Saturday Nite,we're invited to attend a barbeque party in Mirna & James' house in Loveland. At noon, Ronnie sent me to Intl Store to buy some stuffs.Wahhh I bought Cassava,Fish,Chili ( finally I got my red long chili...)
Ronnie waited for me in the car. I was so very
Mom helped me boil some potatoes and eggs. Jenny,an online buddy from MN sent me Tempe.I didn't see the box ( usually the postman put in a chair on the front porch ). I peeped from the door and I didn't see it.So, I used my tempe I bought from Kroger. I .Then, I went back to the front porch,checked the mail. Heyyy!!!! I had a small package!!!!!!
I opened it,that's from Jenny!!! Thnks a lot ya, Jen
.I kept it in the fridge.
I checked the time...Wahh... I just had a lil time!!! Mom asked me to get ready,meanwhile Ronnie had been ready . I took a shower and .... checked the address
. I got the direction.We left at 5.45 pm.
Goshhh...we're in Mason Rd, and didn't know where to go after that. I tried to call them,but my balance was low. We kept driving far far away from the direction,and stopped, called them by public phone.I left the message and asked them to call us back. They called us and asked,"Mei...where' are you ,guys ? "
I said, " We're lost ! " . James talked to Ron,and gave the direction. Finally we arrived. Ohh thnk God!!!!
We met many people there. Marco,Sandra,Diah,Sammy,Eko & Even ; Ling-Ling &Michael; Michael and his wife,and another Michael ..Wahh.. Many Michaels.,and Verner,Ferdo,(goshh I forget the other girl's name ), Rosanna ,Keith and their daughter,Nicole,and one neighbour of James & Mirna.
Rame,bowww....The menu was great.We had Sate sapi ( Beef kebab), Sate Ayam ( chicken kebab ), fried rice stick noddles, Gado2 ( Indonesian Salad ),ect. Kenyang dehhhhh
We left their home abt 10 pm. Ufhh....soooooo great!!!!!! We did enjoy it. I did enjoy since I chatted with Marco ( a latino guy ).We chatted in Spanish and English . Gosshhh.....I thought I couldn't speak Spanish anymore .I gotta learn again and make me speak fluently as I used to .
wah Mei asik banget nih acara makan2nya....dalam rangka apa? Eh gw ternyata kenal sama si Mirna juga, sama2 alumni di SMA dulu sih...dunia ternyata kecil ya...Mei titip salam deh kalo ketemu Mirna lagi ya.
ReplyDeleteKita ngumpul2 doank,krn ada bbrp org Indo yg tinggal di seputaran sini,makanya Mirna ngajak gabung.
ReplyDeleteWahhh masak sih kenal??? Ternyata..ternyata...dunia tak selebar daun kelor!!! ^_^. Nanti dikasih tau ke Mirna .Dia pasti udh baca ini.
burgernya rek... ckckck gak jadi diet ya Mei???? kikik
ReplyDeleteWah, MeiMei pinter, bisa basa Spanish...
ReplyDeletehehehe... guede ya?Tapi kmrn emang kelaparan. Masih diet kok,Claudia.Udh jalan 2 minggu.Puji Tuhan....udh mulai keliatan hasilnya ^_^
ReplyDeleteMak Benji,lagi diasah balik nih bahasanya. Biar gak lupa.Sayang kalo ilang,krn itu salah satu bhs yg plg menarik. ^_^
ReplyDeleteSetuju! Blajar dimane dulu...?
ReplyDeletebelajar sendiri,bu.Trus,praktek sama tamu2 dulu... begitu
ReplyDeleteLho emang tamunya ngomong bahasa Spanish, MeiMei...Kirain orang Amrik ame orang Indo?? Rame ya pestanya...Assiik.Kalo mo minta tambah burgernya tapi nggak pake acar, nggak pake mustard, en mayonya dikit aja, lettucenya banyakan, terus belah tiga sama besar .... gimana dong ngomongnya pake bahasa Spanish..?
ReplyDeletehahaha Mei iseng abizzzzzzzzz...
ReplyDeleteini nih Mak Benji :
ReplyDeleteQuiero mas los chivitos, no quiero mustard, un poquito mayonesa, mas las lechugas,y dividir por 3, las mismo dimensiones....
Mama de Benji es inquieto ^_^
seruuu pestanya, itu dipiring ada anggur juga ya? enakk..
ReplyDeletewah gue pengen nih belajar spanish, ajarin ya guru ^^
iya,anggurnya manis2 lagi... Jadi pengen makan lagi neh.. Mirna,tengkiu,ne.. ^ _^
ReplyDeleteOhh..tu quieres hablar español? Vale...puedes...puedes... ^_^ No la problema. Me mucho gusta enseñare.
Lha kan pesennya nggak pake acar...hue..he..he. Aniwe, pinter kamu Mei..Gua beli buku ame kaset pelajaran bahasa Perancis dari jaman dulu nggak pernah gua pake. Belon sempet2 aja.
ReplyDeleteMak Benji, los chivitos =a lot/ more burger
ReplyDeletegak tau acar bhs inggris,makanya gak ditulis di spanish.Hehehhe
Eh,bljr bhsnya Marie Antoinette juga ? Wahh pengen nih..Dulu cuma belajar dikittttttttttt doank. Lbh jauh menggoda Spanish daripada French.Malah Italiano lbh gampang daripada French.
Butet. Menyesatkan. Ternyata tidak ada acar ! Gua nih punya pack basa Prancis, pack basa Canton ( gara2 dulu tinggal di HKG), pack basa Jepang ( ini lumayan bisa dikit) , basa Mandarin etc ....yang nggak punya ya cuma WAKTU. Cita2 setinggi langit pengen belajar ini itu.Kenyataanya repot ame anak dua biji sampe puyeng. MeiMei belon punya ekor, belajar nah sebanyak mungkin. Itu basa Spanish udah bagus, Mei.
ReplyDeleteWah,kita nggak nolak nih Mak Benji,kalo bukunya dilempar ke sini .hahahahha..
ReplyDeleteIya,mumpung blm punya ekor,makanya dipuas2in belajar.Skrg sih masih punya " Giant Baby ".heheheh . Ini dulu deh dicayang...cayang.. Nanti keluar yg aslinya nyusul, yg Jr. ^-^