Thank God, I'm doing much better now.It's been a few days I didn't feel good. Friday nite, suddenly I felt my whole back hurted. I thought I sat too much and drank less water. I walked to bedroom, laid down and aawwwwwwwwww............I couldn't move!!!!!!!!! It hurted soo bad.Everytime I moved, I felt the contractions.The pain was worse and worse.It moves to my left waist.
Ronnie woke up in the middle of the nite and asked me what happened.I told him what I felt.He decided to take me to a hospital. But, I said " No..wait till couple days.I'll be fine ".
Saturday morning, I felt the pain. I couldn't walk!!!!.I must bow down and walked like an old lady with back hurts.Ronnie couldn't wait and he kept asking me. I still said " No ".
At noon, he asked me to go out for he couldn't see me just only sit down spending time at home.We went to Mc.D...aww...didn't taste good.He just ate a lil salad,and left it.
I called Dave ,said I wanted to visit the kids. But,when we're in Mac.D, I felt the pain.Still,couldn't walk. Ronnie called Dave and said " We can't go there.Mei's in pain again. Sorry."
We went home,and Ronnie sent me to bed. He wanted me to have bedrest for whole nite.I wasn't allow to go out from bed. I still felt the pain, abt 12 pm,he went over Dave's to get some medicines.When he was going there, I went downstairs ( bah..harus itu! =)) .I checked my website and emails.Then,he came back home abt 1.30 pm. He's surprised seeing me sitting in front of the compt ( ketauan dehhh )
He gave me the pills.I had half piece.Then,we spent time till 5 am in the basement!!.He uploaded the video of mine. Goshh.... we didn't realize what time it was,till Ronnie said, " Baby...I'm ready to bed ".
I walked back to the bedroom , aghhh hurts....Sunday morning, I called a friend in church.We couldn't go to church,since I was still in pain.
Sunday noon, Ronnie helped Mom do the concrete.He asked me to lay down in the living room,turning on tv or reading.He didn't want me to walk here and there.He led me and made me sit.Aghhhh........... I was embarassed.He said," What can I do for you,baby ? Tell me,I'll do that. Do you need something ? "
. Sooooooooo sweet
I said, " I want you, baby!!! ".He laughed and
my forehead. Wuihhhh I flew to the 7th sky !!!
He said," Now,sit down,pls. I'll bring some pills and water.Don't walk anywhere,pls."
I replied,"Otherwise,I'll be locked in the bedroom."
He said," Yes!!!! "
Ufhhh....Why did I say that ? He's so enthusiatic said " yes". Ugghhhh estupido Mei2 ...
He laughed. He covered me with a blanket,pushed the couch so I could lay down and turned on the tv. I looked at him from the window.When I saw him was busy helping Mom,I walked down to the basement.Spending time a few minutes, I went back to the couch.If he had caught me.....I would have been sent to bed.
But, when I came back to the basement, I heard his foot steps. Awww....he's upstairs!!!! Quickly I went back upstairs, ooo.......... I saw him standing in front of the door.He said," Haaaaa..............somebody's cheating with me...Somebody's sneaking down to the basement.She didn't listen to me.I'll send her back to the bed ."
Still hurts.. pain, indeed. But once I spend time in the basement,working on the website,the pain ceases away.
On Monday, we went over Dave's.We stopped in a store,Ronnie bought 2 cans of coke.I teased on him by pointing something," Baby, doughnuts? " he said, " no ". Again," Baby,chocolate? chips?ice cream? ".He laughed and said," No, baby.... what's going on with you? You look so happy tonite."
Then,I saw some funny cards under the table near the cashier.I said," Baby,this one?".The cashier said," How many? "
I said," I am teasing on hubby." But,alas,Ronnie said," Give one to her,pls." I asked what it was. He said,' Scratch off ". Hmm....
She gave me the scratch off card,and I scratched it by coin. Hey!!!! I won 1 buck!!!!.I was attempted and said," Gimme me one more,pls."
.I scratched again, agghhh...I lost ".
Again,and again, I scrathed another ones. I got 1 buck, 1 buck, and 5 bucks!!!!!!!!. Ronnie laughed and he put his hands on his face and said," Gosh, Baby!!! You'll stay here all nite long? We gotta go over Dave's.It's getting late."
. I got 5 bucks cash and we left.
What an experience!! Ronnie told me I was lucky. Since from 5 cards I got, 1 was the unlucky number. Hm..... I was lucky!!!
We visited Dave , Joyce and the kids. Ronnie took me to his basement and watched my video.Dave laughed ( Bradley was there ,too) embarrasing. I talked to Joyce and we watched tv.
We left their home abt 12pm.We're so very tired .
Today..... I am much more feeling better!!!!!!!! Thank GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Sukur..Mei, kalo udah felling better!!!
ReplyDeleteudah istirahat deh...jangan kelamaan di meja kompie..sampai totally ok pinggangnya!!!
thnks a lot, Zus. Kita mo mandi jo,nanti keburu paitua plg =)). Bentar lagi mo pergi. GBU!!!
ReplyDeleteLaki lu baek amat, Mei...! Bah...harus itu !! Pantesan si Mei2 muanja abisss.....Kapan2 gua harus ngajak Mei2 beli lotere neh...abis lucky seh!
ReplyDeleteol bentar ah..Mumpung hubby blm plg.Mey,iya..Ronnie baik banget. Ho mia bener gua. =)). Makanya manja2an sama Ronnie,habis2an ,bowww!!!! Ho mia.. ho mia.. ho mia...^___^
ReplyDeleteAyo, kapan lu mo beli lotre,bawa Mei2 dah.. dijamin ho mia juga... :kakakaka:
itu dia tuh.. kelamaan di depan kompi tuh... hihihihi.. *sama kaya gue*
ReplyDeletegood deh say, udah sembuh.. :)
sssst, Ola... hehehehe..ketauan tuh.... Addicted nih,jadi susah.Sehari gak nyentuh compt,rasanya gimanaaa gitu.Milih duduk depan compt daripada daripada... ^_-^
ReplyDeleteayo mei mei ya, sakit pinggang masih tetep didepan komputer. kalo udah duduk, lupa deh sakitnya hehehe.
ReplyDeleteronny baek banget ya, kok rasanya gak pernah marah walau mei2 dableg hehehe
Lielie ::wave:: gak marah Ronnienya,cuma ngomel. Hahahhahaha... Yup, kena compt,penyakit ilang . Selesai main compt,sakit lagi nehh... berarti....obatnya compt donk ya ???
ReplyDeleteLOL !!!!!!
hahaha virus MP sedang merajalela rupanya ya...
ReplyDeletebenar sekali hipotesa ngana :hehe.
ReplyDeleteMo makang dulu jo,br plg dari Downtown ^___^
udah sembuh mei?
ReplyDeletehi, Jen..Puji Tuhan, udh jauh lbh baikan dari kmrn. Barusan selesai buat video nih,tapi ternyata jatahnya udh abis.Harus nunggu bln dpn nihh. Hehhehehe
ReplyDeletesyukur udah baikan.
ReplyDeletesoal video jatahnya udah abis maksute apaan sih mei?
kita kan dpt jatah utk upload video itu sktr 75 MB. Udh kepake semua,biar kata kita delete,dianggap udh dipake jatahnya.Terpaksa nunggu bln dpn deh. Duhh gak sabaran.
ReplyDeleteHi Mei, sorry to hear you sick, But I am glad you feel better ;-) sakit2 masih aja nongkrong di compi, addicted ya say hihihi
ReplyDeleteiya....lbh milih duduk dpn compt daripada nemenin Ronnie nonton TV.. *___*
ReplyDeleteSkrg jinglenya gini," I love you, compt !!!! " . **