Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kurusan Gak Ya ???? ^__^

I don't know when the last time I checked my weight was.It's been longggggggggg time ( I think last year ).

Lately,I worked hard.Eventhough I didn't go to work daily ( I used to go to the bar every morning around 11am - 3am the next day ), still I do the same amount of work.

Within a week, I just go to work 2-3 days ( Wed - Fri ).Sat noon,me and Ronnie start working from 2pm buy stuff for the bar and stay at the bar till  3-4am.

Lots of work,that's for sure.Especially when it comes to mop the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee floors!!!!!! GOD BLESS US!!!.That's a heavy exercise.

Sometimes I feel bad.We just go home to sleep only.We have less time to chit chat with Mom.When weekend comes, we still sleep till noon.When we wake up,we get ready to work.Sunday comes,we go to church,and take a nap for a couple hours then ready to work again.

A couple weeks ago,Mom said to me that I looked like lost some weights.Huh..really ?? I didn't know.I know that I eat a lot!!!.I cooked Indonesian food a lot,I eat like crazy.I didn't pay any attention abt my weights.Ronnie kept telling me to reduce my portion.


Mom said " It's because the work you do at the bar,Mei - Mei.You mop,you bartend,you do this and that.That's good for you."

Guess what? 2 weeks ago,I couldn't take out my ring.It's so very tight that hurted my finger so bad.Ronnie took 10 mnts to make it out,but he couldn't. I pushed and pulled it hard till hurted my skin.It's swollen for a couple days

Ronnie asked me not to wear any rings anymore.He wants me to resize the rings. Oh well..Rite now I use none on my fingers.

Yesterday,I asked Ronnie to take my pic. Hmm....I was kinda surprise. I think I loose some weight..What do you think ?




  1. Iya ya?Ronnie nyuruh kurangin 20 lbs.Gelooooo.Mana sanggupppppppppp.

  2. Gila aja.. 20lbs lagi disuruh dikurangin ama Ronnie ? welleehhh.. mau jadi tengkorak hidup say ? hihihih. udahlah segitu aja, yg penting sehat lo-nya

  3. Hey, 20 lbs sih banyak tuh! Emang mau dijadikan bintang film ya? Suit2! Mei, photonya kurang jelas tuh. Before and after picture dong yg ditaruh. Ada nggak?

  4. Emang before berat badan berapa?? Dan sekarang berapa?? (Pertanyaan kurang ajar neh hii..hii..)

  5. Jadi ingat masa2 SMA dulu,kurusssssssss.Fotonya kyknya masih ada.Bsk2 discan deh..

  6. Kebanyakan ya 20 lbs.Ha ha ha.Gak sanggupppppppp.Dulu2 sih iya, sktr 45-49 kgs.Nyampe sini sktr 50 an lbh,pernah malah mencapai 64 kgs.Chubbyyyyyyyyyy.Ntar foto before n afternya dipasang.

  7. Berangkat dari Indo 58-59 kg, 2 thn di sini sktr 60an lbh. 137 lbs = ...kgs?? Coba itung deh. ha ha ha.

  8. yoi jek..udh keliatan kok...ngepel aja yg banyak say...kekekeke...congrats, dear :))

  9. kayaknya iye Mei kurusan...kl mo lebih cepet kurus, boleh sekalian ngepel rumah gw hahahaha

  10. mmmmmmm...(sambil merem ngebayangin)...yakk...udah tahu kurang lebih sama tuh scale kayak berat badanku :))

  11. iya...kurus...
    mama bian sekarang udah 61 kg...naek 3 kg selama di siantar
    abis makannnn mlulu...pangsit, sangsang, panggang, ikan mas, sepanjang jalan bandung dijalanin smua...
    gemana bisa langsing lagi tuh mama bian....

  12. Makin langsing and tambah cakep deh mey...

  13. Eda juga,tuh.Kurusan.Ke mana aja,lama gak nongol.

  14. Ngana malah berisi,Mon. ^__^. Jadi pengen.Rahasianya apa sih ? :D.

  15. Bahhh sembarang ya. ha ha ha. Ngepel kyk Inul.. Ntar bbrp bulan lagi bisa beneran kurang 20 lbs kali ya. Ha ha ha.

  16. Kerja keras bagai kuda. Ha ha ha. Hasilnya lumayan, ngurusin badan hemat biaya.

  17. Terakhir ketemu kapan ya, Ko ? Badan msh bongsor gitu.Jadi ingat,rebahan di rumput, gatal2 badan jadinya. ha ha ha. Ngepel ke rmh elu, berani byr berapa? Naik pesawat ya ke Colombus,siapin tiket. :P

  18. Dpt 1 pic, ampunn kurus ah.. Gak ada isi gitu,jadi malu. ha ha ha.Bsk Mei2 coba scan di kantor ya.

  19. Kurusan ya,Mi ?Jadi semangat 45 nih ngurusin bbrp kg lagi. :D

  20. Bian udh plg ya ?? Singgah ke rmh Oppung BDB,gak. makan pangsit??? Aduh enaknya yg plg kampung. Mama Bian 61??Wahh itu BB Mei2 thn lalu tuh, 61-64. ha ha ha

  21. Eda Ave, ke mana aja ? Met Tahun Baru ya. Tuhan berkati.Gmn cuaca di Aussie,da?

  22. 1 lb hampir 1/2 kg,da. Jadi 2 lbs kurang lbh 1 kg.Reseh di sini pake lb2 segala.

  23. montok ah... semok gitu... seksi montok... :hehe

  24. Mei...aku mah tetap beredar di MP...slamat tahun baru juga ya say...hope it is prosperous for you and your family.
    Melbourne skarang lagi panas buanget...nggak apa lah..soalnya 2 hari lagi mau mudik...mau titip salam sama danau toba nggak say...??? :)
    Eda kapan mudik...???

  25. Dodol lu ya, Coverage. ELu juga tuh :P . ha ha ha

  26. Wahhh yg mo plg kampung!!! Da,mampir ke rmh Mami ntar ya.Mei2 ksh alamat n no telp.Ntar makan mie pangsit ^___^

  27. ga pa pa yang penting seksi euy... :hehehehehe

  28. Suit...suittttttttttttt.. serasa... Ha ha ha

  29. about the finger size, i think you should cut down the salt intake , and your ring will be good to go. kalo resize nantinya copot kalo kegedean,

  30. kalo ngurusin badan di US kayaknya susah dech say.. aku aja setahun naik 12 kg!! makanan2nya boo.... alamaakkk...

  31. Bener,Mbak.Susah banget ngurusin BB skrg di sini.Secara Mei2 hampir tiap hari masak ala Indo. Ini lidah msh lidah kampung,gak demen makanan ala Amrik. Ha ha ha. Makanannya yg berlemak2 semua.Typical Indonesian food. ^__________^. Kmrn baru timbang badan, 140 lbs. Weks.......... sktr 63 kg. Hi hi hi
