Papi!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. Happy Birthday to you 5x you!!!!!!!!!
.Love you soooooo muchhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.. Glad to hear your strong voice last nite !!!!!!!!!!
Makin sehat aja toh??? Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!! Be strong in God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Udh dpt berkat toh dari kita ??? Moga2 senang.Don't forget to send some pics to us with the celebration.Can't wait to hear the celebration you held yesterday.
Mami,thnks foralways being there for Papi.You are the best Mom!!!
Love you all...I do I do I do!!!
. One love for each.
happy b'day utk Papinya CC Mei2...all the best ok..:)
ReplyDeleteFelicia :)
thnks,feli...seneng banget kemaren ngeliat si papi sehat,ketawa2 di cam..Duhh jadi pengen cpt2 pulang nehh...xie xie feli....GBU!!
ReplyDeletehappy b'day oom.. umur panjang yah.. sehat2.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and ur whole family :)
thnks ya Ola....gak sabar neh mo telp si papi lagi =)) . May God bless you,too.