Hey,I'm back. I packed the cookies and saksang this noon,and sent them to post office by bike ( sepeda kumbang yg senantiasa menemani )
I chatted with a new friend,Lidia.She said she's making banana bread.Hey! I think I have some bananas in the kitchen.Wahhh... I checked and ohh noo...they're ripe!!! .Indeed,I wanted to make chips. Ya sutralah, I had an idea to make Banana Fried ( kyk yg dijual di pinggir jalan itu lho ).
Ronnie called me.I said I had sent the packages.He came home and brought me a bag of french fries!!!
While frying the banana,I was thinking that I needed some milk.I asked Ronnie to call Tony,has him buy milk to UDF.But,I changed my mind.It's fine without milk,once. ^__^
lagi goreng pisang
Jangan liat rupanya,tapi rasanya ( walau minus susu ) ^__^
Mom asked me to cook Lasagna with tomato sauce .It's called Hamburger Magic.
Before having dinner,I took a shower.Ronnie took my pic and said,"mean girl." Hahahaha
senyum,kenyang setelah makan malam
Ngobrol bareng Mom usai dinner
Sambil ngobrol,sambil ngemil
Ronnie di basement
Me & Ronnie ...
Ronnie asked me to go upstairs,do the DDR.Wuihhhh...It's fun ( I haven't saved the pics yet ).I was out of my breath. Hahhahahha
Oh well, I gotta go.Ronnie will use my compie.Tony,Alex and him will play the game.
Besides,it's my bedtime.Wanna call my Mommy!!!