Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ronnie Belajar Bhs Indo ^_^


Today, I made crispy tapioca...Enak,boww...Crispy cripsy.I left my frying,the 3rd frying was burnt out.  Cover Up     

  It's still raining till today. Brrrrr Freezing Cold .Wearing thick clothes,shoes still makes me cold.I   am turning on the heater in the basement rite now. Warm By The Fire .Payah......

Ronnie keeps turning on the fan ( sometimes AC is on,too) at nite.Wahh...I got stomachacheVery Constipated in the mornings and even during the days.


He called me this noon.He'd be home soon.Then,I took a shower. Mom came home and she   made Burger 2 and French Fries 2.

  We watched news abt Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Ohhh....Noooooo ...I couldn't watch it. My heart cries  Crying 1. I told Ronnie I couldn't watch it,and turned my back Walking Home Crying.What a very sad situations I saw in the tv,thousand people're dead in New Orleans,and hundreds are dead in Missisippi.  God...please take care of the rest praying

An hour ago, Ronnie thanked me for what I've been doing to him so far. On The Cheek I said, " repay me then ". Goofy .He said," What do you want ? " Waiting 

I replied,"   I've Got It  Learn some more Indonesian! "

He said, " I have learnt some couple days ago."

Btw,these days,I've been teaching him some words, nite,before we sleep.

Here are some :

Couple In Bed

Ronnie : After reading the daily reading and pray,I wanna sleep,Baby.

Me : No..let's talk some more

Ronnie : Ha? I am tired.

Me :Capek = Tired

Ronnie : Capek...

Me : Bagus..

Ronnie : Bagus??

  Me : Iya... Good

  Ronnie : Ohh ok..How come you are so beautiful?What do you say in Indonesian ?

Me : Cantik ya ....Kok cantik?

Ronnie : Cantik ya.... kok cantik ?

Me : Blushy 2

Me : Capek,Babe ?

Ronnie : Iya....  Sudah ya......

Me : Shocked  Laughing 2 

Me : Mau bobo,Babe ?

   Ronnie :   Bobo... I wanna bobo you

Me : Apa ??? Mau bobo? Sleep?

Ronnie : Mau main  Bounce

Me :Alamak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Faint




Me : I love you,Babe

Ronnie : Ronnie cinta Mei - Mei   
Me : How much ?

Ronnie : Cinta

Me : Smile .Banyak?

Ronnie : Banyak ?

Me : Iya...Much

Ronnie : Iya .Thnk babe...On The Cheek

Me : Makasih.. or terima kasih

Ronnie :  Makasih...terima kasih... Good nite sih.....

Me : ROTFL (  I couldn't stop laughing...pinched him.. )


Ok, Lemme back to the last conversation..

  I said to him, " Belajar lagi,baby."

He said," What? Blow job? "

 Me," Faint "

He ran upstairs before I Spank him


  1. itu bedua mukanya mirip waktu difoto, oii mei bagi dong keripiknya masa sebakul dimaem ndiri? :))

    lucu ronnie belajar indo, hehehe terus mei terus...biar banyak guyonnya :))
    jadi gurunya ronnie ente rupanya musti sabarrrr...hehehe muridnya nakal :)

  2. yeeeeee yg lagi dieeet makannya keripik!!! :-))

  3. Huahahahahaha..... mirip ya wajahnya?? Jodoh siihhh

    Paling Ok diajarin kalo mo tidur, masuk terus ke otaknya.

    Ronnie ogah makan kripiknya,malah dikasih sama Lucky..huhhhh
    Udh abis sebakul,Jen.Gak terasa

  4. Lah,Mpok Claudia..nanyanya ...jadi
    Ini nih artinya

  5. Lancar amat sih MeiMei...Kemaren di library gua sampe kuatir...Lo baek2 ajah ??

  6. lagi pengen...

    Tadi barusan dari Kroger,isi bensin sekalian beli kelapa dan donat..Eh.lagi enak2 makan,tiba2 Ronnie ngagetin," Babe!!!! Makan lagi ?? Kripik udh amblas,eh malah nambah donat lagi ?? " Kaget setengah mati.. Mana donatnya dinikmati lagi.. Urung deh dimakan semuanya ( untung sukses makan setengah lingkarang ).hahahahah. Besok lagi ahhhh

  7. Duhhh tiap hari ,bbrp kali nih ,Mak Benji..... bisa2nya selang 5 mnt, lari lagi ke Bilik Termenung. ^_^

    Nahh... ini udh mo mulai lagi nehh....Boker dulu ahhh... udh tengah malam juga.. Mo bobo.... GBU!!! nite!!

  8. hahha.. geblek! btw, mei.. gue suka foto loe no 3. kalian ber2 bagus disini. so sweet!

  9. oalah..pake pilih2 no ne?

    Paitua lagi baik di sini.Biasanya dia ogah,soalnya udh kebanyakan katanya.

    Tengkiu ne.....

  10. bener Mei, asyik deh lihat foto2nya Mei2 & Ronny....abis mesranya....ngga kuaaat=) Mei posting lagi dong foto2 yg mesraaa ;p ini malah ngelunjak ya.

  11. huahahahahahha....duhh permintaan pasar nihh yeeeee..Baiklah...segera dilaksanakan,bu!!! ^_^
