Once upon a time... cieee.....sok.com deh ahhh..
OK,be serious this time. I just wanna share what's going on.Sinking myself in a bar business,sometimes makes me laugh and mad.There're lots of things happens.Good and bad,for sure.
I wanna tell these stories,cos these make me laugh all nite all ( I collect the other stories from the other nites,too ).Nothing mentioned to be proud...not at all.
I am learning bartending for months rite now.I gotta admit,I am getting better.Actually I graduated from Tours & Travel Management,so,I've never learnt how to mix drinks.Eventhough F&B Dept is still a part of Tourism Academy stuff.
Well,sometimes I help our bartenders behind the bar.Sometimes I bartend with Ronnie or Dave or even both.Ronnie and Dave love bartending,too!!! So,we have at least skill how to mix drinks.
Birthday Party
I was bartending with others and then went to the floors and cleaned up the tables.
Me: Excuse me,are you done?"
Lady:That's not mine ( with voice like a man )...just guess what she is.. ^__^
Me:"Oh,ok then.I think none has this one.I'll clean up."
I took the glasses and the bottles.I wiped the table and walked away.
Lady:"Hey,come back."
Me:"?????? Yes???"
Lady ( came closer and put her hand on her waist ),"What's your name? Gimme your phone no."
Me:"???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *speechless*
I tried to break the ice,and pretended not to know what she asked.
Me:"You wanna make a party here?You're welcome!!!!See,you even can dance here.^___^"
Lady:"I wanna party with you,baby.I wanna dance with you.* wink*"
Me:"Eghhh.........excuse me....." * I ran away*
Goodnesssssssssssssssssssssssss.What's going on ??? I was scared and looked for Ronnie.I whispered to him and told him.He laughed out of loudly and said," Hahahhahahahhaa..She's trying to pick you up,ha?" Now, I can be jealous." Hahhahhahahaha
Ihhhhhh sembarangan deh ahhhh...Emangnya muka kita muka lesbong,apa ???
So,the rest of the nite,I saw there're lots of people like here.I just couldn't figure out which one man which one woman.All the same for me.
Rap Show
We're packed.It's about 188 showed up ( the birthday party was attended like 148 ). We opened the back bar and the patio ( the same thing we did on the birthday party).
We're pretty busy.There're like 5 bartenders at the front bar.So, I helped again. I love cleaning ( I call myself as Cleaning Service ).Hahhahahahhaha.
There's a guy ordered a drink.He's standing in front of the bar.
Me:"Yes,Sir?What can I get for you?"
Man:" Hmmm...let me have Tang n Cranberry."
Me : " Ok...I got it!!"
I turned and took a bottle of Tang.I poured in a glass.Then I turned again.
Man :" Hey...."
Me : " Yes ? " *turned my head*
Man:" *wink*......"
Me:"???????????????* *bingung.com*
He walked away,gave me some tips. Hahhahahahahhaha
Another Rap Show
Serving some customers , clean up ...clean up.....Jadi Inem nih ceritanya.
There's one table with a few glasses and bottles there.I saw 3 guys sitting there.
I came closer...
Me:"Are you done?"
Man 1:"Oh,Yes."
Me:"Ok then...Let me clean up..."
I wiped the table and took the glasses and bottles away.
Man 1:" Hey... "
He pushed his mouth to the front.His friends laughed.
Me:"What is it?"
Man 1:"Gimme a kiss." *push his mouth again*
Me:"Ha???!!! Ohhh ohohohoho..NO WAY!!! You ain't got it...not a chance." :P
His friends laughed at him. Gotcha!!!!!!!!!
Thursday,Ladies Nite
1st Story
I bartended by myself last nite.Ronnie was busy doing other things,but he came to check me sometimes.We had a crowd.Sarah,Kristy's friend had a birthday,so she drank a lot.DJ Swiff had friends with him.
2 guys came to the bar.I greeted him.
Me:"Hello...how are you doing?"
Man 1: " Hi,how are you."
Me:"What can I get for you?"
Man 1:"Gimme Hennesy,pls,and coke."
He paid. I turned to his friend.
Me:"Hi,what can I get for you?"
Man2:"Gimme corona.pls."
Me:"Got it."
He paid.I arranged back the booze.
Man2:"What is your name?"
Me:"Excuse me?"
Man2:"What is your name?"
Me:"Oh...My name is Mei -Mei".
He couldn't hear that.I wrote it in a paper.
Man2:"Do me a favor."
Man2:"Put your number here."
Me:"Hahahahhahahaha. You want my no ?"
Man2:"Yes.It's F******G hot!!! I tell you!!"
Me:" You want my no ? Ask my husband". I pointed Ronnie sitting at the end of the bar.
Me:" Go ahead.He's sitting there.I dare you.If you have guts,do that."
Hahhahahahahhahahaha.He's really ashamed.I shoke his hands and he laughed. Gotcha!!!!
2nd Story
Another guy.... He's talking to Ronnie.I gave Ronnie a code to check the back bar.Ronnie went to the back bar. I was bartending.
The guy was talking to his friend.He called me, using his hand, giving a gesture.
Man :" Come here."
Man:"Come here. " He wanted me to stand next to him.I refused it. I stood behind the bar.
Me:"What's up ?"
Man :" Do you have a boy friend ?"
Me*smile*" I'll show you."
Man:"Where? You;re F*******G SUPER HOT,GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me:"I'll show you soon.Hang on." Ronnie was walking back to the front bar.I pointed my finger behind the man's shoulder.He turned left,but Ronnie walked to the right side.Then,he turned his head to the right.
Me:"That's him."
Man:"Is he your boy friend."
Me:" No." I pointed my left ring finger.Telling him that I'm married.Bahhh!!! When I showed him,I realized I didn't put my wedding rings ( I gain weight,so they don't fit).
Man:"is HE your HUSBAND???"
Me:" He is."
Man*pale face:"OHHHHHHH I am sorry, I am so so sorry!!!!!!! I put his hand over his neck.Hahahhahahahhhahahaha.
I pulled Ronnie's hand and said to him," He is my husband."
Ronnie laughed and said,"She's my wife."
Man : " I am sorry,man.I didn't know abt it.Sorry." Hihihihihihihii.
When we closed the bar, DJ Mike told us a funny story.He said his friends asking abt who the bartender was. Hahhahahhahah. DJ Mike said,"You know what,Ron?My friends asked me like this,"Who's the bartender in CE?She's a hot Asian girl, I can tell. Who is she with?" Hahahhahahahhahahaha. DJ Mike told them " She's Ronnie's wife, man." HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA. Goodness... it's so funny!!!!
Ronnie said to him," I tell you what,we can ship Indonesian girls here and meet you guys here.Who knows you'll get one like me." Hahahhahahhahahaha.
What a nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wakakakakaak yg bener aja lu mei... ditaksir ama lesbong
ReplyDeleteMalang nian nasibku... hihihihihihi. Gemetaran nih kaki wkt dia tanya.Hahahhahahaha
ReplyDeletehuaaa kalo ronnie denger bisa ditabok tuhh cowok
ReplyDeleteck.. ck.. ck... banyak yang naksir Meeei
ReplyDeleteRonnie ketawa2 dia,senyum simpul.Hahahahahahha.Dia gak bakalan tabok sih.Cuma tempeleng iya kali. :P
ReplyDeleteMati rasa,Vy,sama anak2 di bar.Hahahahahaha.Udh kepincut abis sama Ronnie,tak bersisa.
ReplyDeletehuhaaaaaaaa boleh juga loh Mei banyak pengalaman...ntar loe tempelin di baju
ReplyDelete* Married & Bukan lesbong euy...wink*
Maunya sih begitchuuuuuu. Ditulis di jidat ya ? :P
ReplyDeletehuahahahaha...mei2 ditaksir para lelakiiii...si ronnie mestinya bangga tuh punya bini yg asoy geboyyyyy :))
ReplyDeleteKalo macam2,dikeluarin jurus bangau terbang katanya.HAHAHAHHAHAHAA.
ReplyDeletewidih serem ama lesbong...yaiks!
ReplyDeletedi goda oh di goda...
ReplyDeletehehehehe...mei, sorry cuman numpang ketawa...so how are you dear?
ReplyDeleteNasib jadi bartender...hiks...hiks..hiks...
ReplyDeleteApa daya.....hahahhahahahha
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeeeeee..Tertawa di atas pe nderitaan org lain.Hehehhehe.I'm doing good,Rat.Udh diceramahin,jadi udh ngerti,katanya..
ReplyDeletethat's good Mei, I'm happy for you:-), take care
ReplyDeleteYuhuuuuuu..Thnks,say.^____^. GBU
ReplyDeleteMei, kabur, takut di taksir ama lesbong.
ReplyDeleteMei, mending elo print kaos tulisannya Ronnie's wife, jadi kaga ada yg berani macem2, anggap ajah tuh kaos seragam.he..he....
mei, gue setuju ide dewi, jadi gak usah cape2 jelasin..
ReplyDeletekalau perlu pakai foto kalian berdua, jadi tamu2 udah langsung tau yg mana ronnie
Hahahhahahahha.Nice idea,tapi lucu kali ya kalo dipasang?hihihihihi
ReplyDelete^__________^.Nanti gak dpt tips lagi donkkkkkkk.Hahhahahaha.Fansnya pada kabur.Hahhahahaha.Foto sih banyak,tapi di website,blm diprint n dipajang di dinding.
ReplyDeletetumben lu kali ini jurnal lu tanpa foto ??? biasanya kan selalu ada aja fotonya... :))
ReplyDeletepasangin foto si lesbong dong, hehehe... :))) biar kita2 tahu gimana sih tampangnya.... kan katanya kalo lesbong biasanya lebih cantik dari cewek asli...'tul gak sih..????!!!!
Ya elah,Pris.Co jauh lbh ganteng dari ini lesbong.Bener dah... Mana mau ekke pasang foto mrk di sini.Ntar dikejar2 lagi.Hahhahahahhaha.
ReplyDeleteiya, ya...kok gak kepikir ya ama gw....*bego.com :)*
ReplyDeletetapi sekarang gw malah mbayangin gimana ya kalo si mei mei dikejar2 ama lesbong....huahahahahahahahhaaa.......jadi gak ngatuk gw..padahal tadinya udah mau bobok lho....^___^
Duh,say...ini lesbong yg dandannya ngalahin co.Makanya Mei2 takut setengah mati.Lu bayangin deh sendiri.Anggap aja elu yg dideketin.Hihihihi.Udh ah, tidur,udh lwt tengah malam.Mei2 baru plg dari luar kota,ngantuk nih.Sembari nunggu Ronnie plg.Good nite,Pris.GBU!!!