Yupeee... back with a new recipe... Udh lama gak update resep.
Ayam Semur Kalimantan, I read this recipe years and years ago from tabloid Nova. It's called Semur,but don't look like Semur.
The specialty from this dish is the taste. It's combination with spicy,herby and soury !!!!
I love this dish. When I was spending vacation in Bandung back to 2002, I cooked my cousins this food ( their cook was sick, so I volunteered to cook for them ) :D . They liked it!!!!
eat this dish with shrimp crackers... Lekkerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
1/2 chicken, cut into average chunks,add some salt and pepper.
4 shallots,sliced
3 garlics,sliced
4 cms ginger,sliced
1 lemon grass,crushed
3 cms galangal,crushed
10 chilies,sliced
1/2 cut lime ( take the juice )
1.Fry the chicken till for a few minutes,drained
2.Heat 2 teaspoon of oil, add all the ingredients.
3. Stir around for a couple minutes.
4.Add the chicken.
5.Add the lime juice
6. Stir the chicken again.
7.Add some water
8.Steam for a few minutes.
9. Taste it. If it's sour,add a lil sugar.
10. Voila!!!! It's ready!!!!!
I ate 2 portions ( as usual ) :P
duh malem2 liat masakanmu mei.. bikin aku laper lage!
ReplyDeleteHmmm..enak kelihatan nya
ReplyDeleteTrims buat recipe nya
I'll jot it down on my notebook
Air liur menetes wkt lagi masak,Myen. udh terasa asem2 pedesnya. he he he he. Msh ada sisa nih.Mau ? :D
ReplyDeleteHi,John.Hobby masak juga ya??? Silahkan coba.. :D
ReplyDeletemau donk.. hihi gak pake malu lage hihi
ReplyDeletetuh,langsung ke dapur ya, di meja makan :D
ReplyDeleteYoi,ntar saya coba ^
ReplyDeleteGood... simple,kok.
ReplyDeleteBtw,mo tidur dulu.Semalaman duduk, pinggang rasanya mo patah.MeiLee lagi tiduran di paha. he he he he. Nite!! GBU!!!
mauuu bangetttt
ReplyDeleteMei Mei, resepnya gampang ya....and gak banyak macem2 ingredients nya...dan yg utama, tinggal dirajang2 aja hehehehehe
ReplyDeletethanks Mei Mei for the recipe, I'll try it out soon!
Semur makanan gw waktu kecil nih hehe. Pake hati ayam juga enak mei.
ReplyDeleteduh duh.. gw dah ngiler..nih...:P
ReplyDeletethat looks good!!! i'll be sure to try it soon :)
ReplyDeleteMei Mei, kemaren masakan ini jadi lunch aku dan suami, eeeuuunnaaaakkkkk hihihihi makasih lho bu!
ReplyDeleteayo, dimasak :P
ReplyDeletewahhh...abis donk tak bersisa, mpok ??? he he he. glad you tried it.
ReplyDeleteSemur yg ini beda,Mon. Semur yg biasa itu emang enak pake hati ayam. Msh ada nih 1 paket hati ayam. Bsk2 mo masak ahhhhhh
ReplyDeleteudh abis,lin. :P
ReplyDeletetry it n let me know, mel. Hope you'll enjoy it. :D
ReplyDeleteMei , lam kenal ..boleh copy resepnya khan ...thanks ..:)
ReplyDeletehi,zipora....salam kenal juga. Silahkan, feel free.. Ini salah satu men andalan buat catering :p. GBU!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteini bukan forum gay.Salah masuk kamar,say. Mo belanja dulu.Kelar belanja, saya akan hapus tulisan ente. Gak minat sama sekali.
ReplyDeleteEmang gua pikirin ?? Emak emak siapa..anak anak siapa... nanyanya ke org lain. ^______^. Nasibmu lah nak yg jadi gay. :D