Monday, December 4, 2006

Surprises From Mom!!!!

It was a week ago,when I asked Mom to give me a ride to the bar.Mom dropped me and she went to Kroger.About 30 mnts later,she came back.

We went to a store to send a fax.Mom said," Mei, I stay here.Ok ?" Hmm....strange..Mom always goes with me,but this time she wanted to stay in the car.

I crossed the street and spent less than 5 mnts.When I came back,I opened the door and saw a bouquet of roses and a card. Ha??????? I was quite for a while and said," I didn't see these before." Mom said,' Happy belated anniversary.I am sorry for not buying you a present on your anniversary."

Aghhh!!!!! I realized Mom bought them for us. ^_____________^

I was soooo excited. I kept holding and smelling the roses.No wonder Mom didn't go to the store with me. Ternyata.... surprise!!!!

We went home and I moved my roses to a vase.I said to Mom," Mom,I'll wait till Ronnie comes home and open the card."

Well..Ronnie forgot that nite.

Early in the morning before,I saw a box on the steps.Mom said," Mei2, this is a jewelry box.I think you might like it." She opened the box.I said," Thank you so much."

I thought I'd take it upstairs later. I left it till nite.Till we went home from work. The next day, when I woke up, I was curious to see the box.

I opened it. Hey.. there's a layer there. I took it out. OMG!!!!! I saw a beautiful necklace and 2 pairs of earrings. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was sooooo sooooo sooooo excited.Mom does know I love jewelry. I went downstairs and said," Mom!!! Thank you sooo much.I was excited.I didn't expect there's something inside of the jewelry box.Thank youuuuuuu."

Mom smiled.She said," I think you like them.They're Nanny's.I wanted you to have them."

Wow!! I was speechless.

Thank you so much,Mom. I appriciated them.

When Ronnie went home, I had him open the card .

What a beautiful anniversary presents I have!!!!

God Bless you,Mom. Love ya!!!!


  1. How lucky you are to be loved by your mum so much! Congratulations! Happy belated anniversary!

  2. I am so blessed. Thank you so much,Mbak Theresa.GOd bless!!!

  3. Makasih,da.Kaget campur senang,nambah perhiasan lagi. ^__^ .

  4. Bunga ros merah , pencuri hatiku hehehe

  5. Happy anniversary Ronnie & Mei ..God Bless your marriage

  6. pake dong say..trs difoto yakk....pasti tmbh menambah aura kecantikkan mu and jewelnya sendirii

  7. Sapa juga yg ga doyan perhiasan say.. namanya juga perempuan :-)

  8. Mei, ikutan senang, Mertua sayang sama my funny girl....... ayo! sayang-sayang-sayang ...mertua..... ♥

  9. Maybe Christmas ^___^ . Kalung dari Chiko disimpan,takut rusak. ^___^.Kata Mom, perhiasan yg bagus2,disimpan baik2.Jgn sampe rusak.Sayang. Iya deh,Mom...^___^.Punya Eda kmrn,gmn ?Dipake gak,hadiah ultah ?

  10. Mak Ruth demen juga kan ya ? He he he.Gmn nyetirnya,Mak?Udh bisa gak jalan ke sini? :P

  11. Disayang mertua.. he he he.Ekke juga sayang mertua,bow. ^___^

  12. wah...mertua butet baik kaleeee.... wah happy belated anniversary ya Mei2 dan Ronny... God bless your marriage forever and ever, Amen.

  13. waw....bagus Mei, you are lucky bgt..)):-

  14. Mertua baik.Mau aja ngantarin ke sana ke mari,beliin ini itu.He he he. Gmn,udh dpt blm cardnya ?

  15. Thnks,Yan.Blm ketemu wkt yg pas utk pakenya. I am so blessed.^___^
