Friday, December 2, 2005

Launching The Aeroplane...Alamak!! Cam was Dead!!!

Ronnie & I went to fly his aeroplane this evening. We went to NCH school,but the wind blew so fast.Then,we moved to CH Elementary school.It's a nice spot. I brought my banana chips.

I took some pics, but when Ronnie started to fly his plane,the cam was deadDuhI forgot to bring some batteries!!! Ughhhhh I was soooooo mad at myself!!!!

Ronnie said it's fine. So, we went to the centre of the field,and flew it. Hooray!!!!!!!!!RC Plane

Sometimes it fell down,but Ronnie made it fly again.He said the body was a lil bit heavy,that's why it kept falling down. I suggested him to hold the plane in the air while he started turning it on. So, I held it above my head and pushed forward a lil.He said," One...two...three!! " Wushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it flew!!!!!!!!! But...oo....... it flew and turned around and faced us! Awwwww... I ran, it almost hit my face!Laughing 1 Ronnie laughed. We tried it again. He asked me not to put it above my head,but a lil bit lower. Ok.... we tried it again. Flew.....flew....flew.... Brakkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! It hit the ground !!! Oo... it's broken.Rolling Eyes

Ronnie said," It's fine,baby. It's broken, can't fly anymore.It happens.Let's go home.It's really cold, I can't stand. Next time we'll do it again."

So,we put the stuffs in the car. OMG!! It's really coldCold BreathToo Cold My gloves couldn't make me feel warm. I put my hand behind Ronnie's neck. He Screaming ,he said " Babyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! It's really cold!!! "Smile

We went home, I cooked broiled Salmon Fish, Ronnie had Fricker's.

Someday,we'll fly the plane again,and I won't forget to prepare the batteries.Goofy


  1. Walamaaak...maenan Ronnie nggak kalah ame maenannya Benji...hihihiii.. Jangan mo kalah MeiMei....keluarin elo punya becak remote control.

  2. lupa bawa becak Siantar kmrn gak muat di koper sih

  3. haha, jelas aja low bat. kebanyakan dipake foto diri sendiri mulu, gitu.

  4. adowwww tauuuuuuuuuuuuu saja, Ren... Btw,apa kabar neh?? Knp headshotnya ?? Kok blank gitu?

  5. hehehe :p. btw, headshot aku blank ?! masa ? wadowww.. gak beres neh ! tengkiu tengkiu lo ya, dikasih tau. hiks.

  6. ohhh mainan ... aku kira terbang beneran :D

  7. iya,blank gitu.Skrg juga. Kirain elu sengaja,Ren.. Hahahahaha.Headshot gaya baru kaleeee

  8. Mainan,Cie. Udh lama Ronnie gak terbangin pesawatnya. Bejibun koleksi pesawatnya di project room.

  9. alowww....baru plg nih, seharian dari siang sampe tengah malam ini ( jam 12am ) baru plg.

    Makan kripik pisang ( besok2 mo beli lagi ) ^________^

  10. bukan layangan,Clod. Pake remote ini.Pesawatnya rakit sendiri.

  11. iya,luas sekali.Tapi angin kencang, jadinya pindah deh.Btw,gmn kandungannya?? Sehat2 toh??
