Sunday, January 7, 2007

Levi in Action ( Chef from Kabuto Resto )

Levi( Indonesian ), one of the chefs at Kabuto once again cooked for our meals yesterday ( Sat evening ). It's packed. I reserved 5 mnts before we left. We had to wait till 45 mnts to have our table.

We had fun.Ronnie didn't let me take pics. Huh.. But,I did bring our DVD Player.We watched Star Wars while waiting for the table ready.

Before we left, I gave Decky a container of Sambal Goreng Ati.

I had Seafood Special ( Lobster,Scallops,Shrimp ),meanwhile Ronnie had Steak. I had a big meal. I couldn't eat them all,I brought some home.

Around 11.30pm I drove to Kabuto and tried to pick them to visit our bar,but alas....they've gone home. :P

Endang called me and said they're tired. Well...maybe next time.

Above all,the food is good!!!!!!!!!


  1. sembari makan sembari dientertain, wah..

  2. Mei, ternyata banyak orang Indo yang jadi Tepanyaki Chef, dari west to east.

  3. Levi plg bisa bikin org ketawa.Kmrn itu Mom sampe kaget2 ngeliat atraksi dia.

  4. Banyak,Mi.Di Kabuto ada 5.Di Soho ada 2.Apalagi di KY,rameeeeeee.Temen2 yg datang wkt Christmas Eve kmrn itu,ada sktr 15 org. 8 dari Dayton, sktr 7 dari KY.Blm lagi dari Cincinnati.

  5. wah itu kayak di resto jepang disini juga my.. tukang masaknya pake atraksi2.. btw itu yang mao jadi koki disana di training dolo kali yah.. hihihi..

  6. Wi,ini Levi lulusan skul pariwisata,sama kyk Mylo,cuma beda jurusan.Udh pengalaman bertahun2 doi,jadi lincah banget.

  7. oh kalo skul pariwisata diajarin gitu2an yah.. seru juga dunk..
