book.
Then,Ronnie taught her how to mix drink,meanwhile Mirna kept watching.While she's learning,one customer showed up. I said,"It's time,Mirna.Go ahead ^__^ ".
She's a lil shy,but we whispered to her," Come on,this is the perfect time.You can learn.Ask him what he wants."
Tadaaaaa... Mirna came forward and asked him.Jack and coke.She made it,baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then,she charged him a couple bucks.He gave Mirna tips. Olala!!!!!!!!!! 5 bucks!!!!!!!! That's her 1st tips!!!! Aduhh, Mirna.. how lucky you are,dear!!!!
Within a couple minutes,another customer came.She served him well. Good job!!! While the customers talking, we kept continuing how to mix drinks. Mixing,pouring and other techniques till we're done.
Ronnie saw us and said," Ok,now,let them try the drinks." He took the big cup and then poured to short glasses.I said,"Wait,hang on.. don't give them." Ronnie said," Why? Let them try,it's ok." Both me and Mirna said," NOOOOOOOOOOO ". He wondered why we didn't let him do that.Then, I said," It's plain water only, not liquors". Mirna strenghtened my explanation. Ronnie's face turned red,and said,"HAAAA??? Goodness!!!! I thought they're liquors". Hahahhahaha.The 2 guys were excited knowing they would have free drinks,but once they knew,they laughed out loudly. HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ....... HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ( Ampun dah,lucunya setengah mati,sampe ngakak mulu )
James came around 11.30pm.Mirna said she would make James’ drink. James must be proud his wife is a good bartender. Before,Mirna made me a drink , Midori with Sour n other stuff.Wuihh.. I like the whipped cream,the liquor is too strong.Hahahhahah ( dasar,gak bisa minum )
Around 12pm,Bedel CS arrived.They sang on the stage till we closed. Mirna and James left around 1am. Goshhh… It was fun!!!! Mirna, you are such a great bartender!!!! Pls do come next week ( ^_^ ) . Hey… Mirna made almost 15 bucks for her tips!!! Isn’t that great????????????
Thanks for coming, James n Mirna.Bener2 TOP dah semalam….. ^________^