Friday, January 26, 2007

Jan 22nd : Karaoke / Thick Snow/Shovelling

Duh... since last Sunday,the snow keeps coming!! Tues nite,while we're enjoying the karaoke,suddenly I saw snow fell down. Thickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

I went out to the parking lot n shovelled around. Mom n Ronnie's car were covered by thick snow ( around 2 - 3 inches ).

The crowds left the bar around 2.30 am and saw the snow.Ally said," I hate snowwwwwwww". ha ha ha.


  1. ini boil mei kah.duh kena salju gini gimana tuh mei

  2. Biasa.. Curtis n Mike lagi gokil. Udh tau dingin,malah gak pake jacket. Dia malah dempet ke Curtis,fotoan. ha ha ha.

  3. Iya nih.Tebellllllll. Repot bener bersihin mobilnya. Mana tebel lagi saljunya kmrn itu.

  4. Bangetttttttttt.. Untung pake ear muff. Kalo gak... telinga dipotong juga gak terasa. ha ha ha.

  5. wooo wooo .. berapa lam tuh ngilangin nya .. brbrbrbr

  6. wah ini es batu bentuk mobil,........Brapa harganya????... lam knal ya mei dari juragan pempek..

  7. Suami malah blg mirip tempat tidur. Ha ha ha. Kalo boleh,diambil semua aja,Mohd.Gratisssssssssssss.Salam kenal juga dari kami. ^___^
