Arrival. Steve's n Matt's family.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Dec 29th -Martell Promo Nite
Dec 27th :Dinner@Kabuto Again
Duhhhhhh....Ronnie said that I was cranky. I guessed I was.
I've been at the bar since noon till evening ( 11.30am-7pm ).Cleaning the bar, did the paperworks,inventories,appointments ect.
He came to the bar and picked me.I was killing my time by watching Indian movie "Faana".Ronnie watched the special features for awhile.
Ronnie said,'Baby, I think you're cranky.Let's go to Kabuto." I said," Nooo..We've been there on Christmas,Monday.Now,it's just only 2 days,you wanna take me there again?" He said," Yes.Let's go."
Aghhhhhhhhhhh.I didn't wanna.But Ronnie kep asking me to go there.Thursday was our off nite. Willy nilly,I followed him.
On the way,I said to Ronnie," Baby,you're taking me to Kabuto so I can meet my friends,chit chat with them and forget abt my crankiness,rite?" He said," That's my intention.You need to take a break,baby.I know you love meeting your friends.So,let me do that." He he he he.
There,Kabuto was really crowded.Endang was there.He came to me and said,"Mei,I am serving the Major of Cincinnati rite now.He's sitting over there.' Wuih...Bet he had lots of tips. ^___^
After waiting abt 15 mnts,we were taken to the Habatchi table.This time was another cook.
He entertained us.He threw a piece of veggie to another couple.Ronnie was given one, but it hit Ronnie's nose. Ha ha ha ha.
As usual,I teased Dicky,Levy,Endang n Dani.Levi was cooking for another group.When he's done,he said," Arigato ...." I replied,'Ajinomotooooooo" . He he he he.
Before leaving, I asked them to come to the bar tonite for New Year's Eve.
Ronnie said,"See???? You have fun, now.I am glad to see you smile again."
Then we went home.Took a shower and left for Walmart at 12pm.We bought some Exchange gift for Saturday.
Went home abt 1.30am.Tireddddddd
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Faana ( Destroyed in Love ) 2006
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
The movie has Kajol playing a beautiful blind Kashmiri girl named Zooni Ali Beg. Zooni wants to discover and experience life without letting her handicap become a hurdle. She leaves her home to experience her own life out in the world. There is where she meets Rehan played by Aamir Khan. Rehan is a local tour guide with a inclination for poetry who believes to live life to the fullest. Rehan is absolutely obsessed by Zooni and takes her places in Delhi. Zooni enjoys every minute of her life but she doesn’t know what lies ahead as Rehan has not shown her the dark phases of his life.
Fanaa promos seem to suggest that the Aamir-Kajol paring too is likely to fire up the box office.
It's an awesome movie!!! Gosh!!! I cried when I watched it.hiks...hiks...hiks....
Even Ronnie got stuck watching some scenes in the office.He he he.
Dec 26th :After Christmas
We had another blast party at the bar on Tuesday,after Christmas.
Before,we spent time bowling and had dinner @Kabuto on Christmas,and continued going to the bar.Ronnie played music.I was the only one spectator who watched him.We closed the bar, so just only me and Ronnie were in the bar. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Tuesday nite,I brought some Christmas cookies ( 3 plates ).They're gone so fast.My customers loved them.
I was bartending,as usual.We had regular customers and new faces.Even Robert showed up and brought some friends.
I was really busy handling the customers (we're so crowded).I had Ronnie help me wash the glasses. Gosh!!!!!!!
We closed the bar around 3.30am.We left home around 4.30am.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Xmas Eve : Dancing All Nite Long
Dec 25th :[Christmas] Bowling & Dinner@ Kabuto
Ronnie got bored today.He drove around and called me around 4.30pm.He asked me to tell Mom to get ready.He wanted us to meet him at the Bowling Aisle at 5pm.
We got ready and arrived there around 5.30pm. Ronnie's been there,waiting for us.
We played bowling.
Goshhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Mom's sooooo good in this game.She beat us twice!!!!!! Amazing!!! Ronnie encourages her to attend the Senior League. ha ha ha.
After playing 2 rounds,Ronnie asked me to call Kabuto,The Japanese Resto.I thought Endang work today,but he had off day.
I reserved for the table.There,I met 4 new friends. Dicky,Dani,Levi n Roni ( Indonesians ). We chit chat,made jokes.
Dicky said,' Are you Mei - Mei?" Wahhhhhhhhhh. He knows my name!!!!!!!!! hi hi hi hi. I said," Yes, I am." He said," Endang told abt you.." No wonder.
Dani,came closer to our table. I said,' Sini donk..." He spoke English.He said," I am Japanese." Gaya lu,Dan. Dicky said,"He's indonesian." Then I said,' Gua gampar lu ya,Dan.Ngaku2 Jepang." ha ha ha ha. He laughed.
I teased them.I said," Ok.. be quite.Otherwise they'll kick me out of here." ha ha ha. Mom laughed.Ronnie said,' Mei's talking gibberish." hi hi hi hi.
Levi,the chef, made an attraction.Mom's so excited.She's never been to Kabuto before.We are glad she had good time. We had good time.The food was a lot, we couldn't eat them.We took some for home.
Ashamed, I was out of my batteres.I asked Dani for some.He said he didn't have any. I said," Then,go to a store, catch a KOPAJA bus." ha ha ha
Dani said," Crazy....crazy....crazy..." I said,' Yes, Dani is crazy." ha ha ha ha ha.
I just could take a few pics at the resto.
Before leaving,I left my add n phone number. We invite them to come and hang out with us anytime.
Nice meeting you,guys!!!!!
Dec 24th :(Indonesians ) Xmas Eve Party@Club Evolution
Yuhuuuuuuuu.. We made it!!!!!!!! We made it!!!!!!!!!!!
We had Indonesian Xmas Eve Party last nite at the bar.
Fary called me a week ago.He said he'd like to come to spend Xmas Eve with us at the bar.He asked me to cook Ayam Rica-Rica. Ha ha ha.
I decided to cook more as we came back from church on Sunday noon.I started cooking at 2.30pm.Ayam Rica - Rica,Lumpia,Cap Chai,Sate,Kerupuk Udang n Nasi Putih.
Mom made nick nack. I brought some cookies,too.
Ronnie called me around 8.30pm and said I had some friends already there. I saw Budi,Rudi & Anto from Lexington,Ky. They helped me arranging the food.
Anto grabbed the plates.I teased him and said,"Duh...Anto.... he grabs the plates first.He seems so hungry,wanna eat 1st." ha ha ha ha.
Forgive me, but last nite,I always teased Anto.He's such a cutie boy. ha ha ha.
Atik n Jeff arrived.Later,around 10pm Ira n Fary came.Mande came earlier.They sang some songs.
Around 1pm, Ito Sahat,Nuri and other new friends ( Budi,Adi,Pia,Shinta,Aming ) arrived.They danced all nite long ,others played pool.
Mande picked Endang from Kabuto and brought him to the bar.They stayed for awhile.
Budi had fun.He had a girlfriend last nite.They danced.Budi separated himself from us. Hi hi hi. Pumpkin,the karaoke lady likes Anto. ha ha ha.
Anto instead, grabbed Mom to dance with him. Hi hi hi.
When I sang a song, I told Anto," Anto... what are you doing to my Mom? Do not touch her.I'll punch you if something's broken." ha ha ha.
Atik sang 2 songs.She sounds good!!!!!!!!!! She sang Celine Dion's and Mariah Carey's songs.
Rudi had fun.He's looking for a girl.He ended up dancing with a blonde girl. Ha ha ha.
Budi said they'd leave soon.But,then again, he ended up dancing with his "girl".Rudi took a chance to drink and dance. Ha ha ha. Soooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!
All nite long,we couldn't stop laughing one each other. It's soooooooooooooo great!!!!!!!!!!
Fary danced with Mom. Rudi danced with Mom. Ha ha ha ha. Ronnie even danced with Mom!!!
When Ito Sahat arrived around 1pm, we took bunch of pics again.
Adi,he danced on the stage. I said to the others," I am afraid.Adi danced like he got big voltages." ha ha ha.
We took a break and sat down at the back bar.The bar was closed at 2.30am,but we still stayed.Some of them played pool,watched tv and listened to music.
Around 3pm,they left.
Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! It was a blast!!!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed it.I've never had a wonderful Christmas Eve like this before.
Thank you for coming, guys. We'll see you on New Year's Eve!!!!
Merry Christmas n Happy New Year 2007!!!
God bless!!!!!!!!
PS : Anto, thank you so much for the pics!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
The Ries' Christmas Party
Start: | Dec 30, '06 3:00p |
Location: | at home |
Christmas Cookies
Beh...beh...beh...This year,I bake cookies wayyyyyy too late.I should've done it weeks earlier. What should I say ?
Working at the bar really takes our efforts and times.We do not have time for ourselves ( Ronnie works more than 16 hours daily ),meanwhile I work sometimes 8-10 hours.
Even sending Xmas Cards to relatives and friends,are kinda late.
I started baking cookies on Thursday, Nastar n Lidah Kucing. Friday morning Ronnie brought some to his work,shared with his friend at D&B ( The company had big lunch with the employees,and Ronnie shared the cookies with them there ).
Friday, I baked Istana Lezat n Nastar. That's all for now, I guess. I still wanna make Kue Bawang n others. But,way too tired.
Last nite I finished baking around 10pm.I left for working around 1 am. Bar was crowded last nite.
We gave Xmas cards to the employees and gave some bonus for them. Hopefully they'd enjoy the money we gave .
Went home around 4.30am. Woke up around 2 pm. Bah bah bah..... I got headache now. Hiks...
Soon we'll go to the bar,clean up and ready for another nite.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Xmas Gifts from Dece
Dece called me on Tuesday.She'd like to drop something. Wuihh....As usual,she gives us xmas gift.This is the 2nd year.
I didn't shop anything for Xmas ( at least,haven't ).Since Dece would be at home anytime,I thought I'd better cook something for her.Dece likes Pete. He he he he. Jadi deh,Sambal Udang Pete.
She came around 1.30pm.We chit chat for a while and she left.
The next day, me and Ronnie opened the presents at the bar. Wahhhh!!! Dece gave me 2 packs of beauty stuff, plus Con Air,to straighten the hair.Hooray!!!!! Thank you soooo much, Dece.
Ronnie got toothbrush.Ha ha ha ha. Warning : Bring the tootbrush anywhere you go. Ha ha ha ha.
Merry Christmas,everyone!!!!
We Wish You Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Sat noon I spent time cleaning and washing the car. Ronnie asked me to drop him to the bar in the middle of cleaning. Duhh.. I was his driver now :P
I went back home and continued cleaning. I waxed it for the final touch.The result ??? Shiny!!!!!!!!!! Kinclong,bowwww.It took 2 hours to do that.
Around 6pm,I drove to the bar.I brought some food for Nia. Then,I continued shopping to Walmart. O la la….. I did have guts to do that ( now I realize how brave I was!!! ). It’s dark, I took a chance to go farer from home.
I bought Ronnie a pair of shoes, toy for Nia’s kids and a Japanese porcelain doll for myself ^___^.
I continued shopping to Kroger and back to the bar. Meeting Nia around 7pm. She bought me some Muruku n Terasi from JJ.
Then,continued mopping the floors. We had a bday party at the back bar last nite. I bartended. Gee…. I didn’t have any breaks.
We had a good crowd and did good. I was really tired. We went home around 4.30am ( dropped Scott the DJ to his home ).
Woke up late on Sunday morning. We missed the church L . I had terrible headache L
Ronnie went to the bar ,drove Mom’s car. I helped Mom put the Xmas tree. I didn’t feel good at all.
I took a shower when we took a break. Ronnie ordered some pizzas n chicken wings. He went home around 6.30pm and we had dinner in the living room.
We left for the bar around 7.15pm. Kae came around 8pm.Since Kae’s there, I went to Kroger and bought some stuff.Later, I went to Walgreens,bough make up,slippers for myself and lights for the bar.
Stopped for awhile at ATM machine,then drove back to the bar. Spending time singing at Karaoke , then around 12.30am took Ronnie home.
I closed the bar around 1.30am.I just got home for 10 mnts,suddenly Ronnie’s cellphone rang.It’s from Complete Protection. A lady said that the alarm was on.I had to go back to the bar and checked the front door. Ufhhhhhhhhh
It’s 2.33am now. Tired… wanna sleep… Nighty nite…
Friday, December 15, 2006
Ikan Sambel Orderan Nia
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Kelafaran Di Tengah Malam :D
Off nite... Yupeeee!!!
Ronnie went home around 5.30pm.We had dinner ( Mom fried beef, I boiled egg noddles). Then,we took a shower. Sinking ouselves in the tub for one hour.Napping for awhile in the tub..Rubbing his toes and massaged him.
Then,moved to the bedroom.Laying down...finally fell asleep.. Ronnie's cellphone rang around 8.30pm.It's Rick. I woke up and stayed next to him for a while. I couldn't sleep anymore.
Going downstairs,checking emails,chatting with Lisa n Ika.Suddenly I feel hungry. Oh well... it's 12.30am.I went to the kitchen and made Indomie Ayam Bawang.
Indomie Ayam Bawang pake cabe n telur
Ting..Tong... A Xmas Package from Mirna!!!
Wahhhhh!!!! I was surprised to see a big package at the door this noon. I usually check mail box.Wow!!!! That's from The Brinkmans.
No wonder Mirce ^__^ asked my add a couple days ago.I was surprised!!!
I opened the package. A Xmas card,and stuff wrapped with ribbons. ^___^
It's Hollywood stuff. Goodness!!! Mirna really knows I love cooking.Kitchenette set. They're cute!!!!
Plus,a t-shirt for Ronnie.
What a blessing!!!!!!
Thank you so much,The Brinkmans. You really make our day.
God bless!!!!
One Day Driving
Yuhuuu.This morning Mom let me drive her car to work.I was so excited.I went to the library picked my books first,but it's still closed.Then I drove to the bar.
I promised Mom to go home at 12.30pm,but I couldn't make it.I had lots of things to do at the office,paid the bills,do the quicken,check the delivery ect.
I called Mom and said I'd be home a lil bit late.
I decided to go to the library again .Since I can drive now,I can borrow as many books and DVDs I wanna. He he he he.
I don't need Ronnie or Mom give me a ride anymore to the library.I can drive by myself!! ^_____^
I have lots of books and DVDs tonite. Thank God tonite is our off nite.I wanna watch movie with Ronnie at home.Wanna spend time together,maybe sleep earlier!!!
Having late lunch,had Corned Beef,reading the book....aghhh feel soooo gooooooddddd.
Hasilnya ? Ngantuk!!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I Made It!!!!!!!!!!!! I Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!
Oh My!!!! Speechless... I made it today!!!
Yes, today I had my driving test. I wasn't so sure cos I was afraid I would fail again.But,Ronnie convinced me last nite and said," Baby, I believe you can make it this time."
Today, I went to the bar.Mom just dropped me.I called my sisters and bro, chit chat for a while and then waited till my instructor came to pick me.
He taught me to do the manueverability for 30 mnts,and then drove to the BMV.
Nervous ??? Yes,but not very.I saw 3 officers there.I wish I had a skinny officer,cos he's nice.But,when a fat officer called me, I said to myself,' Oh no...not him again. "
Well, willy nilly I had to deal with it.He asked me to start the car.Soon he walked into the car and asked me to do the manueverability to the right side.
I prayed and said,'God,help me this time.Make it work." Hooray!!!! I made it!!!!
Then he asked me to drive backward and drive to the road. Wow!!! I got confused for a while,then my mind said," Mei2, you're having the next test now.Good luck!!!"
I drove around the blocks and then he said,"Park your car either to the right or the left side.You passed your test.Congratulations."
I turned off the car,but I couldn't pull it off. I said to the officer, " Can you help me,pls ?"
. He tried to pull it,but he couldn't.He gave up. Well.. I tried it again, it worked!!!
Bikin malu aja ini kunci mobil.
Dave,my instructor came out from the BMV and smiled.He said,' Congratulations!!! You made it!!!"
So, I went to the next office, applied for the driving license.I pulled out my SSN. My bad... She saw it and said" Do you have your INS files?" I got confused why she asked it.I said,' Not with me rite now." I gave her my SSN.She said," This is for work.We need your files from INS." Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I forgot to show her my GC.They even didn't let me know what files I need to bring.
I said,' I am married legally here." A girl said,"We need a letter from your husband's work telling about you." Ihhh reseh.
I went home and felt upset.Mom was in the kitchen with Uncle Chris.I went downstairs and called Iin.She gave me information ( thank you ya,In ). I called Michelle,my customer who used to work at BMV. She said I just need to bring my ssn,id and GC.
There's something's wrong with my SSN.It's written valid for work only.Huh.. I have to have a new one soon.
Michelle suggested me to apply the license to another branch.I decided to go to Mt.Airy,the one I usually go to have my tempt and renewal.
Hooray!!!!! I didn't have much problem.I showed a girl my SSN,GC and tempt license.Within one minute, I got a new driving license.
I can drive by myself now,baby!!!
Ronnie was excited knowing abt it.'s over!!!
I will not bother anyone to give me a ride anymore.I can go home by myself from work,so Ronnie can go home earlier and have more sleep nightly.
Atik called me.She'd like to pick up her food. I forgot to cook her Sambal Ati.I gave her lumpia to fry ( I didn't have much time to fry for her ) and then some kerupuk.
I am a happy camper rite now. Ronnie just called and said," Hey,baby. I want you to come to the bar now,use Mom's car.' Bahhhh tidak lah yaoooo.
Waiting for Ronnie rite now to go to the bar. We have live band tonite.
I am soooo glad.Life is easier for me now since I can drive. I can go anywhere,shopping to Thrift Store or Malls.
Thank you,Lord.
Heating Pad
Daaaa..... lately I spoil Ronnie with gifts. he he he. After watching movie on our anniversary,we went to Ihop ( I paid ),then I just bought him a pair of jeans on Sat,plus,last nite,I couldn't resist no to buy him the heating pad I saw at Walgreens a couple days ago.
Winter is coming, and Ronnie needs his body warm while he's driving to and from work.Finally,last nite before Mom dropped me to the bar,we went to buy one for him.
Ronnie was excited . He said," For me, Baby ? " ^____^. I had him put it in the car.While he's putting there, I was mopping the floor.
Ronnie's happy with it.I said,"I can't wait to hear tomorrow how warm you'll be." ^___^
A couple days ago,I complaint to him. I said,", lately I spent money just for you. I shower you with gifts.Now,gimme back my money. " ha ha ha ha ha.
He said," AWWWWW!!! I didn't ask you to buy me, hun. You don't need to."
I said," I wanna. I wanna buy something for you.I make money rite now.I am proud with that. I am happy buying something from my own money."
He said," I appriciate that,hun.But you don't need to buy me stuff.I'll buy you if you want to."
I said," Then, buy me a parfume." He he he he. He said," Ohh nooo..not rite now.That's my Xmas gift to you. Gotta wait till that day." Ihhh gak sabaraaaaaannnnnnn.
Yesterday, he gave me some money. He said," Here, hun.I pay you back. You said I owe you 80 bucks.' Ha ha ha ha ha.
He didn't know ,I used the money to buy the heating pad for him. Ha ha ha ha ha. Thank you,baby.
Aghh... so glad he has something for winter.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'm done... yes, I am done. Today is my last day cooking the rest of the food. Mande n Atik ordered Ayam Panggang Klaten.He'll come to pick his Ayam & Sambal Ati tonite at the bar.Meanwhile Atik will pick the Sambal Terasi n Ayam Klaten this weekend.
I have a good time today.Nia called me and we chit chat while I was cooking.She ordered Sambal Ikan and said," Mei2, I want to order that Heavy Bfast." ha ha ha ha. I got confused 1stly,then she said," I am looking at your MP rite now,I see the Sambal Ikan here." ha ha ha ha. Oalahhhhhh. Ok deh,
bu.Next time she wanna order Sambal Ati minus Pete. ^_______^
I finished cooking Ayam Klaten around 3.30pm.I remembered I had to send Anne's package.I packed them and walked out the's raining!!!! Ughhhh
I saw Mom's taking a nap.I waited till Ronnie came home.Soon the phone rang.It's Atik.We chit chat for awhile and Mom woke up.She took me to the post office. Hooray!!!!!!!! The package will be arrived at AL within 2 days.So,keep watching your door,Ne. ^___^ . The lady from post office gave me 2 boxes for free. So sweettttttttttt..........
I saw I still had some leftover in the fridge.I made Lumpia Shanghai again.Just for the snack at the bar tonite.
I know Ronnie likes the wonton wrapper.I just fried a few slices and had him eat them before dinner.
He likes that.
I munched Lumpia,Ronnie munched the crackers. ^___^
Meanwhile Mom's browsing internet. HA HA HA HA HA.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Busy ....Busy....Busy....Busy Month
Updated news... cieeeeeeeeeeeee...
A day before Anniversary
We've been working harder lately.I myself since a day before our anniversary,stayed up late updating my MP till 11.30am!!!!!!!!!! That's the longest time I've ever done.Ronnie called me on Monday morning.
"Baby,where are you??"
"In the basement.Chatting with Joe."
"Did you come home last nite?"
"Yes.I did."
"Where were you?I didn't find you on bed.I was shocked this morning I saw you're not by my side."
" He he he.Sorry..I came home from bar around 2.30am and stay up late till this morning.I am coming soon to bed."
" Ok,hun. I love you."
Still, I continued chatting with my bro. I heard someone's feet steps upstairs.When I went upstairs,I saw Ronnie's ready to go to work. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT TIME IS IT????? It's 7.30am!!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie said," See ya,baby. Go to bed. You look tired." He kissed my forehead.
Later,I went downstairs and updated my MP. My body shook.I couldn't stand anymore.Around 11.30am I went to bed till 5pm. Collapseeeeeeeeeeeeee. he he he he.
Friday Nite, Dec 1st
Busy nite,crowded bar. We went home around 4am.No IHOP this time.
Saturday, Dec 2nd - Bday Party
Before we opened the bar,I cleaned up all the bar from 5.30pm - 9.30 pm. Back hurts soooo soooo soooo bad. I bartended at the back bar.It's Nicky's cousin's birthday.Thank God I got some tips.
Sunday,Dec 3rd - Church
Both of us were sleepy.I've never been sleepy like that before in the church.I bet I snored when I held my head over Ronnie's head.Both of us were deadly tired and exhaused n sleepy.
Luckily I still could see and walk well.But,as soon as we arrived at home, I couldn' t walk well anymore.I walked like a drunk girl.Whole body hurted,pain,sore,ect. I slept like a baby till evening.
Tuesday - Cooking Atik's Food Order
Atik called me,she ordered some food.
Thursday - OFF NITE
Staying at home all nite long.Waiting for Ronnie to go shopping for his needs,but he stayed at the bar,playing game.
Again,Friday is the busiest nite.I don't like Friday.We're busted.Ronnie asked me to open the back bar cos Kae n Jaime couldn't handle many customers at the front bar.Again, NO IHOP
Woke up at 2 pm, went shopping with Ronnie bought his jeans.I got a coupon 10 bucks off from JC Penney.I was wrong,it wasn't valid till Sunday. Ughhhh. I had to pay full price then. I asked Ronnie to look for a pair of shoes.He seemed wasn't interested in .He wanted to go home .Dasar laki2!! He said he didn't like shopping. Ughhhhh.Seems I have to make him go to Walmart or somewhere else next time.
Jaime threw her bday party at the bar. A day before,she made Jelly Shot.I had one on Sat,goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it burnt my throat n heart.It's tooo strong. NO MORE
Me and Kae bartended.We haa a good nite.Both of us made good tips.
This time we went to IHOP. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went home at 5 am.Ronnie went back to the bar till 7.30am.Both of us overslept and forgot to go to church. We slept till 6pm!!! Goshhhhhhhh THE LONGEST SLEPT WE'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went to the bar at 7.30pm.Chuck was there already. I forgot that the Karaoke was started earlier.We had a deal to make it from 7 - 11pm. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
Everybody had good time. By the time karaoke was over,it's too early.I made another deal to make it started from 8.30-12.30am this time.
Ronnie went home earlier.Kae was asked to take me home.She had some friends came last nite.Plus,Will brought his friends and he enjoyed being a DJ.
We closed the bar at 2.30am. Again, I went to the basement till 4am.
Woke up in the morning, I saw Ronnie kissed my forehead and said," I love you,baby.Thank you."
Mission's Completed :Saksang pesanan Anne Down ect
Wahhhhhhh.... Yippeeeeee!!!! What a day!!! What a day!!!!
After delaying for months,I paid my promise to Anne Down to cook her SAKSANG.She's been desperated to have it monts ago.
Mission's completed!!! Saksang is ready to be sent tomorrow. ^___^
Today,I cooked Sambal Terasi for Atik,Sambal Goreng Ati minus Pete for Mande ( he gives up for Pete.) He he he he.
Tomorrow is another day,another order to be cooked.I wanna take a shower.
@Anne, wait for the postman knock your door within a couple days from now on. ^__^
Sorry for being late to cook it for you,babe.
Friday, December 8, 2006
[Hillarious] A 2mo Drunken Baby of Vodka & Microwaving Baby
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Ohio mother accused of microwaving her baby to death
Associated Press
Last update: November 28, 2006 – 2:49 PM
DAYTON, Ohio — A mother was arrested on suspicion of killing her newborn daughter by microwaving the baby in an oven.
China Arnold, 26, was jailed Monday on a charge of aggravated murder, more than a year after she brought her dead month-old baby to a hospital. Bail was set Tuesday at $1 million.
"We have reason to believe, and we have some forensic evidence that is consistent with our belief, that a microwave oven was used in this death," said Ken Betz, director of the Montgomery County coroner's office.
More info
2-Month-Old Drank Formula Mixed With Vodka
Girl Had Blood-Alcohol Level Of 0.364
POSTED: 4:14 pm MST December 3, 2006
UPDATED: 12:15 pm MST December 5, 2006
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- The family of a 2-month-old girl who showed up at a Colorado Springs hospital drunk told police the baby was given vodka by mistake.
The family told police the baby's father had poured vodka into a water bottle, and then her mother mistakenly used that bottle to mix baby formula.
More info
May God bless the children's soul.
Bah bah bah..... snowy!!!
Thursday noon when I woke up, I saw it's white all around from the window. Wuih.. Snow is coming. . I must struggle to fight with the coldness again.
Indeed, a week ago we had snow flakes,but this time,the snow did come. Somebody help me to change the weather,pls.
I do look goofy when snow comes. I hate that.
Tuesday,I fried more crackers cos of Lisa.Doi pajang kerupuk,jadi tergoda goreng2 lagi. :p
Later I cooked Sambal Seafood Pete. Yummyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... big Sators in my pan.He he he.
It's enough for my Big Lunch!!!
Tuesday noon,Atik called me. She ordered more food.Alas, I just could cook her Rendang,Sambal Goreng Ati only.I had a plan to cook more today for Sambal Terasi n Ayam Panggang. But, I was still at work.She came early to pick the food I could cook.
I'll cook the rest next week,cos she'll drop her Mom in law back to her house in Cincinnati and she'll pick her food.
Well.. sleepy..tired.... wanna munch more crackers now. :P
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
It was last week, Nov 30th.Ronnie and I went to the bar early around 6 pm.He didn't let me do anything in the bar.He suggested me to go somewhere either shopping or doing anything else.
I didn't have any intention to go anywhere else.Ronnie said,' Thrift Store,baby?" Yuckkkk.. I didn't wanna.
He said,' You know you like going there. Come on,go there.Have fun."
Hmm.... I didn't wanna. I just wanted to stay at the bar. He said again," Come on, hun.You'll enjoy it.Buy anything you want."
I said," Fine. I buy whatever I wanna buy,and pay by my own money. Ughhhhh"
He laughed.
He came closer to me and said," Oh come on... Go somewhere.I don't wanna see you working here."
Aghh... Ok.... I was getting ready to go.
I said," I might be there for awhile. Maybe looking for glasses.Be right back soon."
He closed the door. I walked away.Suddenly," Hey,baby... here!!! " He was holding the car keys and swinging them in the air.
I said,' Ha ??? " He said," Here, drive the car."
BAHHHHHHHH!!!!! TIDAK LAH YAOOO!!!!! I was afraid if I drive, the car would be turned into different shape later on. :P
He said," I believe in you. You can do it. Practise."
Ihhhhh.. takutttttttt
He convinced me that I could make it.
He said," Call me if you need me.It's not far from here to the store.Go ahead."
So... I drove. When I started driving,from a far I saw Ronnie's smiling.I put my fingers on my mouth..scareddddd....nervous... He laughed. Hi hi hi
Finally I arrived at Thrift Store. I was looking around. I enjoyed looking at glasses,clothes and books.
I didn't realize how long I'd had been there. Ronnie called me and reminded me to buy something.
I bought some glasses,recipe books,and story books.
When I went to the Cashier,I met a girl who always comes to our bar.I don't know her name.But she always comes with her boyfriend weekly.
She greeted me.I gave her all the stuff to be counted. I asked her to separate the bills. She said," 3.90 ". Ha???? For the glasses and the utensils only 3.90 bucks ?"
I wasn't sure.I checked the prices.They've must have been more than 3.90 bucks.She said," I used my coupons for those."
AHA!!!! How sweet!!!!!!
Then,I was ready to pay the story books and the recipe ones. She said, " 1.50 ". Lho?????? Were they so cheap ???
I said," They've must been more than that." She smiled again," I take care of them."
Ha ha ha ha. I said," As if you knew it's our anniversary."
She said,' Is it ? Then it's my presents for you."
Aghhh.. Sweet...sweet....sweet...
I paid 10 bucks for all. She said," Your change,Maam."
I said,' Keep them. Thank you very much. God bless. See ya this week at the bar."
She smiled.
I walked out from the store and I reminded myself that I drove. I looked for the car. ha ha ha. Thank God I didn't leave the car at the parking lot. ^____^
I went to CVS across the bar and bought Ronnie his Right Breath for his nose.
Mission's completed.I arrived at the bar safely.Ronnie's glad to see me. I said to him," I still don't know how to park the car."
He laughed. I felt sooo happy.
I didn't expect that somebody would be generous to give me some discounts for the stuff I bought.
Thank you,whatever your name is. God bless!!!
Monday, December 4, 2006
Heavy Bfast
Lately,I work so hard.A day before our anniversary,I stayed up late till 11am. Mopping the floors, cleaning this and that. Bunch of work.
My whole body hurts. This morning, I woke up early and had a thought to cook fish.
Around 8.30am I started cooking.
Galunggong fish spicy , with stir fried cabbage. Boy...... tastes soooooo goooddddddd. I have some left over. Enough for tonite. ^___^
Surprises From Mom!!!!
It was a week ago,when I asked Mom to give me a ride to the bar.Mom dropped me and she went to Kroger.About 30 mnts later,she came back.
We went to a store to send a fax.Mom said," Mei, I stay here.Ok ?" Hmm....strange..Mom always goes with me,but this time she wanted to stay in the car.
I crossed the street and spent less than 5 mnts.When I came back,I opened the door and saw a bouquet of roses and a card. Ha??????? I was quite for a while and said," I didn't see these before." Mom said,' Happy belated anniversary.I am sorry for not buying you a present on your anniversary."
Aghhh!!!!! I realized Mom bought them for us. ^_____________^
I was soooo excited. I kept holding and smelling the roses.No wonder Mom didn't go to the store with me. Ternyata.... surprise!!!!
We went home and I moved my roses to a vase.I said to Mom," Mom,I'll wait till Ronnie comes home and open the card."
Well..Ronnie forgot that nite.
Early in the morning before,I saw a box on the steps.Mom said," Mei2, this is a jewelry box.I think you might like it." She opened the box.I said," Thank you so much."
I thought I'd take it upstairs later. I left it till nite.Till we went home from work. The next day, when I woke up, I was curious to see the box.
I opened it. Hey.. there's a layer there. I took it out. OMG!!!!! I saw a beautiful necklace and 2 pairs of earrings. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was sooooo sooooo sooooo excited.Mom does know I love jewelry. I went downstairs and said," Mom!!! Thank you sooo much.I was excited.I didn't expect there's something inside of the jewelry box.Thank youuuuuuu."
Mom smiled.She said," I think you like them.They're Nanny's.I wanted you to have them."
Wow!! I was speechless.
Thank you so much,Mom. I appriciated them.
When Ronnie went home, I had him open the card .
What a beautiful anniversary presents I have!!!!
God Bless you,Mom. Love ya!!!!