Saturday, January 14, 2006

Uncle Ron & The Toddlers..Music Time !!!

I recorded this 2 days ago.Ronnie helped me taking care the toddlers.He had the toddlers' attention to play Organ with him.

Well.... in order the kids play the organ, Uncle Ron played a song " Silent Nite ". He said to me,"Oh My Goodness!!! They make it from C.It's a high tone! "

I came closer and I said,"Lemme try.I think I can sing it." So,I tried... I said,"Let's try to sing from the low C." He did it.. Listen to his song... Hahahhahahaha...

When I was recording that,Bryan was looking at me...Salah tingkah begitu tau direkam. ^___^ . Lizzy wanted Uncle Ron to stop the music.. Check the reason why... Hihihihihi * forgive me Uncle Ron *


  1. Udh liat ya?Ronnie manyun tuh,dia blg " You embarassed me ."
    tidak bermaksud begitu,honey bunny............. Maksudnya kan mo ksh tau ke org,kalo Uncle Ron juga OK main sama toddlers..Hihihihi

  2. yang diatas orgen itu boneka apa ? lucu ih

  3. Itu tea pot,cie.Model apa,lupa, gak perhatikan.^__^

  4. hihihi lucu :D Apalagi yg kecil sampe bilang "Stop it!!!"
    Btw itu ngambil videonya pake apaan Mei?

  5. pake Nikon 5600,Mon.Ini sih punyanya Mom,justru cam kita sendiri yg Canon S2 IS jarang banget skrg dipake.Kalo lagi ada event2 besar aja baru dipake.Malah skrg udh bingung tuh kalo disuruh pegang yg Canon.Hihihihihi

  6. can't blame her, pantesan disuruh brenti sampe nagis2 begging segala... aaauuwww torturing itu si Uncle Ron kalo gak brenti! huahauhuahauhua Lucuuu abisssssssss Mei bikin ngakak aja!

  7. Endang, ngakak di sini,tapi tuan besar udh ngomel2.katanya,"tega banget sama suami,dijadiin bahan lelucon di video,hun.Apus donkkkkkkkkk" Alasan kita," Jangan donk,babe,ini kan mo ksh tau ke org2,kalo Uncle Ron perhatian ke anak2." Hihihihi.Akhirnya,sang tuan besar diam deh...

  8. Mei kualat...... make fun suami sendiri.

  9. iya neh, kualat pisan. Hehehehheh. Tapi asyik banget kalo udh ngeliat dia begituan, bawaan happy mulu. He's my baby!!!! hihihihi
