Friday, November 16, 2007

I Feel Goooooddddddddddddddddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel goooooooooddddddddddd....tererererereeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttt.

Yap!!!  I feel good. On Tuesday noon , I went to  ER - Mercy Hospital, had a doctor take out all the bothering stiches.I was in pain for more than a month. A nite earlier,I couldn't stop crying.Ronnie insisted me to find another doctor and had it done asap.

Tuesday,I called a few places. I decided to go to the nearest one,and looked for a new OB/GYN. I waited for abt 30 mnts at the hospital and the doctor checked me. He did a perfect job!! He took the stiches out ( I didn't ask him,but he knew he must have done it ).

He said," Let me show you what I did." He showed me the strings. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I saw some strings!!!!! No wonder I was in pain.It's like the kite strings ( benang kasar gitu lho ). I screamt when he cut the strings. No wonder... no wonder......

He asked who my doctor was and he said I should have been recovered earlier and not in pain. He suggested me to visit my OB/GYN and follow up the medical check up. I said, " Nope..I am done with him. I am looking for a new doctor. " The nurse gave me a name. I called and they said they didn't have any female doctor. I called another place that really close to the bar, it's a female doctor. So... I have a new one now ^___^.


I was kinda surprised the ER charged me $ 150 bucks. Awwww....but,oh's worth it ( later ,I told Ronnie abt it ,he said," I don't care baby, it did bother you for awhile,I couldn't stand to see you in pain like that ).

After that, I went doing some errands. Going to the bar, Target,Village Discount ( shoppingggggggggggggggg ) :D

Ronnie called me. He asked how I was doing. He's at home playing with MeiLee before he left for the bar. He said," Take your time,baby. MeiLee is doing ok.She just had milk.I gotta say prayer,it's dinner time. Talk to you later. Love ya!!! "


I went home at 8 pm. Spending long time shopping . I told Ronnie I would work at that nite. He asked," Are you sure,baby ? How do you feel ? " I said," I  am perfectly OK now. Feel muchhhhhhhh better." I can walk faster and not so much in pain like before. Doctor told me I would be in pain for a while,but it's gonna be ok after all.

I spent time with MeiLee for awhile and ready back to work. Ronnie went home earlier and I stayed at the bar till we closed. 


I feel goooooodddddddddddd....terererereeeeeeettttttttttttt..............



  1. hiiii gak berani liat fotonya meii!! hihihi I'm glad you feel better though :)

  2. itu dia benang2 kasarnya,Mon. Kasar banget,makanya perih kegesek2 .Gak jalan,duduk diam aja kerasa banget perihnya. I am glad I'm fine now ^___^

  3. Thanks God yah Mei,tapi gmana kita tau yah dr ob-gyn yg bagus siapa?mesti tanya2 semua orng dulu kali yah biar ga ngalamin yg kaya Mei2 alamin.

  4. iya, Fat. Sera aja nyuruh Mei2 nge-sue dokternya.Gak ada bagusnya. Bsk lusa mo krm surat terbuka aja di koran ttg betapa tidak bagusnya ini dokter. Ha ha ha ha

  5. duhhh untung udah selesai.. kalo gak kan sakit trussss

  6. Yup.. Kalo nunggu sehari lagi, udh menggelepar2 deh :D

  7. mei itu dokternya yang ada di video waktu elu ngelahirin ya? ngejahitnya apa gak rapi ya? soalnya benang kaya gitu emang wajar tapi ntar kan daging nutupin jadi hilang ketutup gitu, waktu gue operasi gigi gitu, tapi gak tau kalau ngejahit bagian lain hehehe.

  8. lahirin normal,mpok. senormal2nya, gak pake pain killer. kata mid wifenya, " ini sih kyk 20 thn yg lalu model melahirkannya. " hehehehehehehe. makanya robek parah, stadium 4

  9. iya, jen.Gak ok bngtlah.Benangnya wkt kering,keras, malah rapuh dan patah wkt Mei2 patahin gitu.

  10. Ikut senang mendengarnya Mei...selamat ya.............

  11. milih OBGYN emang kayak gambling sih..sukur2x dapet yg bagus..kl ngga bagus ya bete juga ya lahir normal kok sakitnya sama lama kayak c-section Mei..
    Asik ya kl ada mertua..bisa jalan2x shopping terus ahahaha

  12. Aduh,Ko... Yg gak perlu dijahit,dijahit sama si dokter ini. Makanya sakitnya minta ampuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn....

    Pengen balik ke kntr dokternya,tulis gede2 di dpn pintunya " Not recommended at all !!! ". Reseh banget...

    Iya nih,mertua seneng2 aja jagain si kecil. Dia betah,kadang emaknya sendiri cuma main bentar,selebihnya sama neneknya. :D

  13. Bener juga Mei,secara banyak perempuan di luar sana yg juga lagi hamil kan ga perlu ngalamin penderitaan pasca melahirkan ya Mei. Kirim surat via koranjuga bagus,ob-gyn yg kmaren emangnya cewe apa cowo?

  14. Lho, Mei? Bekas jahitan baru dibuka setelah Meilee umur sebln lebih???
    Aduh, ngak kebayang deh sakitnya..hiks..hiks...
    But, anyway. good to hear that you recover already...:)

  15. i bet ...feeling great malah ya, Mei? good for you! ... benangnya mengerikan gitu. ;-)

  16. Mei, ngebacanya ikutan perih, koq jahitannya baru dibuka sekarang? lama amat? Puji tuhan deh sekarang udah baikan... Luv Yah ♥

  17. Mei, serem liat benangnya, syukur sekarang udah lega.
