Saturday, September 30, 2006

Orang Kaya Baru di Restoran Mewah



Si Waen dapet undian uang senilai ratusan juta, karena ingin bergaya ia makan direstoran barat yang dipenuhi oleh bule-bule.

Pelayan: "Please" (sambil menyodorkan daftar menu).
Waen: "Wah gawat daftar menunya bahasa asing nih, ah udah ah maen tunjuk aja." sambil menunjuk salah satu menu.
Pelayan: "OK!"

Tak lama kemudian pelayan datang sambil membawa semangkuk acar.
Waen: "Waduhh, ternyata acar." (bisiknya dalam hati). demi menjaga gengsi diabisin deh 1 mangkuk acar. Setelah habis ia melihat bule disebelahnya yang asik makan bistik.

Waen: "Sebetulnya gue pengen coba itu daging, tapi namanya apa ya?
mau nanya nggak bisa bahasa inggris, ah tunggu aja."


k lama kemudian si bule berteriak kearah pelayan: "Please, again!". Dateng deh pelayan membawa sepiring bistik lagi.

Waen: "Oh itu tho namanya..."

Kemudian si Waen berteriak juga, "Plis egen...!!"

Ronnie & Mei - Mei's Birthdays

Start:     Oct 26, '06
Location:     Cincinnati,OH
Spadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Another year another bday another get together.Yes,me and my baby have the same bdays!!!!

Martell Promotion Nite

Start:     Oct 6, '06 11:00p
End:     Oct 7, '06 01:00a
Location:     Club Evolution,Cincinnati,OH
Martell will be in our bar on next friday.Gonna meet the Martell Girls and have giveaways!!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Birthday,Mami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday,Mami!!!!!!!!!!

Goodness!! I thought it will be tomorrow.But,I just checked the date,it's Sept 29th!!

Yes,today is Mami's birthday. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya,Mum!!!!


Ronnie & Mei - Mei Ries


A Prayer for a Mother's Birthday

 Lord Jesus, Thou hast known
A mother's love and tender care:
And Thou wilt hear, while for my own
Mother most dear I make this birthday prayer.

Protect her life, I pray,
Who gave the gift of life to me;
And may she know, from day to day,
The deepening glow of Life that comes from Thee.

As once upon her breast
Fearless and well content I lay,
So let her heart, on Thee at rest,
Feel fears depart and troubles fade away.

Her every wish fulfill;
And even if Thou must refuse
In anything, let Thy wise will
A comfort bring such as kind mothers use.

Ah, hold her by the hand,
As once her hand held mine;
And though she may not understand
Life's winding way, lead her in peace divine.

I cannot pay my debt
For all the love that she has given;
But Thou, love's Lord, wilt not forget
Her due reward,--bless her in earth and heaven.

by Henry Van Dyke


Obat Mujarab Biar Tambah Ganteng

ayoo...yg lagi stress.Mampir ke sini. This is only another joke. ^______^

( Beverage ) Caribbean Cruise

Ok..I fulfill my promise to Mbak Yetti to post the recipe of the most wanted drink in our bar, CARIBBEAN CRUISE.

1/2 shot Vodka
1/2 shot Blue Curacao
1/2 shot Peachtree
1/2 shot Midori ( Melon )
2 splashes Sprite
2 splashes Pineapple Juice

Cherry and Lime as the garnishes

Mix all the ingredients in a shaker filled with ice.Shake well abt 10 secs.Pour in a tall glass.

Put the cherry on the bottom and lime on the top.

The taste??? It's FRUTTY TUTTY!!!! ^__^ , and you still can taste the liqour

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Celana Dalam Siapa ?????????

friends,this is a joke I copied from a website.Don't be offended if the name is the same with someone's.

Yanti baru saja pulang dari tugas luar kota. Sesampai di rumah, di dalam lemarinya, dia menemukan celana dalam perempuan yang bukan miliknya. Dengan berang dia bertanya kepada suaminya,
"Ini celana dalam siapa?"
"Mana aku tahu," jawab suaminya.
Tersinggung dengan jawaban suaminya, Yanti memanggil
Inem pembantunya untuk mencaritahu. "Nem, kamu pasti tahu ini celana siapa?" tanya Yanti.

"Nggak tahu Nyah. Saya nggak pernah pakai celana dalam, Tuan aja tahu."

Tuesday - Karaoke & Free Food ( Indonesian )

It was started last week,when I cooked Fried Rice for Jaime and Natasha ( cos we painted the back bar last week ).

Nick,Drew,and Tom ate that fried rice and said it tasted good.So,I decided to cook again for them.

This time I cooked Fried Rice ( no seafood ),Crackers and Spicy Potatoes Crackers with Peanuts.

They loveeeeeeeeeeed it.

I called some friends,they came and ate. When the crowds came,they started eating the food.

I was busy bartending and forgot to take pics.I usually sing some songs,but I was really busy and only sang 1 song.

When the others came,I offered them some food.They said,"'s gone!!!!!!!!!!!! I just only had 1 bite!!" Adowwwwwwwwwwww.I should have cooked more then.

Nick came to me and said," Mei2..the food was awesome!!! Next week,EGG SPRING ROLLS!!!"

I said,", you are demanding."
He said,' I am asking".Hahahhahahahhahaa

All rite!!!!!!!!!!!!! EGG SPRING ROLLS will be ready next week,boss. As long as you guys are happy!!!!

Murukku ( Chukry Sticks ) - Indian's Snack

Anyone knows Murku aka Murukku ???? If anybody likes eating Indian's snack,they know what Murku is.

I loveeee it.I used to order Murku every year for Xmas n New Year.It's the special snack for Indians.Usually they have it on Depavaali.

It taste good,kinda spicy,rich of herbs. I just ordered some from Indonesia to be sent here.But,today I saw it in Jungle Jim's. No need to think twice to buy it. ^__^

I have some tonite.Mom tasted it.She said,' Spicy!!!" .hahahhaha

The problem is,I don't know where to buy the tool. Anybody can help me,pls ???

A Nite with Dayton Crowd

Monday nite was supposed to be our off nite.But,Dave called Ronnie telling that he had to work after 11pm.So,after shopping,me and Ronnie went back to the bar.

There,we saw there've been some people.Dave left,I took care of the bar.The girls came to me and we talked.I offered them new drinks.Amber,she had a bday at that nite,got a free drink - Caribbean Cruise.She loved it.Followed by the others.Guess what??? At that nite,I've sold almost 10 glasses!!!! Even the guys loved it.They tried another drinks like Bartender's Wet Dream and Feel This.

While we're talking,Amanda said that it was their 1st time come to our bar.She comes from the neighborhood,but her friends come from Dayton n Lebanon..Wuihhhhhhhhhhh far!!!!!!!

But,I am so flattered that they've come to visit us from other town. ( We have some customers come from LA and other States,too ).

I asked them to come on Tuesday for karaoke.They promised they would ( they did come !!! )

Thank you for coming,guys.We enjoyed spending nite together with you.

See ya next time!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Faces of North Sumatra ( Part 2 )

Lanjutttttttt.. Some were taken at Mandailing,Berastagi,Samosir & Nias.

Faces of North Sumatra ( Part 1 )

Suddenly I am feeling homesick :( . After looking for information abt my beloved city,Pematang Siantar from internet,I posted it in the blog.

I am so impressed seeing some people take pics of North Sumatra.It's amazing!! The pics they take are so beautiful.

I am attempted to upload them here.Of course,I put the photographers' name here. Most of the pics were taken by Yan Manarsar,ChrisJ,Pekkal,Hantulaut,Vinsen,Parin,Mahruzar,Starbug,Hanggan,Grancetansc,Amzamz,Excolon,Letjen(Kristupa Saragih).

Don't get me wrong,I have no intention to make these pics as my rights.I just wanna express how beautiful the faces of North Sumatra are.

Hopefully the gentlemen won't mind their pics are attached here.

Thank you for taking beautiful pics of our beloved Province. Blessed you whoever you are.

Ps : Yg dari Sumut,khususnya Tanah Batak,mari bernostalgia.Kali2 aja pernah mampir ke salah satu foto2 di bwh ini. ( Angkat tangan duluan.Samosir!!!!!!! I love Samosir!! )


Saturday, September 23, 2006

[General Info] Pematang Siantar,Kota Tercinta

Kota Pematang Siantar
adalah salah satu
kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, dan kota terbesar kedua di provinsi tersebut setelah Medan. Pematang Siantar terletak pada kedudukan yang strategik dilintasi oleh Jalan Raya Lintas Sumatera. Luas kota ini ialah 79.97 km2 dan berpenduduk seramai 240,787 orang (2000).

Kota Pematang Siantar yang hanya berjarak 128 km dari Medan dan 52 km dari Parapat sering menjadi kota perlintasan bagi pelancong yang hendak ke Danau Toba. Sebagai kota pusat pelancongan di daerah sekitarnya, kota ini memiliki 8 hotel berbintang, 10 hotel melati dan 268 restoran. Di kota ini masih terdapat banyak sepeda motor BSA model lama sebagai becak bermesin yang menimbulkan bunyi yang keras.

Pematang Siantar walau berstatus kota, namun kini masih menjadi ibukota Kabupaten Simalungun. Pada tahun 2006, ibukota Kabupaten Simalungun direncanakan akan dipindahkan secara rasmi ke Pematangraya.

Naib Presiden Republik Indonesia yang ke-3 Adam Malik, lahir di kota ini pada 22 Julai 1917. Kota ini pernah menerima Piala Adipura pada tahun 1993 atas kebersihan dan kelestarian lingkungan kotanya. Sementara itu, kerana ketertiban pengaturan lalu lintasnya, kota ini juga meraih penghargaan Piala Wahana Tata Nugraha pada tahun 1996, namun sayang dengan perkembangan kota hingga tahun 2006, pengaturan izin trayek angkutan kota sepertinya tidak mempunyai konsep yang jelas sehingga keadaan lalulintas semrawut dan hal ini diperparah oleh sikap masyarakat yang cenderung tidak tertib lalulintas, sehingga melanggar lampu isyarat menjadi hal yang lazim di kota ini.

Sektor industri merupakan tunjang kepada ekonomi kota yang terletak di tengah-tengah Kabupaten Simalungun ini. Terdapat industri yang besar dan sederhana. Dari total kegiatan ekonomi pada tahun 2000 yang mencapai Rp 1,69 trilion, pangsa pasar industri mencapai 38.18 % atau Rp 646 milyar. Sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran berada pada urutan kedua, dengan sumbangan 22.77 % atau Rp 385 milyar.

Kota Pematang Siantar terdiri dari 6 kecamatan iaitu:

  1. Siantar Barat
  2. Siantar Marihat
  3. Siantar Martoba
  4. Siantar Selatan
  5. Siantar Timur
  6. Siantar Utara

Di kota Pematang Siantar terdapat Sekolah Tinggi Theologia HKBP, yang kampusnya terletak di No 6, Jln Sangnawaluh. Juga terdapat Universiti Sultan Agung. Terdapat juga sekolah-sekolah swasta besar seperti Methodist, Sultan Agung dan Kalam Kudus. Sekolah sekolah swasta tersebut telah menghasilkan murid-murid berprestasi yang bertanding di pentas sukan nasional dan juga PON.


Pematang Siantar is a small town located 128 km southeast of Medan, in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia.

On the way, you will pass through many rubber, cocoa, palm, oil, tobacco and tea plantations. This is the richest part of North Sumatra, because these plantations produce the main export commodities.

Then onward to Lake Toba you will see a vast stretch of land covered with thick forests, plantations, terraced ricefields, lush vegetation, blue and green hills and mountains.

 It is also the second largest city in North Sumatra. Situated about 400m above the sea level, Pematang Siantar has a relatively cool climate compared to Medan.

The most developed part of the town is along the streets Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Sutomo.

Majority of the populations are Bataks while Javanese, Chinese and Indian form the minority.


source from &

pic by Kristupa Saragih

Mau tau.. cemmana becak di Kampungku Pematang Siantar?
Becak di sana semuanya Peninggalan Perang Dunia II. Becak disana dulunya adalah kendaraan perang. Mereknya rata-rata BSA, Norton, BMW, dan Harley Davidson.

Karna itu.. banyak orang yang soor.. dan beli becanya. Karna jumlahnya makin berkurang, akhirnya PEMDA bikin peraturan, gak boleh dijual keluar wilayah Pematang Siantar. Baguslah.. Untuk Melestarikan.  ----- source


other article :

BAGI para penggemar otomotif antik, sepeda motor yang digunakan sebagai alat penggerak transportasi angkutan roda tiga (becak) di Kota Pematang Siantar, Sumatera Utara, bisa jadi "menggelitik" keinginan untuk mengoleksi. Sepeda motor BSA buatan Inggris, yang-menurut penduduk setempat-dijadikan alat berperang oleh tentara Inggris di Jawa pada Perang Dunia II, menjadi collector items yang menarik. Selain langka, rata-rata usia motor 60 tahun. Motor yang saat ini berjumlah sekitar 200 unit itu ada yang dibuat tahun 1941, 1948, 1952, dan yang lebih "gres" buatan tahun 1956.

Becak di Kota Pematang Siantar yang luas wilayahnya 79,97 kilometer persegi ini memang berbeda dengan becak di kota-kota lain. Berada pada ketinggian 400 meter di atas permukaan laut dengan permukaan tanah yang berbukit-bukit, menyebabkan jalan-jalan di kota ini menurun dan mendaki. Dengan kondisi seperti ini becak dayung sulit digunakan. Akhirnya kendaraan roda tiga itu dimodifikasi dengan "menempelkan" sepeda motor BSA di sisi kanan becak sebagai tenaga penggerak. Becak bermotor yang dijadikan alat transportasi sejak tahun 1960-an ini kemudian menjadi ciri khas dan daya tarik bagi wisatawan, meskipun saat ini berangsur-angsur tersingkir oleh mobil penumpang (mopen) yang beroperasi hingga larut malam.

Kota Pematang Siantar bukan hanya diingat karena keunikan becaknya. Di kota ini pada tanggal 22 Juli 1917 lahir wakil presiden ketiga di republik ini yang memiliki reputasi internasional, Adam Malik (almarhum). Dalam bidang pemerintahan, kota yang berumur 130 tahun pada tanggal 24 April 2001, pernah menerima Piala Adipura pada tahun 1993 atas kebersihan dan kelestarian lingkungan kotanya. Sementara itu, karena ketertiban pengaturan lalu lintasnya, kota ini pun meraih penghargaan Piala Wahana Tata Nugraha pada tahun 1996.

Berdasarkan hasil Sensus Penduduk 2000, Pematang Siantar berpenduduk 240.831 jiwa yang menjadikannya kota kedua terbesar setelah Medan, ibu kota Sumatera Utara. Penduduknya termasuk heterogen dengan 49,6 persen dari etnis Toba, 14,2 persen dari etnis Jawa dan 11,43 persen dari etnis Simalungun. Etnis lain kurang dari 10 persen masing-masing dari Melayu, Mandailing, Cina, Minang, Karo, dan lain-lain. Dari jumlah penduduk tersebut, terdapat angkatan kerja sekitar 85.000 jiwa dengan 86 persen yang bekerja.

Sektor industri yang menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian kota yang terletak di tengah-tengah Kabupaten Simalungun ini adalah industri besar dan sedang. Dari total kegiatan ekonomi di tahun 1999 yang mencapai Rp 1,5 trilyun, pangsa sektor industri mencapai 38 persen atau Rp 593 milyar. Sektor perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran menyusul di urutan kedua, dengan sumbangan 22 persen atau Rp 335 milyar. Dari ketiga kegiatan di sektor ini, subsektor perdagangan memberikan pemasukan sampai Rp 300 milyar.

Hasil industri andalan Kota Pematang Siantar adalah rokok putih filter dan nonfilter serta tepung tapioka. Pada tahun 2000, dengan tenaga kerja sebanyak 2.700 orang, NV Sumatra Tobacco Trading Company (STTC) *** this company is located in front of my parents' house!!! GUEDEEEEEEEEEE BANGET!!!! Kebetulan kamar Mei2 di lantai atas,bisa ngeliat jelas area STTC nya dari seberang ). produsen rokok yang berdiri sejak 1952, menghasilkan 11,06 milyar batang rokok putih filter dan 75 juta batang rokok putih nonfilter.

Dari seluruh hasil produksi rokok filter tersebut, 88,14 persen dijual ke luar negeri terutama ke Malaysia, negara-negara Timur Tengah dan Asia Timur, dengan nilai ekspor mencapai Rp 345 juta. Sisanya sebesar 11,86 persen rokok putih filter dan seluruh hasil produksi rokok putih nonfilter dijual di da-lam negeri dengan nilai penjualan mencapai Rp 83 milyar.

Sementara itu, Taiwan menjadi negara tujuan penjualan tepung tapioka yang diproduksi kota ini. Tahun lalu, volume ekspor tepung tapioka mencapai 3,8 ton dan tepung Modified Starch mencapai 2,7 ton. Keseluruhan nilai penjualan ekspor kedua jenis komoditas ini mencapai Rp 12,9 milyar.

Kota Pematang Siantar yang hanya berjarak 52 km dari Prapat sering menjadi kota perlintasan bagi wisatawan yang hendak ke Danau Toba. Sebagai kota penunjang pariwisata di daerah sekitarnya, kota ini memiliki dua hotel berbintang, 10 hotel melati, dan 268 restoran. Dari pajak hotel dan restoran selama tahun 2000 pemerintah memperoleh pemasukan sekitar Rp 435 juta.

Pematang Siantar yang tahun 1970-an mendapat julukan sebagai kota pelajar di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, sampai saat ini masih dihadapkan pada permasalahan pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih dan tambahan sambungan telepon. PDAM Tirta Uli yang melayani kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat kota ini, hanya mampu melayani 41.000 pelanggan dari 50.000 pelanggan potensial yang ada. Sementara itu untuk telekomunikasi, saluran telepon dari Sentral Pmsc (Pematang Siantar Cen-trum) yang berjumlah 14.642 SST dan Sentral Pmsr (Pematang Siantar Rambung Merah) yang berjumlah 2.672 SST masih dirasakan kurang.

Jika Pemerintah Kota Pematang Siantar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akan sarana air bersih dan sarana telekomunikasi, maka sarana pendukung pariwisata seperti hotel dapat lebih berkembang. Dengan demikian Pematang Siantar diharapkan bisa meningkatkan dirinya dari kota perlintasan wisatawan menjadi kota persinggahan wisatawan. (BE Julianery/Litbang Kompassource


Berburu Makanan Di Tengah Malam ^___^

hihihihihihi. Yes,tonite,we went to Gajah Wong at 10.20pm.Kabur nih ceritanya.hihihihihi ( Actually Mom cooked,but I didn't feel wanna eat at home ).Yesterday we went home around 5am ( we had bfast at Ihop),then I went to bed around 6am.

Woke up around 12am,we got ready shopping for bar supplies and picked Natasha buying some more stuff for the back bar.I had my late lunch around 5pm.Went home,and laid down for awhile.I said to Ronnie that I was really hungry. He asked,'Where you wanna eat,babe?" I said," Spring Groove". He said," Oh Noddle ?" I said," yes."

He said," Come on, let's go.You can have Noddle and egg rolls."hahahaha.He couldn't pronounce Nurul.He calls Noddle instead of Nurul.

When we arrived there,Nurul said that the kitchen was closed.Arrghhhhhhhh.I was late!! The resto is closed at 10 nightly. Duhhh... Gmn donk???

Nurul offered me to bring home some rice and kerupuk.She has some Lodeh left.I asked whether she has something left for my empty belly.

Hey!! They have Soto Ayam!!! La la la la la... Finally I had Soto Ayam,Nasi Kuning,Lodeh,Sambal & Kerupuk... Then, I had my late dinner there.

Thank you so much,Nurul.Thnks for the hospitality.I brought home some rice n lodeh. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Friday, September 22, 2006

Chicken Wings

Mom baked Chicken Wings a couple weeks ago,and I didn't see how she cooked them.Dave n Joyce brought some to the bar.

This evening,I thought I'd like to try new recipe.I was thinking abt Chicken Wings.
Voilaaaaaaaaaa... I made it!!!!!

Pssst.... Ronnie loves the chicken.He was afraid abt the sauce,he thought it's really spicy,but it's not. :P He had 3 pieces tonite.

1. 6 pieces Chicken Wings
2. 2-3 teaspoon butter
3. 5 tbs Frank- Durkees red hot cayenne pepper sauce
6.Zest Blend seasoning
7.Garlic powder
8.Herbs powder

1. Turn on the oven,preheat till 350 F.
2. Cover a pan with aluminium foil.
3.Put the chicken wings and mix all the ingredients
4.Bake the chicken wings till about 30 mnts
5.Stir around the chicken wings till both side a lil crispy
6.Turn the oven into broil for awhile.

Kwetiau Goreng Ala Acek Surabaya

Way back when I was in Siantar,every Sunday morning we had bfast near our church.Moreover when we're kids, Papi took us early Sunday morning sporting around Lapangan Simarito,rounding the huge field and then swimming to Bah Sorma, and ended up having Bfast @ jln.Surabaya.

Yes, Mie Goreng Acek Surabaya,that's what we call it. His fried noddles is simple,but had wonderful taste.

I was thinking abt it a couple days and thought I'd like to cook like his.

1 handfull of Rice Stick ( Kwetiau )
1 handfull of bok choy ( sawi ), cut into small pieces
1 garlic, crushed
1 stalk leeks
sweet and salty soy sauce
1 egg
2 teaspoon oil to fry ( I use Pork Oil, the pork skin with thick fat ,makes the noddles smell good ).

1.Heat the oil ( with the Bak Puk all together )
2.Fry the garlic and add the bokchoy
3.Add the egg,salt,pepper,soy sauce
4.Add the rice stick
5.Pour a lil bit water ,and stir around
6.Add the leeks.
7.Stir around till it's a lil bit dry.

Package from Mami!!!!!!

Yesterday I saw a package at the front door.Tadaaaaaaaaaaa.... I got it!!! I got it!!!!!!!!

Thnks to "you" who had sent it for me. I got it,girl!!! *wink*

Mami sent me a piece of Kebaya ( I gotta fix it,since it's too big for me ).

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Ronnie's been sick for 2 days. I suddenly don't feel good.Indeed,when Ronnie was sick,I stuck with him like a glue.He said,' No,baby.I don't want you to be sick." Ahh dasarrrrrrr. I said,"It's fine,hun." I asked him a kiss,he mouth was abt one inch from me and then he turned his head and said,"No,hun.I can't.I don't want you to be sick,pls.". Ya sutralah.

The next morning,I woke up and felt not good.Ahhh I knew I was getting sick. I went to work for a couple hours and then went home.I slept in the couch for a couple hours.

Just like today.I just came back from home,taking a nap.I woke up later.

I went downstairs and uploaded some pics.I saw a pic of me when I was sleeping this evening.Ronnie took my pic!!!!! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...When was it???????


Huhh.... I went back upstairs and saw he's sleeping in the couch.Click!!!! I took his pic. hahahhahahhaa










Sleeping like a dead person.Hahhahahaha








                                                              Meanwhile he's sleeping like a baby. 

My Number One ( Greek Music )

Genre: International
Artist:Helena Paparizou

Helena Paparizou is the winner of the 50th Eurovision Song Contest that was held in Kiev, Ukraine on May 21st 2005 ( and the song was My NUMBER ONE!!! ). After 31 years that Greece participated in this particular contest, Helena and Sony BMG Greece wrote history by managing to reach the first place among 24 countries that were participating but the song collected 230 points from 39 countries. The song "My Number One" is written by another Sony BMG Greece superstar ,the composer and singer Christos Dantis and the lyrics by the famous

Greek lyricist Natalia Germanou. It was really a great victory for Helena Paparizou and Sony BMG Greece.

Ssst.....She speaks English,Greek Swedish, and learns French and Spanish.Wow!!!!!

Yuhuu... For you guys who lives in Europe,maybe you know this beautiful-talented girl,Helena Paparizou ???

I saw her VC on Tuesday,her song " My Number One " captured my eyes.The music with the Greek rhytms and makes me dance.Hahahhahahaa.

I love the song ( Hey!! I just put the video as my background song ).

Sept 19-20th :Painting The Back Bar

Tuesday evening,Jaime picked me.Me,Jaime and Natasha started painting the back bar.Ronnie came later.He didn't feel good. :( He's sick ( later on,I don't feel good,influenced by him ).

Natasha didn't want me take her pics.She said,"Your battery is off ?" I said," yes." She said," Good,Mei2." I said,' Hang on, I wanna go across the street buy more batteries." She couldn't say anything.hahhahahahha.

We painted till 9 pm,before the Tuesday crowd showed up. I cook Seafood Fried Rice.


We continued painting the black colour for the bottom side.Almost done.
Jaime did some decorations for the front bar.She put some banners and balls,signs there. We're so happy!!! Jaime did a good job!!


It's been our 3rd day painting.Today I was supposed to be picked by Jaime to shop some stuff.But,she didn't call me ( maybe she's tired,I am,too ).

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Because The Nite

Genre: Other
Artist:10,000 Maniac sang by me ^___^
Gara2 liat VC nya di Ria nih, jadi kesenengan sama ini lagu.Tiap karaoke,pasti lagu Because The Nite tidak pernah absen.hehehehhehehe

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Shopping Painting @ Lowe's

Last nite we had off day.But,still we needed to do something for the bar.We picked Natasha and met Jamie @ Lowe's. They're picking some colours to be painted for the back bar.

We continued sending the food order for my friend at Atlanta and then headed to the bar.Natasha did some preparation for today ( we'll paint this noon !! ).

When everything was settled,we went home at 11pm. Guess what??Ronnie's so exhausted.He slept around 11.20pm last nite. Hoorayyy!!!!! Finally he slept earlier.

Monday, September 18, 2006

When Ronnie Stays At Home ( Petting Me & Putty ) :P

On Sat nite,Ronnie stayed at home.It's our off nite.Actually he went to the bar earlier,made sure that the bar was clean and opened for the bday party in the back and front bar ( Yes,we had 2 bday paties on Sat ). I myself had cleaned the back bar with Mom on Friday nite.

Ronnie came back home around 11pm.He went upstairs and we watched movie ,cartoon, actually.

He brought a bag of Pork rinds. He's sitting in a couch, Putty jumped to his laps.. I was late!!!! Dasar Putty meong .Hehehehehehe.

Ronnie said," Come here, baby." Ogahhhhhhhhhhh. I'd rather sat down on the floor and widen up his legs.

Watching cartoon,snacking... don't they sound good ???

He said," Ughh.. can you bring me my pills,hun?" I said," Ok..." But, I got stuck in the basement,checking my emails and MP..

He came later,"Gee... baby?? Why you didn't come back ? " Hehehehehhehe. He said," Dave called me.He needs some help.There're 238 people in the bar rite now.You wanna come with me? " Arggghh... I was tired,and didn't wanna go there.

So,Ronnie went by himself.I didn't know what time he went home.When I called him around 4am,he's still in the bar.The next morning he said," We had bfast at Ihop."Ihhhhhhhhhhh tau begituuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....nyesel deh gak ikutannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Pstt... When I was reaching the pork rinds from behind,accidentally I touched Putty Meong's body.I screamt..AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Kaget setengah mati. Heehhehehehehehe

Sambal Cumi - Cumi ( Chili -Fried Squid with Coconut Milk )

Time to try another seafood. As I've had Clams for weeks ( sometimes I cook 2-3x weekly),I am getting tired of it. Hehehhehehe

Checking internet and found a recipe of Sambal Cumi - Cumi.I was curious,eventhough I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.

I went to the kitchen,started cooking..

Voilaaaaaaaa...I made it!!!!!!!

The result??? TASTY...DELICIOSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 pieces of squid ( I bought a pack, 10 pieces )
2 garlic, sliced thinly
1 big shallot,sliced thinly
10 red chilies,sliced thinly
2 cms galangal
1 lemongrass ( I use the powder one )
500 ml coconut milk
half pack of Tempeh ( can be raw or fried )
2 ts oil
Daun melinjo ( I don't have it,I used Bay leaves instead )

1. Fry the tempe,drain and separate in one plate.
2.Heat the oil,add the chilies,shallot,garlic,galangal and lemongrass
3.Add the bay leave
4.Put the squid in,stir around.
5.Add some water.
6.Stir around for a couple minutes and then add some coconut milk.
7.Add some salt and pepper.
8.Stir around till a few juice left.
9.Turn off the heat,put in a plate.
10.Ready to eat.


Karaoke : Robert Hatcher ( The AL contestant American Idol )

Genre: Other
Artist:Robert Hatcher

Robert Hatcher,our customer goes to the next level to AI season 6.He had audition to Birmingham,AL.

Congratz to Robert.At the end of this month he'll go back to AL again. Good luck,bro.

We love you!!!!!!

God bless

Sept 18 : Celebration For Robert * Next Audition for American Idol *


Yes... last nite we celebrated Robert's success for stepping to the next level for American Idol 6.

I didn't know till Evelyn brought some cakes and balloons. I asked her,"Is there another bday party here?" She said, " Robert made it!!!" HAAAA???? Yippeeeee!!!!!!!

He came later with a very nice suit.He said,' Mei - Meiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! Mei - Mei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....We hugged him and danced.Hahahhahahaa

He's so happy,so are we. He changed his clothes and started helping me arrange the tables and everything ( Pssst....he even helps me bartend ). ^___^ . Good boy!!!

Congratulation to Robert.Hopefully he can go be the Nex American Idol from Cincinnati!!!! ^__^ * He had the audition in Birmingham,AL* . Hello,Alabama :D

Me and Ronnie took pics before everybody came. hehehehhehe.
I was so busy bartending that I didn't take pics a lot.Thank God , Courtney n Robert took some for us.

Here, I attached a short video from Robert when
Robert singing

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I Will Follow Him ^__^ ( Ronnie's Annoyed )

We watched movie Sister Act this evening.I love the theme song I Will Follow Him.

As the same thing,I follow Ronnie wherever he goes. I recorded the theme song and him.He put his finger on his mouth ( one finger ).hahahahaha.He said later,"You are annoying,baby." Hahahhahah.Blm tau dia,bininya paparazzi gethooooo.

When I was recording,he pushed my butt to the front.Hahahhahah. Mengganggu aja nih org :P

My next victims are Putty n Lucky. Hihihihih.

I will follow him..... follow him wherever he may gooooo..sya la la la la....

" We Time " : Napping,Massaging,Teasing ^____^

Full... Full... Full... that's what Mom said after we came back from Red Lobster.

Ronnie said," I am a happy camper.Now time to take a nap." Hihihihihi.
He went to the living room.I turned on tv and watched TBS : Sister Act.

When the movie was over,he changed to other channel.He laid down on the couch and I sat down on his laps. ^____^

I pulled his hand and put on my head.He was starting massaging my forehead,nose,cheek and mouth!!! Hahahahahhaha. Ihhhh apaan sehhhh???

But,I did enjoy it!!!!

I knew he did it cos he didn't want me to disturb him. hahahahha *habisssss,bininya gak bisa diam,goyang sana sini mulu sih,terganggu nonton tv *

Then,he moved to another couch.Suddenly....zzzzzz.z.z.z.z.z.z..z.z.z.Instead of him watching the piano lesson,I did it. Bahhh.. apa pula ini. :D
He woke up and said, " Ups... I missed it.Where am I ? " Hehehehehehehhe.

I tried to take a pic,he tried to grab it and said,"Baby,no more pic,pls."hehehehehheheh. Ups...too lateeee.... :P

One thing he always says to me," This is our we time.I want the moment just only recorded in our minds, not in the camera." Mantap,blehhh...But,sorry.... for me, every moment is precious :P

Biar bisa diceritain ke anak cucu ntar.

Family Lunch @ Red Lobster ( Again??? )

Ronnie and I went to the Restaurant Equipment Store this noon.Before leaving,Ronnie reminded Mom to get ready to have lunch together around 2.30pm.

I called Mom around 2.30pm and said we'd be a lil bit late.Around 2.47pm,we picked Mom.

Ronnie was heading to Red Lobster.Mom was so excited.Ronnie asked her to have anything she wanted.It's our present for her bday,still. ^__^

As usual, I have Ultimate Feast.Ronnie has steak and Mom has scampy shrimp and scallops.

We're way too full.Mom said,"I can't walk, I am way too full."hahahahhahahaha.

Dicubit Hantu ??? ( Pinched by a Ghost? )

Yes... Dicubit hantu??? Gak ahhhhhhhh...

I have a black and blue spot on my right tigh.I realized that when I woke up a week ago and I saw it there.

Ronnie was surprised and said," Gee,baby??What's wrong with your tigh?"

I said," Hm... I dunno.Maybe it's pinched by a ghost."hahahahahahha


I know he don't believe it, I don't either.But,flashback when I was a kid, we always hear that words.

I said to Ronnie," I might have hit a table accidentally and it gives me a mark.


Ronnie  touched it,but it really hurt.He said,"Baby,,, I just barely touched it." Iyalah... dikit aja disentuh udh sakit.


Oh well...hopefully it will be gone soon.We usually rub it with Minyak Tawon . Hey!!! I got a bottle from Sera!!! I'll rub it later.

Sep 16th : Friday Nite - DJ !!!!!!!!!!!!! usual, Friday Nite is a DJ Nite. Boys and girls hang out in the bar,dance all nite long..

Lagi malas comment panjang2. hehehehhheehehe.

Psssttt.. Mom came !!! She helped me clean up the back bar ( cos tonite we'll have 2 bdays parties in the bar ).

She danced on her seat. Hihihihihi. ^___^

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bartender's Wet Dream ( Shot Drink )

Hahahahhaa..Yes,it's named Bartender's Wet Dream.It's creamy.

1 splash grenadine
1.2 oz Kahlua
1.2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream/Carolans
whipped cream

Simply put the liqueur in a shot glass and place a lil whipped cream on top.


Pic above : Caribbean Cruise n Bartender's Wet Dream

Caribbean Cruise ( Mixed Drink )

A new tasty drink named Caribbean Cruise.New flavor,makes you wanna drink more and more.

I just promoted this drink on Tuesday,and I've sold many glasses and last nite Jamie sold some,too.

Blended flavor from melon,peachtree,vodkablue curacao,pineapple juice n spalsh of 7 up. Garnish with lemon/lime and a cherry.

Drink up,baby...drink up... ^__^

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Happy Bday,Mom!!!!

Mom and I went shopping yesterday noon for her bday.She had her hair cut at BoRics meanwhile I went to Kroger ( bought stuff to cook for dinner n bday card for Mom ).

Continued to Northgate Mall.She was looking for panties,towels and jeans.She said Ronnie helped her so much doing the driveway,so she’d like to give Ronnie something.Well…she bought Ronnie a pair of jeans and jacket.

I saw some clearance clothes and I liked a white jacket.Mom took it and paid it for me.^___^

We went to JC Penney,and tried some purses.We did have fun yesterday.Mom kept asking,”Where’s the mirror,Mei?” hahahhaha.She tried 4 purses and asked,”Should I buy purse and wallet?” I said,”If you need them.” Then,she decided not to .

We went to the rd floor to buy some towels at JC Penney.Then,when we went downstairs on escalator she said,’A hat!! A hat!!! Turn your head to the left.I saw a hat.” She pointed it down there.

We saw a beautiful dark blue cowgirl hat.She said,”Where is the mirror,Mei2?” Hahahhahahaa. Mom is realllyyyy fussy!!!!!

She tried it on and she said,’How abt that????I like this one.I wanna buy it.”She put it on her head meanwhile we tried some belts.Again,”Where is the mirror,Mei2?”Hihihihihihi.
Mom is sooo funny.

She didn’t find the right belt for her.I tried a fancy one.She said,”Your bday will be coming soon.This belt would be the perfect gift for you.”

I took the hat and then paid for her.That’s our bday present for Mom.^__^

Then…..since we thought we didn’t need anything else,we went to Pony Keg.I picked the booze and dropped them to the bar.

We went home around 4pm.I had Mom sit down and relax,enjoy the evening meanwhile I cooked.

We were out of carrots.She went to Kroger to buy some.She still had the hat on.Hahhahahahaha.

When Ronnie came,the food was ready. I cooked Chow Mien with Mixed Veggies meanwhile I cooked Stir Fried Beef and Rice for Ronnie.

Alas…Ronnie didn’t eat the beef.I forgot he don’t like pepper.He said,”The taste of pepper spread to all the beef,hun.I can’t eat it.’ Duh…. Lupa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed,it tasted sooo good.Finally me and Mom ate it.Hehehehhehe. It’s fine, next time I’ll remember not to put pepper in there.

Dinner was followed by cutting the cake.Mom baked it in the morning,meanwhile she had me decorate it. I bought strawberry early in the afternoon.

So…. We had Strawberry cake this time.( Ronnie don’t like it!!!0 husband is soooo weird.He only likes chocolate cake, simple chocolate cake, no frosting. Payahhhhh

But,anyway,Happy Bday ,Mom!!! We love you!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Spending Time with Mom & Ronnie ( Shopping Again )

Mom asked me to go to the library this noon.I was fined,and so was she.Hehehehehhehe.I borrowed some dvds,but I've never watched them.And guess what? I am so lazy to return them to the library.Mom borrowed some audio cassettes.

We continued going to Walgreens.She picked up her persciptions and I bought some stuff.

Since the Beauty Care is not far from Walgreens,I asked her to go there.I bought some earrings and we tried some wigs. OMG!!!! We did have fun!!! Mom and I tried some and we exchange. I said to Mom," Gee, Mom.I should've brought the cam." She said," NOOO!!!! YOU WILL NOT!!! DON'T DO THAT". HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.She's so embarassed!!!!

She said,"How can people stand wear wig?It's really hot." She's rite.I don't get the answer.But,I have one wig that I've never used it.Ronnie don't like it at all. It's very short.Hahahhahahaha. I remembered when I and Mom went to Flea Market and I bought a wig.I wore it and Ronnie came down from upstairs and said,"HOLY MOLLY!!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR HAIR,BABE???????? GOODNESS,MEI2!!!! SINCE WHEN YOU BE AN AMERICAN GIRL???? " hahahahahahhahaha.

I tried not to laugh.Me and Mom created a scenario.Mom said," She looks cute,Ronnie!!!"


I said," OK... I WILL GO BACK TO THE SALOON AND ASK THEM TO GIVE MY HAIR BACK, LIKE THIS... ' I pulled the wig and he was double shocked!!!

Hahahhahahahhahaaha. Aduhh untung gak jantungan dia.

When he saw I bought some stuff,he didn't like it.He said," I wanna spank ya,girl." :P Sembarangannnnnnn.. I said," ohh.. I love it.Pls do." :D

He thanked me for buying him new razor.I asked him to take home back the dvd player from the bar,so we could watch movies at home.

Got Package from Jenny ( LAPIS LEGIT & LAPIS SURABAYA )!!!

This morning Mom told me that we had some mails.She knows well that I loveeeeeeeee checking mail box.

I went out and saw a big package on the floor. WOW!!!!! That's a package from Jenny Turnham . I am soooo excited.

I showed Mom the package.She said,"Wow, Mei2.You always got a package!!!" .We opened it and  tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... I got Lapis Legit,Lapis Surabaya,Rose Soap n a pack of snack!!!!

Thnks a lot, Jenny!!!! I told Mom to bake a cake for her b'day tomorrow.I kept all the stuff and we went to library and stores this noon.

Mom said she would like to wait to bake the cake,cos she don't have the rite baking pan for the cakes.

So, I think I gotta ask Jenny abt the pans she has.Alas, I left my cellphone in the car ( Ronnie called me this noon and told me abt that ).

Jen,when you read it,let me know what kind of pans you use.

I'll write down the check tomorrow for you.

Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Steve's Bday @ Frickers - Sat 9th 2006

While Ronnie was still busy with the driveway,me and Mom went to Fricker's.Ronnie said he would come later.He'd like to have chicken wings to go.He knew that he wouldn't have much time to sit down and chit chat there.

So,me and Mom went to the party around 6 pm.I ordered some chicken wings to go.Around 6.45pm Ronnie showed up.He sat down for awhile and congrated Steve.Soon,he left with chicken wings. He said I could stay there longer and come to the bar later.

Agh..I met our 2 customers in Fricker's.We chit chat for awhile before I continued eating.

Mom dropped me to the bar and then she went back to Fricker's.I hope she enjoyed the rest of the nite ( which was she did,she said ).

Kerja Bakti : Doing The Driveway

Gayanya... ^___^ I didn't do anything.I just watched Ronnie doing the driveway.Last year we had done it.Ronnie was helped by Steve.This year,he worked by himself ( lagi moody soalnya ) ^__^

He spent all day long doing the driveway.I offered to help him,he didn't want.So, I just stayed next to him.Yg penting,ikutan partisipasi,bow,biar juga duduk2 doank.

Mom has some pop cycle.Mom gave to the kids and me.So..we had Pop Cycle!!!!

Before picking Lucky,we went to Flea Market.Mom said she saw a drum there when she took Lucky to the Groomer.Then,she decided to buy it.But,alas...somebody had bought it.She's disappointed.

After that,Mom picked Lucky from the Groomer.He's so excited to meet see us again.

Ronnie was almost done when we arrived.He's really tired.Poor baby.
I teased him ,pointed his shirt.Then,he touched his shirt..aarrrghhhhhhh.. he messed it up.The black dot appeared there .Duhhh...Mei2 kurang kerjaan. Hehehehehhe

Ronnie said,"See?? I didn't realize my hands are dirty." Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.That's one of my fave shirts for him.

Oh well, I think I can wash it clean tomorrow.