Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sun Oct 14th : MeiLee's Day Out & Meeting Uncle Dave

We went to church ( planned to ),but when we tried to get into another highway,Ronnie saw a very long lane ( abt 100 feet ) queque. Ronnie said,” goodness,hun.We won’t make it.We’ve been late already,and seems there’s an accident there.” He turned his car and drove to other direction. We ended up having bfast at Perkin’s. MeiLee was still sleeping nicely. I called my family. When she woke up, Ronnie gave her bottled milk ( from mine ).

That’s MeiLee’s day out … She’s been taken around by us. ^___^. Once Mami knows abt it,she didn’t like.She wants me to stay at home and have lots of rest. I know, Mami… My stiches are still bad.I can’t walk well now. It’s getting worse. Last nite,I cried and told Ronnie how hurt and sore they are. Ronnie and others do warn me not to do much thing and walk around. I am asked to stay in bed. Duh…mana bisa ????????? Malah pengen balik kerja :P

At noon, Dave and the kids came to see MeiLee. The kids wanted to wake MeiLee up,but she kept sleeping. :P . Tukang tidur kyk emaknya nih :P

Ronnie went to the bar,playing music. I had him buy me beef stew ( wanted to cook rendang ). :D

Jadilah selama 1 mgg ini makan rendang muluuuuuuuuuuuuuu ^_______________^.

My “ Begadang Time “ has just started. I must awake everytime MeiLee’s awaken. Duh…sengsara benerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… But, I love to see her face,and my tiredness’ gone. Even Ronnie,he always spends time with MeiLee.


  1. wah masak sendiri nih mei? apa gak capek?

  2. Capek sih,Myen.Tapi lagi menggebu2 pengen makan rendang :P

  3. wuah Mei, lo baru lahiran udah seger gitu..... salut gw ama lo deh.

  4. eh,harus istirahat total kah, dwi ??? Mei2 malah gak bisa tuh,malah pengen kerja malam ini.Ada karaoke soalnya. ^___^

  5. dahh?!! hehehehe lihat ekspresinya meilee

  6. Daddynya udah cuci tangan blm hihihihih

  7. Ih, ini Ronnie ,suka jahilin.Lagi tidur,diganggu2.^_____^

  8. Sudah,bou.Plg rewel nih ttg kebersihan. :P

  9. anna... baru keliatan bule mu di sini bah!!! proud to be ur uncle,,, :D

  10. anna.. nai anna... mentel ma ho bahhh!! tidur pun bergaya!

  11. aduh mei, ayo istirahatt, baru lahiran udah pignin balikkerja lagi. setidaknya 2 minggu tuh istirahat (kata dokternya khan gitu), gak boleh nyetir lho 2 migngu pertama. dijaga deh, jangan sampe keluar lochia (gumpalan darah) lebih besar dari lemon size, artinya tuh kalo kecapekan kalo sampe keluar lochia yg gede.

    btw, kamu minum pain killer khan? dikasih khan ama dokternya? ibuprofen atau tylenol yg dosis tinggi (pake resep dokter biasanya belinya). at least membantu kok, jdi gak kesakitan dan perih2 hihihihi.

  12. So precious Eda...Congrat yah for your new arrival...

  13. Buccit leneng. Ha ha ha ha ha. Siapa dulu Maminya :P

  14. Dia yg buat itu,Oom.Cc gak ganti posisinya. Suka tidur nyamping nih anak. :D

  15. Kuat bener lo mei, baru bbrp hari dah bisa keluar. G 3mgan ke mall, dah pening2, pegel2 di pinggul, lemah yah!

  16. Lah,Lie... keluar dari RS jumat,minggunya udh masuk dapur,masak rendang.Memang blm bisa nyetir,msh perih banget ( wong 3x jahitan,kata Ronnie.Stadium 4 robeknya :P ).

    Wkt di RS diksh pain killer,kelar melahirkan.Di rmh sih makan ibuprofen 800 mg, kadang suka dizzy lho.Mata juga kabur.Udh gitu,kidney pagi2 tadi sakit sblh.Heran ah....

    Jalan kadang ngangkang gitu,sangkin sakitnya.Mana asi tumpah ruah lagi,sekali pompa 4oz.Banjirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  17. thnks,da.Ke mana aja nih,lama gak nongol ?

  18. Dikuat2in,Leo.Habis,gak ada pengetahuan ttg kehamilan n melahirkan sih.Main tancep aja,seolah2 gak sakit. Lah,gak taunya perih banget . ha ha ha .

  19. hahaha..semuanyaaa kepengen liat si Mei cuteeeeee..:D

  20. duuhhh...manisssnyaaaaa..:)

    Muacch2 aaahh buat MeiLee cantikkk..

  21. ini punya zus Mei2 bukannnnn ???? :D
