Monday, June 26, 2006

Bartending for Robert's Bday,Sunday 25th 206

Yuhuuuuuu….Last nite,Sunday ,there’s an event b’day in our bar.Robert,the bday guy,designed the bar as nice as possible. I was impressed when I came to the bar around pm and saw the couches were put in the front bar.

Robert came on Thursday nite before and talked to Ronnie abt renting the bar. At that nite,I brought my Lumpia.Garry,our customer liked it and ordered from me ( He picked them on Sat nite ). Lumpia membawa berkat.Hahahhahahhaha

I met Robert and volunteered him to cook some food.He was glad.He asked how much it would cost,I said,”It’s free.”He couldn’t believe that.Yes,it’s free,for sure,cos I wanna share my food.Who knows people would order from me. ^___^

Sat nite he came with his cousin,Nana.Nana tried my Lumpia,and she loved it ,too. I convinced her that I would coo some for Robert’s bday. She said,”You feed me,Mei2.”Hahahahhaa.

Sunday nite,Robert came around 10pm.I took some pics before people came.Ronnie asked me to stand by at the front bar as Bartender.Yes,I offered myself to be the bartender on that nite.I really love bartending,and meeting people.That’s the effective way to get close to the customers and know them better,and know their fave drinks before they tell me what they want!! I’m learning….*

I warmed my fried noddles and Lumpia.I forgot to take some for myself ( cos I hadn’t had my dinner yet). I was getting busy and needed Ronnie’s help. He himself was sitting at the front door,bouncing with Mike ( our DJ Mike came as our bouncer for that nite ).

I didn’t know how many people came,but they’re a lot.Mike showed me the counter around 1 pm and it was “ 134 “.He stopped doing that and said,” I bet more than 134 people show up,so I don’t need to use it.” Hahhahahahha.

Since I was really busy ( I tried to be as fast as I could ), Ronnie called Dave and asked him to come. Thank God!!!!!!!!!! The customers were waiting to be served. The most fave drink last nite was LONG ISLAND ICE TEA. I made like 36 GLASSES!!! Wuihhhhhhhhh………

I didn’t have any break at all. There’s was Karaoke,everyone had great time.I really wanted to sing.Hehehehehhe.Robert said from the front stage,” I forget to tell y’all,Mei2,the bartender can sing,too.But,she is really busy rite now.” ^_______^

Then again,he said,” We love you Ronnie & Mei-Mei.Thank you for providing the bar for my party . Mei2,thank you for the food.Guys, she cooked for us tonite.Say thank you to her.” Awww… And everyon said,” Thank you,Mei – Mei.” ^_______^ So sweet. You’re welcome,guys!!!!

Robert did care abt us.He came a couple times and asked how we’re doing. I gave him free drink.He chosed OJ, Cranberry + Sprite.

The party was over around 3am.There’s one customer came to me and said,”Maam,you made my drinks all nite long.Thank you for doing that.I really like the way you serve.” ^___^ This guy had like 6 glasses of Long Island Ice Tea and 2 Junebox.

He likes our bar and has a thought to throw his b’day party here.Robert said that everyone had great time and they would come back again. Yes!!!!!!!!!!

I called Mike and asked him to check whether we still had some noddles left.He brought the rest and we ate it. I hadn’t eaten anything yet nor drunk.After we closed around 3pm then I had a bottle of water and noddles. The customers had some,too.We shared!!! ^__^
Nana gave me some cake, and I took it home.

Dave cleaned the bar,meanwhile Ronnie washed the glasses, I counted the money. Yeahhh we did good tonite!! Ronnie said,” Great sales,baby!!”

I suddenly felt my back hurts.Duhhh… I realized I stood up too much (standing like 7 hours!!!).No wonder my back hurts and my heels,too.

I counted my tips, I got a lot this time. 84 bucks!!! Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. As the reward,Ronnie and Dave got 30 bucks each.But,I still keep my tips!!! Hahahhahahahaha.

After cleaning the bar,we left around 4am.Really really tired…….

In the morning,I woke up and I got headache.My head throbs so so bad and it drives me crazy.I had a shower ,but it didn’t help.Until now it still hurts.I have put the balsem all over my head and forehead,still don’t help.

Rite now Ronnie and Dave are in the bar.We have another event there.I am worn out,I couldn’t work anymore. Tomorrow we have Karaoke Nite and Wed we have Live Band.I’m ready for those. ^___^

Anway,Happy B’day,Robert.God bless you!!!!

PS: We're so honoured cos there's a newly wed couple came to our bar last nite. No wonder I got confused before,I saw some guys with nice suits were in our bar.Then,I saw a bride was sitting and Robert announced somebody just got married and they came to our bar!!! Wow... what a blast!!!

I asked Mike to take the pics while I was bartending.


  1. mukanya memelas banget lo mei...;)

  2. asekkk tart-nya sapa yg bikin mei ?

  3. lo mah kebiasaan dah masang yg beginian...laper taukkkkkkk....

  4. Ya elah,say.Ke mana aja elu menghilang?Msh main tennis ? Itu wajah minta dikasihani,say.Kerja capeknya minta ampun,gak ada berhentinya.

  5. ceria lagi dah klo liat duit mah :))

  6. Dia udh pesan duluan.Telat ekke nawarin bday cake buat dia.

  7. iya masih tennis...cuma minggu ini istirahat, ga ada jadwal pertandingan...makanya gw nongkrong di sini...minggu depan mulai lagi...

  8. Gara2 ini nih, Mei2 jadi gak makan.Semua dibawa ke dpn stage, tapi untung ada sisa dikit kmrn itu.I had very late dinner, jam 3.30am!!!!

  9. Hasil kerja keras banting tulang,bow... Kipas...kipas..............

  10. hahhhhhhh itu mah bukan dinner lagi udah hampir breakfast :P

  11. Kirain elu jaga gawang belanda,Mpok.hahahhahaha.Masuk putaran selanjutnya gak ? Bsk2 Mei2 telp yaaaaaaaaaa

  12. Dinfast dunk ya ??? Dinner bfast.Hahahhahahaha

  13. Mo tidur dulu,udh jam 3.31am.Ronnie udh nunggu di Pulau Kapuk.^___^

  14. Ok nite...nite...sweet dreams babe....mwuahhhhhh....

  15. Waaaah salu nich tante sama dikau...
    - inasanari

  16. Aduh tante mau nich , mana masih sakit lagi...
    pasi yummy sekali....
    - inasanari

  17. Cape yach cinta.. kacian sekali...
    Wah pasti seru nich klo ike kedaerah situ mampir ditempat loe Mei?
    - inasanari

  18. Udh bangunnnnnnnnn.Bangun kesiangan tepatnya.Msh capek,tapi kepala udh gak sakit lagi.Hari ini mo buat Nastar pesanan Nurul.

  19. Mei2 malah gak sempat makan lumpianya,Na.Udh amblas dimakan sama customers.

  20. Yg ini msh ada sisa kmrn.Jam 3 lwt baru makan, udh gitu,ada customer yg liat,ikutan makan lagi.hahhahahaha

  21. aduh enaknya, ahli yg. bebikinan begitu, wah sirik dah.

  22. Wuihhh tak terkira capeknya,Na.Mo coba? ^___^ Btw, kpn mo mampir? Nanti Mei2 masakin deh

  23. Mie Goreng Seafood,dimakan panas2,udangnya gede2 lagi *duhhh jadi lafarrrrrrrrrrrr*.

  24. Blue is cute.Hahahhahaha*narsis lagi dahhh*.

  25. Kecapekan,say.Kerja semalaman gak berhenti.Muka lesu,tenaga habis terkuras.

  26. lumpia .....mau...ces...ces,,,,

  27. aduh enak nih mei..suka mie model itu trus banyaak lagi porsinya..beruntung customermu!

  28. Yg pasti doanya gini,minta diberkati yg masak dan yg makan.^___^

  29. aduh lumpianya mauuuuuuuuuu hik hik hik

  30. Itu masakannya gratis,Jen.Sekali2 dimasakin,dlm rangka ultah.Minggu dpnnya mrk cari2 makanan.Mrk kirain tiap minggu ada free food.^___^.
