Thursday, December 14, 2006

One Day Driving

Yuhuuu.This morning Mom let me drive her car to work.I was so excited.I went to the library picked my books first,but it's still closed.Then I drove to the bar.

I promised Mom to go home at 12.30pm,but I couldn't make it.I had lots of things to do at the office,paid the bills,do the quicken,check the delivery ect.

I called Mom and said I'd be home a lil bit late.

I decided to go to the library again .Since I can drive now,I can borrow as many books and DVDs I wanna. He he he he.

I don't need Ronnie or Mom give me a ride anymore to the library.I can drive by myself!! ^_____^

I have lots of books and DVDs tonite. Thank God tonite is our off nite.I wanna watch movie with Ronnie at home.Wanna spend time together,maybe sleep earlier!!!

Having late lunch,had Corned Beef,reading the book....aghhh feel soooo gooooooddddd.

Hasilnya ? Ngantuk!!!!


  1. Ntar kalo udah 1 bln, bisa donk nyetir ke Indiana ? hihihihih

  2. congrats mei & hati2, jgn ngebut ye ^_^

  3. Ciyeeeeee, sleep earlier nih yeeeeee... Ngintip ah bentar malem...

  4. Makannya manual oiiii... hihihihi lebih enak ya Mpo dari pada pake sendok garpu berasa besi hihihihih

  5. Nah kan makan lagi makan lagi. Kapan kurusnya Mei,he..he..he. Canda ya..

  6. Seem like you love baking book, ah ha me too:)

  7. Endang...Ronnie terkapar dari jam 8 pm sampe jam 7.30am . Hampir 12 jam tidurnya. Jarang2 dia bisa tidur lama begitu.

  8. Iya nih. Belakangan makan suka pake tangan *kembali ke kebiasan lama *.Biar juga ngumpul bertiga dinner di meja makan,ttp aja pake tangan. Gak mau pake garpu lagi. Hi hi hi.

  9. Kurusnya nanti aja,kak. Lagi enak2nya makan ini. He he he

  10. hi,Dwi.Iya, suka masak memasak. Dulu2 sih gak bisa ^___^
