Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nov 9th : Mommy's Cooking Day

Goshh... I had to do some errands yesterday.From went to the bar,bank,grocery store,target and then cooking till nite. Wuihhhhhhhhh......

I am still in pain.Mom stayed at home, doing the laundry and she offered to babysit MeiLee while I was doing the errands. Thank God !!!!!

I went home and started cooking again. Every now and then I checked how MeiLee's doing in the living room. She was fussy a lil bit. I had to take her out from her crib,rocking her for awhile and put her back. Minutes later,she cried again,I breasfed her,rocking her again,checking my cooking and put her on bed again. What a work!!! ^____^

Ronnie came home and took care of MeiLee. I cooked 2 lbs Rendang and 50 pieces Lumpia for tomorrow.

I was done abt almost 8 pm. Ronnie didn't let me go to the bar. He wanted me to stay at home. He didn't think I need to be there. He really wants me to be healed very soon.

He played around with MeiLee,gave her a bottle of milk and then put her back to bed. Mom went to the bar around 11 pm. I fell asleep on the couch.

What a long day!!!!!!


  1. duhhh rajinnya mei.... buat acara apa nih??

  2. Meiiii, jangan pedes2 rendangnya.. kalo buat dimakan sndr :D
    kalo buat bagi2 ke pepy mesti pedes :-P

  3. kakakaka. Malah mo nodong pecel nih , Pep :D

  4. ngiler ma makanannya nihhh...lafarrrrrrrrr

  5. Lafar juga,da... nungguin si kecil bobo dulu , mo dihantam lagi nih lumpianya malam ini,pake cabe rawit :D

  6. mau dibantu gak mei(bantuin makan)heheheheh

  7. bikin lumpia sambil baca buku yah ? he .. he...

  8. bantuin bersihin ? :D
    Apa kabar, Dev??? Gak pernah ol lagi ^__^

  9. baca majalah Life & Style. Tiap minggu beli sampe 1-2 majalah. Gak mau ketinggalan gossip. Kakakakaka

  10. egg rolls ny gw dibagi gk?? hehehhehe gile nih udah turun lagi ke dapur. rajin euy

  11. Mei Lee darling .. you are so big now!! look at those chubby cheeks!! Duh Mei .. gemes deh liat MeiLee. Udah gede sekarang ..

  12. Udh turun pangkat,jadi babu lagi di dapur,Dwi.kakakakakaka.Hari ini baru kelar bersihin mobil,masak rendang,lumpia n kerupuk udang, beresin hadiah2 baby shower semalam plus ngurus anak.Ngacir sana sini deh jadinya.

  13. Hi,Erline... MeiLee makin ndut,pipinya tembem. Asi msh banjir lagi nih,sampe netes2. He he he .Langsung disodorin ke MeiLee,dianya mah gak nolak,makanya BBnya cpt naik ^__^

  14. sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet............kayak elu mei.... ^_^
