After having dinner @ Soho,we were invited to have lunch at Marce’s house.She had called me a couple days ago.According to her,Dece would pick me ( since I didn’t have any guts to drive far to Kettering,OH ).
Cie Ira told me last nite that she’d pick us.This morning she called me and asked for direction to home.I suggested her to pick me at the bar.Later around 2 pm,she called me,she couldn’t go since Gillian is sick.
So,the plan changed.I waited till Dece called me.Ronnie suggested me to drive to Kettering.Oh noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I was afraid ,still.
Ronnie convinced me and said that I could do it.Dece was in JJ,waiting. Atik was at Tri County Mall. So.. I was stucked!!!!!!!!!
After discussing with Ronnie,he offered to guide me to Fairfield,meeting Dece.He drove Mom’s car and I followed him behind. He filled some gas for my car and I said to him,” I am afraid.I can’t do this.Let’s turn back and go home. “ L
Ronnie laughed,he said,” Baby, have faith.I wouldn’t ask you if you couldn’t do this. Cos I believe you can do this,I do support you. I know you really want to go.” Aghhhh… I prayed while driving the car.
We left around 4.30pm.I picked Dece around 5pm, then picked Atik.Dece helped me with the directions.
Marce called me. I said,” I am on my way. I didn’t wanna go , Marce.You make me go this time. I am scared to death!!! No more invitation,pls.” Ha ha ha ha. She laughed out loudly there. I said,” I bring 2 kids here. We’ll be there,soon. Just pray for me.” Ha ha ha ha..
Dece kept guiding me. Heyyy!!!!!!!! We made it!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived around 5.45 pm.
Dece and Atik were happy.They said,”See, Mei2?? You can do that!!!!!!! “. I said,” Yes, this is the 1st and the last time.” Ha ha ha.
When we arrived, some people were still there. Jessy n her fam, Ria,Devi, and the kids, plus Kak Irma. Wow!!!!!!!!!
Ria said,” Hey, we were about packing the food.” Welehhh.. Untung blm telat. :D
We ate.Atik was the 1st one who took the plate. Ha ha ha. Keliatan laparnya. :P
I took some pics before they left. Hm..the last time I met them maybe around May. Wuihh.. almost a year!!!!!!
They left,but we still stayed there.After having dinner,we felt asleep. Nah looooooooo!!!!!!!!
I laid down on the couch and everyone yawned. Wuihhhhhhhhh. I played a DVD “ Hamlet “,but we didn’t watch it completely.
I said to Marce,” Mar,we have to go. I gotta take the kids back home.” Ha ha ha ha.
We left at 8pm. It’s dark,but I am so glad that I have friends on the road.
We dropped Atik again at Tri County Mall and then dropped Dece to Fairfield.She gave me directions to go back to the bar. Wuih… I was nervous. Thank God I made it!!!!!!!
I arrived at the bar around 10pm.Ronnie was excited. ^___________^. He said,” I knew you could make it, baby!!!!!!!! “
I intended to have a nap, but then again, I washed some glasses at the back bar. Ronnie asked me to go home and take a rest.
Well… I thought that’s a good idea. I was getting ready when he asked me to buy some coke at the store.I bought some and asked Ronnie to get them from the car. Later, I went to ATM and went home.
Really tireddddddddd. But,I am so proud,I made it!!! This is the 1st and the longest trip I’ve ever made. Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Siapa sangka?? Ha ha ha ha.
The beginner, have big guts to drive out of town. Ha ha ha ha.
Thnks,ladies.I had fun tonite!!!
See ya next time??? ( me as the passenger, of course ). ^__________^