There're 2 b'day girls at our bar on Tues nite.They rent the back bar and I bartended there.Meanwhile Ronnie bartended at the front bar ( Richie didn't come ).It was fun!!!!
I had a great time with the people in the back bar.The girls danced and played pool. I made 12 glasses drink Sex on The Beach.Amazing!!!!
I got stuck at the back bar( meanwhile I really wanted to sing ).Hahhahahaha. So, I missed the crowd at the front bar. But,I still could see them from a far. Some regular customers came to say hi to me to the back bar.Even Drew * my son...cieeeeeee* helped me for awhile.
I saw Ronnie was helped by Nicole ( our regular customer,she's a certified bartender ).
Neisha & Nay got presents from us.We gave them free drinks.But,Neisha said she's drunk,so she'd keep the present.'s fine!!
I closed the back bar around 1.45am,and I went to the front bar,helping Ronnie. Everyone missed me. ^_____^.
We closed the bar around 2.30am.Alecia,the Karaoke lady wondered where I've been.Hahahhahahahha.
Next week I gotta sing again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked Ab,our bouncer to take some pics while I was bartending.
Certified enga neh bartender nya, hee.....he...
ReplyDeletecute baju baunya eit salah baju baru. lol.
keren bu baju barunya..ini yang belanja di tjmaxx?
ReplyDeleteHihihihi.Maunya sih certified.Ntar deh,lanjut skul lagi,biar beneran jadi bartender.Hahahhahaha.Bajunya? Baju baru.^___^
ReplyDeleteIya,bu..baju -baru dipake.Hahahhahaha.Belanja di TJMAXX,not so bad , lumayan dpt murah 7 bucks doank. ^_____^.Adem dipake,dingin lagi.Bahannya halus n lembut *kyk sabun aja neh*.