Oh My!!!! Speechless... I made it today!!!
Yes, today I had my driving test. I wasn't so sure cos I was afraid I would fail again.But,Ronnie convinced me last nite and said," Baby, I believe you can make it this time."
Today, I went to the bar.Mom just dropped me.I called my sisters and bro, chit chat for a while and then waited till my instructor came to pick me.
He taught me to do the manueverability for 30 mnts,and then drove to the BMV.
Nervous ??? Yes,but not very.I saw 3 officers there.I wish I had a skinny officer,cos he's nice.But,when a fat officer called me, I said to myself,' Oh no...not him again. "
Well, willy nilly I had to deal with it.He asked me to start the car.Soon he walked into the car and asked me to do the manueverability to the right side.
I prayed and said,'God,help me this time.Make it work." Hooray!!!! I made it!!!!
Then he asked me to drive backward and drive to the road. Wow!!! I got confused for a while,then my mind said," Mei2, you're having the next test now.Good luck!!!"
I drove around the blocks and then he said,"Park your car either to the right or the left side.You passed your test.Congratulations."
I turned off the car,but I couldn't pull it off. I said to the officer, " Can you help me,pls ?"
. He tried to pull it,but he couldn't.He gave up. Well.. I tried it again, it worked!!!
Bikin malu aja ini kunci mobil.
Dave,my instructor came out from the BMV and smiled.He said,' Congratulations!!! You made it!!!"
So, I went to the next office, applied for the driving license.I pulled out my SSN. My bad... She saw it and said" Do you have your INS files?" I got confused why she asked it.I said,' Not with me rite now." I gave her my SSN.She said," This is for work.We need your files from INS." Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I forgot to show her my GC.They even didn't let me know what files I need to bring.
I said,' I am married legally here." A girl said,"We need a letter from your husband's work telling about you." Ihhh reseh.
I went home and felt upset.Mom was in the kitchen with Uncle Chris.I went downstairs and called Iin.She gave me information ( thank you ya,In ). I called Michelle,my customer who used to work at BMV. She said I just need to bring my ssn,id and GC.
There's something's wrong with my SSN.It's written valid for work only.Huh.. I have to have a new one soon.
Michelle suggested me to apply the license to another branch.I decided to go to Mt.Airy,the one I usually go to have my tempt and renewal.
Hooray!!!!! I didn't have much problem.I showed a girl my SSN,GC and tempt license.Within one minute, I got a new driving license.
I can drive by myself now,baby!!!
Ronnie was excited knowing abt it. Ufhhhh..finally...it's over!!!
I will not bother anyone to give me a ride anymore.I can go home by myself from work,so Ronnie can go home earlier and have more sleep nightly.
Atik called me.She'd like to pick up her food. I forgot to cook her Sambal Ati.I gave her lumpia to fry ( I didn't have much time to fry for her ) and then some kerupuk.
I am a happy camper rite now. Ronnie just called and said," Hey,baby. I want you to come to the bar now,use Mom's car.' Bahhhh tidak lah yaoooo.
Waiting for Ronnie rite now to go to the bar. We have live band tonite.
I am soooo glad.Life is easier for me now since I can drive. I can go anywhere,shopping to Thrift Store or Malls.
Thank you,Lord.
grats Eda.................gitu dong........bisa gak yah nyetir kesinih ? hehehehe
ReplyDeletecongrats Mei...wah bisa main ke AL dong ....hehehee
ReplyDeletecongrats mei, akhirnya lulus juga..sekarang enak kemana-mana nyetir, udah mandiri nih, aku ntar nyusul ya :D
ReplyDeleteHihihih.. once again, congratz ya bu.. sorry sms-nya baru dibaca barusan, abis dicharge soalnya..
ReplyDeletehihihihi CONGRATS ya Mei...
ReplyDeleteSekarang bisa jemputin gw dunk.. hihihihi
selamat kak Mey..akhirnya...dapat juga....enjoy dech nyetirnya....
ReplyDeleteselamat yah Mey.. i know how it feels like abis failed bbrp kali trus akhirnya dpt.. yaaaayyyyyy !!! drive safely yah.. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel gooddddddddddddd terererereretttttttttttttttttttt...He he he he. Thank you all. Udh gampang banget skrg ke mana2.Ronnie bakalan perbaiki Hondanya,jadi masing2 bisa ke mana2. Ntar Mei2 nyetir tutup mata keliling States ya. ha ha ha ha.At least tadi malam ini berangkat ke bar disuruh Ronnie nyetir.
ReplyDeleteCongratulation, Mei. Good job! anterin gw donk hehehe
ReplyDeleteCongratulation tante Mei... well done ... =))
ReplyDeleteAKHIRNYA!!! Hehehe...congrats ya Mei...asik dah bisa kelayapan sendiri...awas Ronnie ngambek abis lo shopping terus hehehe
ReplyDeleteIkut senanggggggg, wah bisa nyetir ke colorado dong Mei, nemuin gue )):-
ReplyDeleteCongratulation Mey, I am so happy for you , what kind of INS paper work that they want ?
ReplyDelete@Anna,Fany,Chiko & Yanti
ReplyDeletePengen nyetir pulang kampung,nyampe gak ya ? ^________________^
Malam ini udh excited banget bakalan nyetir plg ke rmh.Gak taunya Ronnie blg Mei2 disuruh numpang plg sama Jaime. Bahhhhhh!!!!!!!!
@ Mariska,
Ah,mrk mah maunya paper dari INS, ini itu lah kyk visa,bla bla bla.Nyebelin.Untung tadi diksh GC langsung OK.
congratz dear...maybe one day ya can give me a spin to show off ya driving skill :-)
ReplyDeleteAww.... need to practise more and more. He he he.
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATION !!!!!!! memang disini ajinamotonya GC.... hayo cepetan datang kesini nanti di service abis dah!!!!! wakakakaka ♥
ReplyDeleteLah,Mi?Bukannya mo jemput ke sini? he he he he. Mi,jgn lupa titipan ya,kalo sempat aja.Muachhhhh
ReplyDeleteSelamat yah jueng... Doain aku cepet nyusul dunk hiks hiks hiks *nyengir kepengen*
Congrat ya mei, finally u got ur lisence :) btw...shopping udah gak perlu dianter2 Ronnie lagi :) enjoy ur drive on the road. GBU
ReplyDeleteAyo... kapan nih ? Ntar kita keliling2 tour ke Europe. Ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteHari ini udh nyetir,pake mobil Mom ke kantor.Plus tadi ke perpus,pinjam buku2 n cd.Lempang banget rasanya. Yay!!!!!!!!!! Kapan main ke sini? Udh bisa dibawa jalan2. He he he.GBU!!!!
ReplyDeleteiya mei mau sih main ke OHIO, tapi karna si mami ada disini dan kegiatan banyak banget anter mami dan tante sana-sini. Ditambah lagi mom mo balik ke indo dec 28 nanti mau gak mau dia lagi demen belanja2 buat oleh2 cucu2, kakak2 di jakarta. Kapan waktu berhapar bisa main ke tempat mei2..mungkin tahun depan :))
ReplyDeleteWOW congrats Mei!!! Emang berhubungan sama DMV perlu kesabaran yang luar biasa hehehhee. Glad you made it though.. sekarang udah bisa drive ke CA dong ;)
ReplyDeleteSelamattttttttttt...nambah lagi dah supir taxi wuakakaka...
ReplyDeleteselamat ya Mei.
ReplyDeleteWah,gak terasa ya,Mami udh mo plg.Salam deh.
ReplyDeleteDitow dulu mobilnya sampe ke CA ya,Ndang. He he he
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Finally u did it!!!! I knew u would. So now I need to watch for the white escort with an Asian girl behind the wheel and.... smile and wave lol
ReplyDeletesembarangan ya :P
ReplyDeleteJalan2 yuk.. ^_^
ReplyDeleteselamt ya meiii..
ReplyDeletehiyaaa...keknya gampang banget ya road test nya di US...disini padahal gue dah nglakuin apa aja yg di surh...bener semua...mask gara2 lupa pake rem tangan wkt parkir gue diblang violation, trus...nyitir nya agak slow di contruction eeh...gue di bling slowing down the trafic...padahal klo ada contruction kan emang hrs slowdown...nasib..nasib....guru yg ngajar gue aja bingung...wakakaka
He he he he he.Where've you been,Donna??? I can drive now.Let's go hang out someday on weekend.We'll leave Ronnie alone at home. Ha ha ha ha.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha.Mei2 aja kmrn nyetirnya rada lambat.Makanya dia ksh nilai minus catatan : drive too fast/slow/jerky.Yg pasti jerky juga!!! Berhentinya tiba2 gitu,badan si officer sampe ke dpn tiap kali mobil berhenti.ha ha ha ha ha. Kalo parkirnya sih mulusssssss gak berhenti. Sekali putar,langsung pas di dpn garisnya. Coba lagi,Lis.Pasti bisa!!!
ReplyDeleteya ampunnn...klo loe test disini bisa frustasi banget loe mei....kesalahan gue itu di buat2 ama si tkg test...sentmen ma gue kali ya...buseet...gue dah driving ma mike, mertua, ma partner nya mertua, ma guru kursus driving....semua blg driving skill gue tuh dah bagus, cuma ya itu suka lupa pake rem tangan klo parkir atopun klo inget...lupa di lepasin waktu ninggalin parkir heheheh
ReplyDeleteselamat ya bou Mei...
ReplyDeletehebat....bian seneng!!
ya...kalo gitu,coba driving sama officernya kalo belajar,pasti lulus . Ha ha ha ha.Disogok pake kerupuk udang :P
ReplyDeleteAduh,Bian... Ayo main ke sini,nang.Diajak jalan2 nanti sama bou n kela.^_____^. Asyik ya,Bian plg kampung.Singgah ke tmpt Oppung BDB ya nanti,makan pangsit.:P
ReplyDeletewill u drive? :)