I attended the Ladies' Craft Nite from 6.30- 8pm tonite.This time we painted tote bag or Apron.I was late to be there,so the aprons were gone.I took the tote bag and started painting
We're allowed to bring home the rest of the bags ( I would love to!! ). I borrowed some painting books from the library,hope I could paint some more.
The library is closed at 8pm,so I had done abt 7.45pm.I said to Ronnie he could pick me at that time.I was waiting at the parking lot,and a lady asked me whether I wanted to have a ride.I said," No,thnks.My hubby will pick me."
Another minute passed,another lady came and said,"Are you waiting for a ride?I can send you home.Let's go." I said," I'm doing ok,waiting for hubby.I asked him to pick me at 7.45pm,but it's 8pm already." She offered me a ride again and said," We live in Mt.Airy". Oh well,it's near from home.I told her I live not far from it,and just straight street from library.She didn't mind sending me home.So,I walked to her car.Another lady who sat next to me in the craft nite came out from the library and asked the same question,"You wanna a ride?" Wah...too many offered me a ride. What a blessing!
Gloria & Mary Ann Mason,mother and daughter,sent me home.I asked where they go to church,Gloria said," We haven't found yet." I said," Heyy!!! Come to our church!!!" I told where it is.She said,"Is it allowed to wear pants?" I said,"Yes!". They just moved to Mt.Airy,so they are not familiar with some areas,I guess.
I gave her our church's website,she promised she would check it. Wah... I hope she would come next week.
She stopped on the driveway,and we saw Ronnie was walking to the car.I said to Gloria,"Give him a horn." Gloria did and opened the window,said,"She's here!!! "
Ronnie acrossed the street and I introduced him to them.Ronnie said,"Wah...You make another friends again."
After saying bye bye to them, Ronnie said to me,"More friends,baby.Amazing! "
I gave Steffie a bag,she chosed the Strawberry Theme.Yes,it's beautiful.That's my 1st painting.
After that,I ended up by eating DURIAN!!!! Boleh donk,udh capek seharian,mana sakit gigi lagi.
Tomorrow I would call the dentist
Good job Eda..ntar kalau udah mahir boleh order nih..
ReplyDeleteBoleh,1 bag costs 7 bucks
ReplyDeletewakakakakkkkkkk elo itu di tiap foto pst gak lupa ama makanannnn
ReplyDeletestrawberry bagnya boleh juga tuh .. bikinin doong satu aja. he he he.
ReplyDeleteSambil melukin dipikiran elo pasti tampangnya Ola ya Mei... kikikik *ssst bisa kena gampar Ola gw.... joking 'la!*
ReplyDeletehiiikzzzzz.. duriaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
ReplyDeleteBah...harus itu,biar sakit gigi,hajar sajaaaaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteBoleh... ^___ ^ Mo brp banyak buah strawberriesnya? ^__^
ReplyDeleteOla....Ola....aduhh kangen sekali sama itu anak.Hiks..hiks...hiks... dia msh liburan,Mpok.Mirip ya wajahnya dgn Lil Dutch Lady? Hehheheheh. j/k
ReplyDeleteDilarang ngiler,Mpok....
ReplyDeleteDilarang ngiler,Mpokkkkkkkkkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteduh mei...durian nya menggoda iman hehehehe
ReplyDeleteBagi dong Mei..............lempar lempar kesini.
ReplyDeletewah,bagus kok mei.
ReplyDeletetidakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tuh.
ReplyDeletebacan nya apa sih mei.
Udh lwt trip ke-2,barusan aja.Manis2 lho......Si Iman ke mana ya?Dia ikutan tergoda gak?
ReplyDeleteDurinya dilempar,mau gak,Lid??
ReplyDeleteKenyang nih,barusan makan duren lagi.Msh banyak sisa.Ronnie kegelian tadi ngeliat durian di atas meja,pas di sblhnya lagi. Di sana ada kan ya? Harganya brpan?
ReplyDeleteThnks,Buer.Biasanya yg pertama2 hasilnya impressive ya?? encourage nih ceritanya. dodol.com
ReplyDeleteGak kebaca ya,Buer? Itu tulisannya " this bag is mine ". Tapi sayang,krn 4 tas yg selesai dibuat,digantung di tangan,akhirnya paintingnya ke mana2.Ini aja tas msh kena painting,susah diilangin,jeans juga.
ReplyDeleteTadi Mei2 udh beli cat washable di Walgreens, mo keluar bentar lagi beli yg permanent.Lagi demen2nya painting nih.
aduh yummy kaleee...
ReplyDeleteyummy yummy juga..... Msh banyak tuh sisanya. :P
ReplyDeletelupa dah klo dah makan durian ama gw hiksss :((
ReplyDeleteluchu neh tapi kok cuma ada matanya ajah sehhh ;))
ReplyDeleteaduh say,sakit perut nih dari semalam.Dalam sehari makan duren 2x,mana isinya banyak lagi.Kelebihan gas gitu,jantung gak enak jadinya.. hiks..hiks..hiks..kemaruk...
ReplyDeleteNgikut contoh,bu.Hehehhehe.... Mulutnya ditutup sama leher baju kali yee... Lagi mo merah susu sapi.. Hihihi.Pake klompen.
ReplyDeletemakanya lain kali kirim ke gw setengahan biar ga sakit peyuttttt hihihihi....
ReplyDeleteiya ya, bagi2 sakitnya ntar diksh tau..hihihihihi
ReplyDeletewaaa..first painting aja kaya gini gimana kalo udah sering ya?...bagus Mei..telaten banget kamu..
ReplyDeleteDuh, jadi malu....Semalam baru beli painting supplies nih.Pengen belajar lagi,walau amatiran,gpp lah.