I gotta share this..I gotta ..I gotta..I gotta...
I am so excited...really excited!!!!
It's started a couple weeks ago that there's a lady sent me a message here.She said that she knew me.
X : Your face is really familiar to me..have you ever rented a room on 'gang rejeki' in Medan?? If it is, I was one of your neighbours..
Me :Yoa...I used to live at Gang Rejeki.Ini siapa ya? Fotonya kekecilan,gak jelas ngeliatnya.Salam kenal.
X :well, jalan sejati gang rejeki..right?! I won't tell you directly who I'm hehehe..(don't be angry..) perhaps some clues will help ..Just next to rambo's room (raman) was my room at the time. Well, even we lived in the same neighbourhood, we didn't see each other very often. You came to my room once.. when you wanted to borrow something.. Oh ya, if I'm not mistaken, Agus ( Raman's roommate) and I have ever celebrated Christmas at the church where you used to go.. guess who?? A memory test mei.. hahaha. no 'salam kenal' We have kenal each other earlier on...
Oh ya, another remarkable clue..besides practising your english with 'tukang lontong's husband.. you also practised it with me at the time..
Me : Kak Martini ya ? bener gitu namanya ? Kamar yg plg ujung,dkt kmr mandi ? Hehehehehe
X : you pass the test mei!! hahaha..iya gw Marthina. long time ago ya..what a small world gw masih ingat kakak tkg lontong yang suaminya pintar bhs Inggris. Btw, lontongnya enak banget ya.. Out of curiousity lho..gimana lu bisa nyasar di sana maksudnya kenal Ronnie?? tau gak kabarnya raman dkk?! Thn 2000 gw moved to Jakarta and have worked there for a couple of years..I met Agus (I forget his nickname..)there. He studied at tourism academy in Jakarta.
He mei, anyway..It wasn't easy to recognize your pic in the beginning..you are makmur banget now heh..a good cook sih..
Nah lhoooo...... What an earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodness!!!! It's been a long time I lost contact with this lovely lady.She's kinda like me.Sama2 gokil yeeee.Hahahahahaha.I remembered I went to her bedroom once and we chit chat till late.Who knew that a couple years later I moved to in front of her room?? Hahahahhaha.
SEPT 5th
I called Mami.She said,"Mei2,remember your friend named Intan?"
Intan = Okto.I am the only one who calls her with that name,OKTO!!!!.Hahahahhaha.
I said,"Yes,what abt her,Mom?"
She said,"Her sister came here and told me that she dreamt abt you.She cried and said I am dreaming abt Yuky ( Mei -Mei ).Pls find her for me.How she's doing." Wahhhhhhh.
Her brother even didn't remember where I live.He said to Okto," I don't know where she lives." Okto gave him direction.He came and talked to Mami.
Goodness!!! Finally he got the information abt me.
Thank God,when Mami told me abt Okto,rite away I called here.Mami said,according to her brother ,she'd get married.
I grabbed the phone at 12.30pm .
Okto : " Hello? "
Me :" Hi,honey..How are you doing? "
Okto :" I am doing good.Who is this ? "
Me : " Ohh you don't know me anymore ? I am the one who you dreamt abt till you cried."
Okto : " Ha??? Who is this ? "
Me :" Come on,To.You know who this is.I am your buddy.I heard you're gonna get married."
Okto :" Ha?? Who says that?I am not.Who is this ? I couldn't see the no here.It's private no."
Me : " Really?Hmm... To, you miss me ?"
Okto : "Who is this?Pls tell me...."
Me : " I am your friend, your old friend, Okto!!!!!!!"
Okto : quite for a while. "Hang on.. I think I know this voice."
Me :" Tell me ".
Okto : " Is this Yuky???? YUKY WEELLINY PURBA??? Is that rite????"
Me : laughed out loudly. " You got me, babe."
Okto : " YUKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Aaggghhhhhhhh. She sounded so excited.Cengeng.ahahhahahahhaha
She was shocked that I called her.
Okto :" Goodness..You call me!!! Where are you now?Gimme your phn no."
Me : " Ok...grab your phn.This is the no. 1 XXXXXXXXXX "
Okto : " Ok... 0812??"
Me : " No... it's 1 XXXXX "
Okto : " What no is it ???? Where are you ? Talk to me loudly."
Me : " I am at home now.I can't talk loudly."
Okto:" I can't hear ya.Which home? Siantar? Why the no is private number?"
Me;" I don't know why.But,yes,I am at home now."
Okto :" Are you married? The last time I met you in front of a store,you told me you're getting married."
Me : " Yes, I am."
Okto :" Lying."
Me : " I am not."
Okto :" Then,gimme me your phn no.Tell me where you are."
Me : " I am at home. I can't talk loudly.It's getting late here."
Okto:" Huhhh..it's bright here!! Where are you ?"
Me : ( laughed )." I am at home,To. I can't talk loudly.It's late here."
Okto :??????? Where are you?in what planet are you ? "
Me : "hahahahhahah. I am at home."
Okto :' Tell me where."
Me : " I live in Cincinnati, OH, now."
Me : " Sorry,hun.I didn't tell you. I lost contact with you.I even didn't know where to find you."
Okto :"Where did you get married?"
Me :"Here. 2004"
Okto :"Mami Papi came?"
Me : " No. I came by myself."
Okto:" Ihhh... I feel so bad.. You didn't tell me. Hiks...hiks..."
Me:" Look,when I go back home,I'll meet you, ok? "
Okto:" COOL!!! WHEN???"
Hahahhahahhaha.She can't wait to meet me,I bet.
Me : " I don't know.Kinda busy these days.Works can't be left behind rite now.I'll tell you when."
Okto :" I'll wait for that.Don't break your promise."
Me : " Nooooo... I won't. You know me. So,tell me,are you going to get marry soon? "
Okto :" Who says that? At least not rite now."
Me : " Let me know.Maybe we could come on your wedding day."
Okto :"Really??? Serious???"
Me :" Sure, yeah,why not?I can be your maid in honour." Hahahahhahaha *reserve duluan,bowwww*
Okto : " Ok..I'll remember that.But,how can I send the invitation?Should I give it to Mami?"
Me:"Yeah!!! That'll work."
Okto:" Ok then.I know where to find you then." :D
Me:" Correcto!!!! "
Okto :" You still remember me,huh?"
Me : " Of course I do!!! You are my best friend!!! "
Okto: " Hahahahhahaa."
Me: " How could I forget you?After teasing you with a dirty bubble gum I picked from the floor and gave to you? You even didn't know it was picked from the floor.You chewed it and later on I told you it's from the floor.You're sooo mad at me.You punched me,not talked to me for days!!! Hahahahha "
Me : ( laughed ). OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!! I FELT SOOO BAD AFTER ALL.But then again,it tickles me alot until now.UNFORGETABLE!!!! "
Trust me, I love this girl.Thank God she still wants to be my friend after all.I apologized her and promised not to do that.We played badminton on Sundays and spent more time as much as we could ( eventhough we went to different school ). What a sweet memory. ^___^ * imagining the old memories*
Okto :"What time is it there?"
Me : " It's midnite."
Okto :"Where is your husband?"
Me : " Here,next to me,playing game. Wanna say hi? "
Me : " why? "
Okto : " I don't speak English well anymore."
Me :" It's fine.Come on."
Okto : " NOOOO. I don't wanna."
I gave the phone to Ronnie.
Ronnie :" Hello, Mei - Mei's friend."
Okto:" Aggghhhh.. Hello.. How are you?"
Ronnie : " Doing good, how are ya? "
Okto : " Good. I can't hear your voice clearly."
Ronnie : " Ups.. I don't know why. You have good time? "
Okto : " Yes."
Ronnie :" Cool!! Glad to hear that.Here's Mei."
I took the phn back.
Okto : " Kyyyy, the connection is not good.I couldn't hear your voices well."
Me : " Maybe the phn card."
Okto:" goodness..You made me talk to your husband.I was nervous. Hahhahahaha"
Me; " See? You talked to him.It's nice. To,don't be mad if suddenly the phone off.I have less minutes to talk to you."
Okto :" It's fine."
So,we chatted for a while and suddenly the connection off. Tutttttttttttttttttttt....
Oh well.... I enjoyed the conversation.It's quite long.But,I believe she enjoyed it ,too.
I called her again,yesterday on Tuesday morning around 3am.She's so excited.We talked quite long.I wanna call her again some other time. ^___^
SEPT 6th
Today... Wednesday evening... around 3pm
This morning,I saw a request from MP-er,named
.I visited her website and dropped some comments. I went to the bar and then back around 3pm.I saw some messages in the shoutbox.
Vina: Mei, masih ingat kak vin tidak? dulu kamu sering maen internet di jl. thamrin kan?
Vina: Dulu kita sering ketemuan dan saling cerita
Vina: Kalau tidak salah kamu juga dulu kuliah di parawisata. Mama kamu China dan papa Simalungun
: Ya elah...kak vina??Di mana skrg????Lama gak kedengeran kabarnya.Udh nikah??Ada webnya gak?Duhhh seneng banget bisa ketemuan di sini lagi.Vina: Waktu kak Vin lihat2 multiply kamu, koq sepertinya aku kenal ama ini cewe. Dan nama kamu sangat mengingatkan kak Vin
Mei-Mei2vina: Sini,ksh email add,biar kita bisa contact2an.Excited bangetttttttttttttttttttt-
Vina: Kamu selalu dipanggil Mei-mei. Kak Vin emang uda lama tidak dengar khabar dari kamu. Kak Vin kira kamu saat itu uda menikah ama Ronnie
Mei-Mei2vina: Ol gak ?? Msh suka chatting gak?add Mei2 di mei_purba@yahoo.com
ya.Ditunggu!!!: Ntar ya mei kak vin add
Vina: Mei kak vin ol
Mei-Mei2vina: sipppppppp... thnks udh chatting lama tadi.I enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!
She added me in YM and we chatted.
Vina (9/6/2006 3:05:16 PM): Meeeeeeeeeeeeei
Vina (9/6/2006 3:05:16 PM):
mei (9/6/2006 3:05:20 PM): beneran nih kak vina ???
Vina (9/6/2006 3:05:23 PM): enggak yangka ketemu lagi
Vina (9/6/2006 3:05:26 PM): benar dong sayang
mei (9/6/2006 3:05:34 PM): bentar dulu
mei (9/6/2006 3:05:36 PM): liat MP nya dulu
Vina (9/6/2006 3:05:50 PM): Ok dech
mei (9/6/2006 3:05:55 PM): soalnya tadi mampir ke sana,gak gitu perhatiin
mei (9/6/2006 3:06:00 PM): sibuk mo berangkat kerja sih
Vina (9/6/2006 3:06:39 PM): kak Vin tadi sibuk buka2 multiply kamu, trus wajah kamu dan nama kamu sangat mengingatkan kak Vin.
Vina (9/6/2006 3:06:44 PM): Ok dokie
Vina (9/6/2006 3:06:45 PM):
mei (9/6/2006 3:06:56 PM): ahhh masak sihhh ????
mei (9/6/2006 3:06:59 PM): ini bener kak vina ???
Vina (9/6/2006 3:07:23 PM): Iyaaaaaa
Vina (9/6/2006 3:07:30 PM): masak kak vin boong
Vina (9/6/2006 3:07:47 PM): Kamu juga cerita kalau ketemu Ronni di ICQ
Vina (9/6/2006 3:08:05 PM): trus imei suka berdoa buat ronnie
Vina (9/6/2006 3:08:39 PM): Uda lama kak vin tdk dengar kabar dari kamu, waktu itu kak vin kirain kamu dan ronni mungkin uda menikah
mei (9/6/2006 3:09:52 PM): bntr dulu
Vina (9/6/2006 3:09:55 PM): Ok dokie
mei (9/6/2006 3:10:02 PM): fotonya udh beda
mei (9/6/2006 3:10:05 PM): gak gitu knl lg
mei (9/6/2006 3:10:14 PM): rambut pendek sih
Vina (9/6/2006 3:10:16 PM): he he he
Vina (9/6/2006 3:10:24 PM): iya kak vin suka rambut pendek
mei (9/6/2006 3:10:30 PM): sayang tuh rambut diptg
Msh juga gak sadar kalo nih My LOST FRIEND jaman2 chatting dulu. Hahahhahahahahaha.
THANK GOD!!!! One by one I found my LOST FRIENDS!!! I am so blessed!!!!
I am on top of the world rite now.I meet my friends again.Still, I am looking for some other friends out there.
Hello??? Maybe you are one of them ? Don't be hesitate to drop a message to me in the Shoutbox. I am looking forward to seeing the miracle here. FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS!!!!!
Love you,guys. Don't go anywhere else. I am tired.hahahahhahahahahahaha.
Hehe cyber world rules! LOL
ReplyDeleteIt does!!! Thanks to technology.Hahahahhahaa
ReplyDeleteseruuu...bisa githu yaa...ayo2 siapa lagi
ReplyDeleteSeru abis emang.Ayo..ayo...ditunggu siapa lagi yg bakalan muncul.Hahhahahahaha
ReplyDeleteTuhan Yesus selalu mengajari kita untuk selalu berbuat baik dan tidak berpura-pura. Jika engkau berbuat baik, maka buahnya akan engkau terima. Untuk sahabatku Mei2 yang cantik dan baik terima kasih buat persahabatan yang engkau berikan selama kita masih sama2 tinggal di Medan. Keep and touch ya sayang. Ps: kak vin tidak lari kemana-mana lagi,he..he..he:p. Kirim msg di yahoo kalau ada cerita ya sayang. Fijn dag. Titip salam ama Ronni. GBU
ReplyDeletewow... Mei...you are lucky....seandainya gw bisa ketemu temen2 lama gw... :)
ReplyDeleteAmien!!!!!!!!!!! Mei2 cerita ke Mami tuh.Mami excited banget dengarnya.Hahhahahahaha.Ronnie udh berangkat kerja.Mei2 juga cerita ke dia wkt dinner.He n Mom sama2 excited.HahahahSeruuuuuuuuuuu.
ReplyDeletentar lagi Mei2 ol dari kantor ya,kita lanjut chatting.Mo berangkat kerja dulu ini.GBU
I am blessed,tepatnya,Mey.Elu blm ketemu lagi ?? Ayo,cari sampe dapat.^___^
ReplyDeleteasik ya Mei, gue juga lagi cari temen smp gue, temen kuliah tau nih dimana rimbanya mereka hiks..hiks...
ReplyDeleteCoba posting di MP,kali aja sembunyi di situ.:D