I was contacted by Desy a week ago,said that Ria invited us to hang out to Dayton on Saturday.So,we made an arrangement.Desy would introduce me to Ria ( indeed,I had seen her at Lusy's wedding ,but we didn't talk ).
So,Ronnie dropped me to meet Desy and we drove to Middletown,to Ria's house.There,I met Nurul ( I went to her store with Genta abt 2 weeks ago,again,I didn't talk to her,cos she's busy on the phn ).
Ria said we would go to Dayton,over Jessy's house.She invited us to have dinner there. Ok... we used 3 cars.
I met Jessy,Maria and Jessy's Mom.Wahh.. Indonesian food were served on the table. Maria fried Lumpia ( Enak bener nih lumpianya ). We had Lumpia for our appetizers.Soon,Kak Irma ( horas!! Org Medan neh ) and Mbak Maya came.Again, I met new friends!!!!
Hebohhhh...ladies were talking abt the hot news in Indonesia.Ohio Infotainments!!!! hahahahhahha. Esp Kak Irma ( gak tahan,bow ).
Jessy,the hostess served great food.Ria said we had to leave abt 8 pm back to Dayton ( Jessy lives at Troy,a couple mnts from Dayton ). But,we relaxed for some time in the living room,had coffees,desserts and continuing ber-gosip ria. This this was abt Ghosssssttttttttttttttttt,Pelet,dll ^__^
ABt 8.30 pm,we left to Dayton.Mbak Maya took us to Pacchia,there's Live Jam Music there.Well,we didn't get any table,so we waited for a couple mnts,standing near the wall. Ria said," hey,guys,did you realize when we entered the room,everyone stared at us ? " .I said," Yes, I was the last person entered this room,and they stared at me. " Hahahhaha *narsis.com*
Hot Indonesian chicks ,bow ^____^
We couldn't wait any longer,and we decided to find another place to go. We walked to the other places,and hey,there's Vintage Store!!!!!!!! Mbak Maya said,"Duh, look at this.I love it.Let's get in." So,we entered.Everyone was busy looking at the stuff. My eyes captured some lovely hats at the left side. I took one and Desy took my pic with hat on. ^____^
Ria was holding a bag,looked like a snake box. I said to Ria," Ria, put the led back,where's the flute.The snake will come out." Hahhahahha.
We continued walking to other place.Well,we didn't find a nice place to hang out.Just window shopping. I showed something funny to them, it was rite on the etalase,kak Irma was surprised!!! hihihihi. Gotcha!!! Nurul said," is it made from metal?" Hahhahah.Guess what?? It's an underwear for guys!
After walking quite far,we turned back and walked to the other street.Suddenly,Maria didn't feel good.We decided to go back to the 1st bar and had her has a cup of drink.Desy looked at the watch and said," Mei,it's almost 10pm.We gotta go,otherwise we'll be late home." Aghh,yes,we gotta go home.It's getting late.
I wish I could stay longer with them.They were disappointed cos we couldn't join them any longer.But,we gotta go.
After saying goodbye,we drove back to Cincinnati. I called Ronnie and he said he would pick me home.He still had a meeting with Rick and Dave.Desy took me to her apartment while waiting for Ronnie there. I met Ken!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!! So far,I just heard from Desy,but never met him.But,this time ,I met him. He's a nice guy, a cat lover.He has 2 cats. Ronnie picked me home abt 12pm. Aghhh our trip was ended. Glad to be home. Ronnie ordered Chicken Wings from Frickers.He said he's still hungry.So,he had some more food in the middle of the nite.
I went to bed abt 2pm,Ronnie slept later. Tired....
@ Ria,Nurul,Jessy,Maria,Kak Irma & Mbak Maya,thnks a lot for hanging out with you.It's wonderful !!!
@Jessy,thnks a lot for the great food.Mamanya yg masak,Jessy yg dpt credit. Hahahhahah.. Say thnks to your Mom.
@ Desy ... Ini dia nih.If it's not you, I couldn't meet them. Thanks a lot,Des,you've done a lot for me. I owe you a lot.
note : Ken Ken, nice meeting you. ^__^ . Sorry for bothering you guys last nite.
I can't wait to meet you all next time. God Bless!!!
You can see some more pics Here
Hikss barusan tadi lg mikirin lemper ayam :((
ReplyDeleteKe sini ,yuk. Mei2 bawa plg sisa 2 biji ^__^. Blm dimakan lagi,kmrn keenakan makan lumpia,sampe lupa kalo Lemper blm diembat. Hahhahahah
ReplyDeletemakmurnya :) ngumpul2 makan2..hahaha...itu lumpianya isinya apa si? dan ayam mexico rasanya kaya apa?
ReplyDeleteLumpia isi daging ayam dan sayuran.Enakkkkkkk ,bawa plg 3 biji ^__^ Ayam Mexico dibake,trus dipanggang lagi. Lupa tanya resepnya gmn.Tapi rasanya agak manis2 gitu.
ReplyDeleteasoy de.....
ReplyDeletemey mey...seneng bener deh...
Gmn coba gak seneng diundang ke sana ke mari,wong makanannya Indonesia tanah tumpah darahku,sih. Hihihihihi
ReplyDeletetega nian... makanan enak nggak dikirim sampe tempatku...
ada acara apa sih, kok snack-nya banyak *bloon.com*
Ibu2 pada ngumpul,jadi anak gadis barang sehari.Suami2 dikerangkeng di rmh,anak2 ditinggal dulu,getho.. ^__^ .Snacknya ini yg menggugah selera makan.Kenyang,boww
ReplyDeleteweleh gw cuman mau komen headshot baru neh cuit cuittt
ReplyDeleteSuit...suit... Nyembunyiin idungnya Ronnie tuh. hahahaha.Kata Ronnie," Sexy pic ".
ReplyDeleteooo.... sembuyiin hidung toohh??? takkirain ciuman beneran jeee...
ReplyDeleteUntung nggak ada anak di bawah umur yaa... wakakkakakakkakakak
cium leher doank. *__*
ReplyDeletewah,cantik2 sekali .
ReplyDeletemau dong mei,kamu yg bikin yah.pinter
ReplyDeletethank you,Buer.Naik nih telinganya.Pegangan dulu ahh,takut terbang.hahhahaha
ReplyDeleteenak nya,ramai2 pada clubbing.
ReplyDeleteBukan,Buer.Itu mamanya Ria yg buat.Besok2 deh Mei2 buat lemper,msh sibuk,6 orderan blm dikerjain malah. :(
ReplyDeleteBaru sekali ini clubbing keluar kota.Seru sih,jadi pengen besok2 ikutan lagi.:)
ReplyDeleteNah, kalo orang Manado bilang "Nasi JAHA".
ReplyDeleteTapi pembantuku bilang : "Nasi Jahat", haha :).
Lemang tuh kalo di Medan.Tapi kmrn Mei2 gak coba makan.Malah lemper blm dimakan tuh sampe skrg.Nasi Jahat,plesetannya. Hihihihihi
ReplyDeleteRasanya pedas, rasa jahe gitu deh.
ReplyDeleteAslinya dimasak dalam bambu & dibakar.
Aku enggak terlalu suka sih, tapi Mami suka :).
mei meiiii, mauuuuuuuuuuuu !!!
ReplyDeleteslurp slurppphhhhh.. duhhhh :(
Pake jahe ya? Lemang memang dimasukin ke bambu n dibakar.Tebing terkenal sekali dgn Lemangnya. Mei2 gak gitu suka lemang.Dulu di Indo aja sering dibawain,gak pernah dimakan,cuma secuil doank.Ada yg dari beras ketan lagi yg warna ungu itu.
ReplyDeleteAda bawa plg 3 biji,Ren. Mampir yuk ke sini,makan bareng . ^__^
ReplyDeleteMarilah kemari hei hei hei hei (lempar ayam)
ReplyDeleteIni penyiksaan secara tidak langsung namanya hehehee
ReplyDeleteMari,mari mari..sisa 2 , msh bagus di kulkas.
ReplyDeletekan udh buat kemaren,malah kita ngiler liat lumpianya ente.Udh abis,blm? Tadi pagi Mei2 baru makan 1 biji doank.
ReplyDeletekebiasaan bikin sirik orang huh...
ReplyDeletecantik2 :)
ReplyDeletemauuuuuuuuu huhuhu...
ReplyDeleteMau dooooong say....
ReplyDeleteSeru yach...
ReplyDeleteIkutan dong...
Ah,situ juga jalan2, bikin sirik aje. :P
ReplyDeleteSiapa duluuuuuuuuuuuu.... ^__^
ReplyDeleteMauuuu..uuu.uuuu.uuuu.uuuu.Mau brp piring ? :P
ReplyDeletesi Ina juga mupeng nih jadinya ^_^
ReplyDeleteBeneran nih mo ikutan?nanti ya,si Jessy rencana mo ajak main ke Chicago.
ReplyDeletesemuahhhhhhhhh...huh :-PPP
ReplyDeleteEmang siapa?? hehehe
ReplyDeleteNah itu fia yg ditengah paporit gw...! ^_^
ReplyDeleteBetul tuh kalo gw di Manado bilangnya NASI JAHA kalo di balikpapan bilangnya Lemang juga kalo gak salah deh...
ReplyDeleteYaaa pas giliran gelap! gpp senyumnya cemerlang keliatan kok ^_^
ReplyDeletekeren lho mpo!
ReplyDeletesiapa ya??? Lupa!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteMana??Mana???Mana orgnya???Ayo donk, tunjuk kaki. Hhihihihi
ReplyDeleteJaha = jahe?
ReplyDeleteDi BPP juga blg Lemang kan?Sama donk
Keliatan senyum pepsodentnya kan ya? *tuink*
ReplyDeleteNamanya Daniel Rekow bukan???? dulu waktu gue kesana masih baru lahiran... Salam buat Jessy, Craig, Mommanya Jessy, Ethan dan Daniel ya Mei..kalau ketemuan lagi....
ReplyDeleteaduh bisa liat Ria dan Dessy lagi....kangennnnnn
ReplyDeleteitu si Irma yang paling gede seperti biasa..hehhehehehhe.....
ReplyDeleteIrma ama Maya....bagian pengangkutan yaaa...hahahha..salam ya Mei2 kalau ketemu mereka lagi...
ReplyDeleteOh,kirain ini yg Ethan,gak taunya Daniel. ^__^. Kmrn udh diksh tau sama kak Irma tuh.Blm tau kapan main ke sana lagi.Seru,bow
ReplyDeleteKangen ya,Ne?Ayo, main ke sini kapan2.
ReplyDeleteIya,yg jadi penghibur di kala dingin..Hihihihi. Gelak tertawa muluuuuuuuuuu
ReplyDeleteMrk bareng Jessy kmrn 1 mobil.Kapan lagi ya ketemuan?Mudah2an sabtu dpn nanti di sini.