Happy Birthday,Mami!!!!!!!!!!
Goodness!! I thought it will be tomorrow.But,I just checked the date,it's Sept 29th!!Yes,today is Mami's birthday. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,Mum!!!!
Ronnie & Mei - Mei Ries
A Prayer for a Mother's Birthday |
Lord Jesus, Thou hast known A mother's love and tender care: And Thou wilt hear, while for my own Mother most dear I make this birthday prayer.
Protect her life, I pray, Who gave the gift of life to me; And may she know, from day to day, The deepening glow of Life that comes from Thee.
As once upon her breast Fearless and well content I lay, So let her heart, on Thee at rest, Feel fears depart and troubles fade away.
Her every wish fulfill; And even if Thou must refuse In anything, let Thy wise will A comfort bring such as kind mothers use.
Ah, hold her by the hand, As once her hand held mine; And though she may not understand Life's winding way, lead her in peace divine.
I cannot pay my debt For all the love that she has given; But Thou, love's Lord, wilt not forget Her due reward,--bless her in earth and heaven.
by Henry Van Dyke |
Happy B;day buat mommy Mei Mei...panjang umur, sehat selalu dan penuh berkat...GBU
Happy birthday buat maminya mei mei, tuhan memberkati, ngomong-ngomong cantik mamamu difoto itu. fotonya sama titie dan joe ya?
ReplyDeletehappy birthday ya tante, sehat, panjang umur & GBU always.
ReplyDeleteMei itu foto lama ya?? heheheh abis mei keliatan masih kecil disitu :D hehehhe
ReplyDeleteThnks,Yan.Mudah2an panjang umur dan sehat selalu.GBU,too. ^__^
ReplyDeleteIya,itu foto Mami,Joe n Titie,bulan lalu ada sepupu nikah di kampung.Jadi mrk foto2.Titie makin cantik!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMami ternyata semalam nungguin telp sampe jam 1.30am.Kecewa beliau krn Mei2 gak telp.Aduhh lupa kalo hari H nya hari ini.Tebus utang telp tadi malam jadinya.hahahhahaha
ReplyDeleteFoto bulan lalu,say.Itu foto adik Mei2 yg plg kecil,Titie n Joe. Beda 1 thn usia mrk.
ReplyDeleteSepupu nikah di kampung.Jadi semua kel pada ngumpul di sana.Mrk foto2.Ada bbrp foto yg blm Mei2 upload.Bsk2 deh.
Happy Bday to Mami Mei, panjang umur, sehat slalu dan many blessings... GBU.
ReplyDeleteThnks,Mel.Lg telpan lg nih sama Mami. hehehehehe.Baru bangun.
ReplyDeleteTante ....happy birthday ya, panjang umur, sehat selalu dan senantiasa dalam kasih Tuhan. Cantik sekaleeee tan pake kebaya itu :) Salam dari mami ku buat tante juga selamat Ulang Tahun. Jadi kangen mienya nehhh mei aku :))
ReplyDeleteThank youuuuuu.si Mami msh di sana ya,sampe winter nanti ???
ReplyDeleteBarusan telp Mami nih.Kangen mienya juga.Hahhahahaha.Mami bakalan krm paket lagi Senin nanti.Asyikkkkkkkkk..
iya mei mami sampai winter nanti :) dia udah pake jaket terus katanya dingin. Minggu depan kita mo ke Up north Michigan sekalian lihat change color pohon2 an :) titip salam sama mami kalo telp lagi ya
ReplyDeleteAsyik,jalan2 terus ya.Ntar pagi Mei2 mo telp Mami lagi.Nanti dititipin salamnya.^___^.
ReplyDeletehappy b'day tante .. panjang umur, sehat, Tuhan berkati
ReplyDeleteThanks.......Lg telpan sama Mami lg. ^____^