Friday, December 16, 2005

Static!!!!!!!! How Annoying You Are!!!

 I'm Back .Geee....I have been feeling that I'm kinda lazy to write down in MP   anymore.Getting bored,Maybe??? Or, is that because of the weather,that makes me wanna DreamingandNap Turkey??....again,Maybe.


It's so annoying for a couple weeks. Static...static...static... is   everywhere!!!!!!! Mad .I got static everytime I touch Ronnie,even some stuffs.Turning on the light,static!!! Touch the sink, static!!!! Open the door,static!!!!!!!!! Open the gate,static!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Touch the stove,static!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo  Perturbed .How many times me and Ronnie got static when we   touch one each other   for the 1st time? I can't count itStatic Shock. Even when he wants to kiss me  Hug And Kiss ,   Alamak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZAAAP..Awwwwwwwwwwwwww ShockSTATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrr .We jump and stay away when it happens everytime.I must make sure if he or me want to touch one each other.Even when he asks me to fix his collar.Static again!!!!!!!!! Very Angry . Once, I was really mad, I hit the sink and said," You!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's enough to make me have heart attack like this!!! Stop it!!!!!!!!!!Phew

Ronnie laughs  when I got static.He said one day,"Baby,you're the one who has the power to do that.See the clothes you wear,it contains of staticness."Bugging Out. Duhh kalo gini, jadi pengen balik kampung aja ahhhhhhhhh.Hmm

This pic was taken accidentally a couple weeks ago.I wanted to move next to Ronnie,then suddenly we got shock,while I was holding a cam. It happened so fast,that I didn't realize it took the pic by itself!!!! OMG!!!

I checked Internet this morning, and I found the information abt

Static Electricity


  1. horeee ada pikir gw doang. ampe gw minta suami diplester itu gagang pintu lemari es ama faucet di sink...hihihi. emang tu statics ngeselin apalagi kalo kita lg buru2 yak..hihihi thanks for sharing ;P

  2. Ohhh bener sekali. Mencak2 gak karuan,kyk org gila..Apa kabar ngana,say?Ada bae2 kah?

  3. kita bae2 disini..lg kangen deng org2 di jkt..first x-mas without my family nehhh

  4. Wahh...ini kali pertama x-mas without fam kah? Kita so 2x nyanda kumpul deng keluarga.So kangen ini,sampe nangis2 .^___^.Ayo jo,dtg kemari.Torang rayakan Natal basama2. ^__^

  5. wah mo banget...huhuhu sayang kita jauh ya? :)

  6. naik krt api, or greyhound,plg cpt naik pesawat.

  7. hih aku juga sering kesetrum gitu deh mei


    terutama kalo buka pintu mobil dari luar hahaha

  8. yeeee tenang ajah gw temenin ngempi say...kita usah sedih gw ngerti banget, gw juga hujan air mata kalo mau lebaran tapi mo gimana lagi...ya udah say kan at least lo tahu lo ga sendirian...u still have other family and friends around u kok...>:D<

  9. Ayo,kalo begitu.Temenin nanti Natalan di sini ya,Ria.Hujan air mata gak 1 ember lagi, udh jadi 1 cangkir.

  10. Waaah ada yg ngomong2 pake bhs Mdo neh! *nyela* siapa gerangan yg manado? kalo Mei2 gak mungkin bataknya gak bisa dipungkiri! ^__^

  11. hehehe iya gw juga kesel banget kemana2 kesetrum mulu. Suka kaget sambil teriak2 gitu hehehe malu2inkan kadang kalo di mall pas buka pintu kesetrum suka diliatin org2... hahaha jadi jarang cipokan juga neh musim dingin, takut kesetrum juga jek!

  12. Itu,kyknya Mpok Deborah org Manado deh.Pernah bbrp kali PM an. Bener gak?? (Nunggu jawaban Mpok Deborah neh ). Kalo kita mah Bunglon,bow... Lompat sana sini. ^____^

  13. . Kalo kita neh, biar static, cipokan lanjut terusssssss.Caranya :

    1.Tempelin jari ke bibir Ronnie,jadi kalo static yg kena tangan, gak gitu marah. Tapi, Ronnie yg jadi korban, bibirnya kesetrum mulu

    2.Sodorin kepala or jidat,jadi Ronnie kesetrum lagi,kitanya anteng,gak terlalu.

  14. *manggut-manggut ngelus jenggot*...
    Belajar ilmu baru neh dari empu gendrang...Ntar ngambil pulpen ama notebook dulu! Tapi itu kok 1 mulu.. mana 2-nya mpu??

  15. bagus hujan air mata masih bisa dirasain :D nah kalo hujan air liur kaya gw gara2 resep masakan lo kan lebih tragis wakakaka...

  16. ya elah!!!!!!!! Kok jadi dodol gini ya ?? Nanti ekke perbaiki.Tadi di MP nya Zus Inne salah icon, maksud hati mo ksh icon nyontek,malah terkrm icon Emak n baby ( bekas icon utk si Mira,dia kan baru ngelahirin baby girl ).

  17. kalo gitu gmn,Ria?? Mau gak ?? hahahhahahhaha

  18. wakakakkkk gw baru ngalamin kira2 seminggu yg lalu crtnya mau nyentuh jaket si PB halamakkkkk .... sampe bingung gw tanya knp nehhh soalnya pas di Indo kagak pernah begini

  19. Tambah lagi korban. Ntar rasain ,Vi, kalo pegang sesuatu pengantar panas,bisa keluar tuh percikan electric kecil2 gitu.

  20. gw juga paling sebel mei yang namanya static ini...apalagi kalu buka pintu mobil, terpaksa gw harus sentuh dulu secara lembut sebelum gw kena, udah gitu kalau jalan ama hubby coatnya dia selalu shock me like a crazy, shopping cart juga ini dia yang paling bikin gw bete..

  21. bakalan ngalamin gini,da,selama winter.Selamat ber-shock-ria deh. Si Ria nya mana ya???? *nunggu2 si Ria balas mosting * hehehehhehe
