Monday, December 11, 2006

Busy ....Busy....Busy....Busy Month

Updated news... cieeeeeeeeeeeee...


A day before Anniversary

We've been working harder lately.I myself since a day before our anniversary,stayed up late  updating my MP till 11.30am!!!!!!!!!! That's the longest time I've ever done.Ronnie called me on Monday morning.

"Baby,where are you??"

"In the basement.Chatting with Joe."

"Did you come home last nite?"

"Yes.I did."
"Where were you?I didn't find you on bed.I was shocked this morning I saw you're not by my side."

" He he he.Sorry..I came home from bar around 2.30am and stay up late till this morning.I am coming soon to bed."

" Ok,hun. I love you."

Still, I continued chatting with my bro. I heard someone's feet steps upstairs.When I went upstairs,I saw Ronnie's ready to go to work. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT TIME IS IT????? It's 7.30am!!!!!!!!!!

Ronnie said," See ya,baby. Go to bed. You look tired." He kissed my forehead.

Later,I went downstairs and updated my MP. My body shook.I couldn't stand anymore.Around 11.30am I went to bed till 5pm. Collapseeeeeeeeeeeeee. he he he he.

Friday Nite, Dec 1st

Busy nite,crowded bar. We went home around 4am.No IHOP this time.

Saturday, Dec 2nd - Bday Party

Before we opened the bar,I cleaned up all the bar from 5.30pm - 9.30 pm. Back hurts soooo soooo soooo bad. I bartended at the back bar.It's Nicky's cousin's birthday.Thank God I got some tips.


Sunday,Dec 3rd - Church

Both of us were sleepy.I've never been sleepy like that before in the church.I bet I snored when I held my head over Ronnie's head.Both of us were deadly tired and exhaused n sleepy.

Luckily I still could see and walk well.But,as soon as we arrived at home, I couldn' t walk well anymore.I walked like a drunk girl.Whole body hurted,pain,sore,ect. I slept like a baby till evening.

Tuesday - Cooking Atik's Food Order

Atik called me,she ordered some food.

Thursday - OFF NITE

Staying at home all nite long.Waiting for Ronnie to go shopping for his needs,but he stayed at the bar,playing game.
 Gak rejekinya. he he he he.



Again,Friday is the busiest nite.I don't like Friday.We're busted.Ronnie asked me to open the back bar cos Kae n Jaime couldn't handle many customers at the front bar.Again, NO IHOP



Woke up at 2 pm, went shopping with Ronnie bought his jeans.I got a coupon 10 bucks off from JC Penney.I was wrong,it wasn't valid till Sunday. Ughhhh. I had to pay full price then. I asked Ronnie to look for a pair of shoes.He seemed wasn't interested in .He wanted to go home .Dasar laki2!! He said he didn't like shopping. Ughhhhh.Seems I have to make him go to Walmart or somewhere else next time.

Jaime threw her bday party at the bar. A day before,she made Jelly Shot.I had one on Sat,goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it burnt my throat n heart.It's tooo strong. NO MORE

Me and Kae bartended.We haa a good nite.Both of us made good tips.

This time we went to IHOP. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went home at 5 am.Ronnie went back to the bar till 7.30am.Both of us overslept and forgot to go to church. We slept till  6pm!!! Goshhhhhhhh THE LONGEST SLEPT WE'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!!!!! .


Went to the bar at 7.30pm.Chuck was there already. I forgot that the Karaoke was started earlier.We had a deal to make it from 7 -  11pm. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........

Everybody had good time. By the time karaoke was over,it's too early.I made another deal to make it started from 8.30-12.30am this time.

Ronnie went home earlier.Kae was asked to take me home.She had some friends came last nite.Plus,Will brought his friends and he enjoyed being a DJ.

We closed the bar at 2.30am. Again, I went to the basement till 4am.

Woke up in the morning, I saw Ronnie kissed my forehead and said," I love you,baby.Thank you."



  1. Aaaaaah... you so sweet darling...*winks*...
    - inasanari

  2. si eda tiada hari tanpa sibukkkkk......
    di sini juga lagi sibuk2 minghias rumah utk Natal.

  3. mei, gue jg ada kupon $10 dari jc penney, belum di gunain. lumayan dah.

  4. gileee...gue jadi elo udah kekelepekan kali....hehhehehe.... enjoy life ya Mei....

  5. Tuh badan kamu terbuat dari apa? Jangan terlalu diporsi dong say. Ingat kamu juga perlu nyantai:)

  6. Di rumah aja bawaan boring,da.Kita blm sempat hias2 phn Natal.Biasanya nanti Mom yg seksi sibuk.Mei2 sama Ronnie kebagian pasang phn natal.ha ha ha ha.

  7. Mo beli apa pake kupon itu,Jen?Mei2 ada kupon skrg malah bingung mo beli apa.Ronnie gak terlalu suka sepatu2 di JC Penney.

  8. Elu kan ada 2 toddlers,Ne,jadi ada hiburan.Ekke mana ada.Hiburan cuma tv doank di rmh.Nonton LMN sambil masak,badan bau masakan .Ha ha ha ha ha

  9. Udh kebal,kak.Dulu awal2 mula badan rontok,gak kuat.Sampe mo pingsan rasanya.Skrg udh terbiasa,tapi ttp aja kaki sakit,badan sakit.Tapi tidak seberat dulu kerjaannya.Udh ada bbrp staff yg bantu2.

  10. Mei sibuk kali kau, ati2 jaga kesehatan ya.

  11. Ini juga masih sibuk,Mpok.Lagi masak di atas.Bntr lagi kelar. Kalo udh gitu,udh bisa tenang duduk nonton tv makan kerupuk n tiduran.Dinginnnnnnnnn

  12. sibukkkkkkk muluuuuuuuuu lo tuh ya...

  13. Endang.Kalo gak sibuk,bukan Mei2 namanya. HUAHAHAHAHAHA. Btw, elu kok gak pernah lagi nongol di YM,Mpok?? Run away from me ?? :P

  14. run awayyyyyyyyy...wuakakaka...auk kenapa say klo gw buka YM comp gw nge hang...jadi males...udah lo ke MSN aja...

  15. Ogah ke MSN.Ada acc sih,tapi malas banget ke sana.YM elu jangan2 dibajak lagi sama org ? :P
