Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Jan 8th - Cake Decorating Class

Yay!!!!!! After having quick dinner,I drove to library.Ronnie asked what time I would be at the bar.I said," around 7.30-8pm."

After giving his a kiss,I left.
Wuihhhh... It's 6.30pm,I saw many ladies were in the class.Weks....I should have come earlier then.Indeed the class starts at 6.30pm,but seems they always start it earlier.Takut keabisan stock kali ya ? he he he.

I saw Sybelle.She's so excited to see me again.The last time I met her,when she came to attend our bdays party at the bar. I sat next to her.

Well... the lady taught us how to make star,shell n rose shapes. Goodness!!! I saw all the ladies were excited to see the shapes. I can tell they've never decorated cakes before. Ha ha ha. Jadi serasa ngeliat beginner aja.

The lady had us to practise before we decorated the cakes n cookies,

She gave us a trick how to smooth the icing. Take a plain tissue and rub around.It'll make the surface so smooth and ready to be decorated!!! What a surprise!!!!

I just only decorated 3 pieces.We played with the shapes and voila!!!!!!!

I brought the cookies to the bar.My customers eat them. ha ha ha.


  1. asik ntar kalo dah lulus bisa ajarain kite donk Mei hehehehe

  2. Sipppppppp.Mei2 naksir icingnya,cie.Gak lengket di tangan.Gampang didaur ulang. Cuma kejauhan harus jemput ke Newport,KY.Dia gak mau ngirim,takut gak bagus hasilnya.

    Tinggal cari wkt luang aja ini belajar2 lagi.He he he.Kalo perlu, muka org mo diicing juga gpp dah. ha ha ha

  3. Mei, katanya kaki sakit, waktu belajar decorating kue gimana berdirinya?, bagus2 decorationnya, SALUT ♥ ♥ ♥

  4. Boleh dong cakenya kalau sudah mahir, ya.

  5. Kita duduk,Mi.Yg ngajarin yg berdiri.Gak cukup wkt kmrn dekorasi cakenya.Cuma diajarin 3 model doank.

  6. udah jago masak jadi tambah pinter nge decor kue ...klop deh Mei

  7. Ha ha ha ha.Nimba ilmu ,Ren, biar bisa cari income sampingan. :D
