Wahhhh... one more day!!!!!!! Tonite I gotta pack all the stuffs for the vacations.
Yesterday I and Mom went out to store again.
.This time we bought swimmer shoes for Mom and Ronnie.His gym shoes, socks , jeans ect. Wahhh.....Ronnie had me buy another panties
....for me....Indeed,everytime I go shopping, I always buy some ( Dahh...I remember when I was in Indo, everytime I got my salary, the 1st things I bought must be bras and panties,besides the detergents ).
.So, eventually,I have lots of collections of bras and panties.But,Ronnie wants me to see in bikinis..Alamakkkkkkkkkk
.Okie dokie...so, I bought a pack of panties yesterday,with the special brand ..
We're late to buy Mom a digi cam. The store was closed when we went to Walmart.So, Mom would go this evening there. We've been to Sears before,but they don't have any stocks left.
There's a funny story when we went shopping. Mom and I went to AAA,to pick some brochures abt South Carolina. As we arrived, I opened the door and walked to the door.Suddenly,there's a bird ( a pigeon ),came from the left side. And.... plakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .I was surprised and saw the bird , it hit the window !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodness!!!!!! It was hard,and I saw it fell back a couple inches behind....I saw the floor was wet......
It hit the glass wall again .Bet he thought he saw another bird,indeed it's his shadow.I tried to touch it,but Mom said, " Mei... stay away.He is dizzy, I guess.Since the heat is so strong,makes him tired." Dahhh... one thing I said to myself, ' Ihhh... why I didn't bring my cam? ". The bird was panicked,he ran here and there. Some people gathered and looked at it.
We kept walking to the AAA.But,it's closed at 6 pm.Meanwhile we're there abt 7 pm.Oh well....
We turned back to JC Penney.There we bought some stuffs. We continued driving to Walmart.Wish this would be the last day for shopping.Though we have one more nite,tonite,to go out shopping*mau.com*
But, I do need to pack the clothes tonite. Ronnie would has his own suitcase. Mine, I'll bring the biggest suitcase.Cos women always have more needs than guys do.
Ok.......gotta go...gotta go...gotta go gotta go rite now!!!!
alo mei, salam kenal ya, aku di NC.
ReplyDeletebtw, jadi inget iklan pembersih windows di tv, yang pigeonya babak belur karena sering nabrak jendela hehehe
met jalan2 dipantai ya
halo, Lielie..Salam kenal juga..Wah sayang banget kita gak ke NC..Tapi dkt dari SC toh? Minta no telp,nanti kita telp dari SC. Ntar malam kita mo jalan,9pm.... Suka nonton iklan itu rupanya ya? :hehe....
ReplyDeleteiya deket ama SC, sebelahan, kotaku ke myrtle beach 6 jam nyetir, jauh juga yak hehe. kamu ke sc nyetir? berapa jam tuh sampe sana?
ReplyDeleteno telpnya aku pv ya. aku belon pernah ke myrtle, hubby gak suka, katanya terlalu rame, bukan liat pantai malah liat orang, ya model2 kayak kuta gitu, terlalu komersial.
hehe, demen liat tv, habis itu yang dikerjakan sehari2 dirumah hehehe.
jangan2 tuh toko pake windex juga ya hahaha.
no telpnya aku pv ya, aku lebih prefer day time ya. kalo gak sempet gpp kok.
kita udh dpt no telpnya. Nanti ditelp ya..skrg gak sempat.. Hubby udh gak sabaran mo balik ke pantai lagi nih... hehehhehee