Is she pregnant ????????
Yeah..that's all the question I've always heard. When I was in Indonesia,people stared at my belly . They thought whether I was fat or pregnant. . Aduhhh.. udh bawa genderang begini juga.
my sisters and brother always told me like this," Duh... look at you. Everytime we go,people stare at you.They even turn their heads just only to see your belly." I said,' yeah..what's the problem ?" They said," They're not quite sure to see that you're fat,or pregnant.Hey,next time,please put on preggy clothes, don't put on tight clothes." ha ha ha ha ha ha.
It's only once I made people surprised when they see my belly.
A month ago,when I went to library for Ladies' Craft Nite, a lady who sat across to my seat stood up and said loudly," She's pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gossh... look at her belly!!! It's so tiny!!!!!!!! She looks like 4-5 months pregnant!! " . She couldn't believe it's entering 8 months.
Yesterday, I went to Goodwill Store with Marce. The cashier said," This looks beautiful!! ". She was talking abt a cute baby dress. I said," Yes, bought for my baby girl."
She looked at me and then my belly." You're pregnant ?? " I said," Yeah.. " How far are you ?? " I said,"Baby due within 2-3 weeks this month." She's quite and pulled closer her head across the cash registration and said," My goshhhh.... your belly is so tiny!!!! It's almost 9 months ??? I can't believe that!! . I said," Yes... "
She said," How much you gain ? " I laughed and said," just this week, 4 lbs only, after keep dropping weights monthly." She wondered and said,' What??? You didn't gain anything for months ??? I gained at least 17 lbs." I said," Nope... gain only 4lbs,this week only. Before and after pregnant was around 139 lbs." Duh... gak ada yg percaya. Even my doctor was wondered when he read my medical record. Geleng kepala doi, chartnya naik turun dari 137 - 140 doank. He he he he. Thank God, I do gain weight this week, 144lbs.
Ruth,my customer came to the bar 2 weeks ago.She gave me parfumes ( 1 for me, 1 for Ronnie ). She thought I had had a baby already., even the others thought the same thing. Funny thing was, Bedel, my male customer said to the others," I think Mei2 has a baby already."
.. Aduhhhhhhhhhhh.... I am so tiny,huh ???
Ruth said," Mei - Mei, can I touch your belly ???" I let her do that. She said," goshhh... she kicks me!!! ". Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Like tonite, Ronnie went to the bar till almost 1 am, designing flyers for the bar. We talked awhile in bed and he turned his back. I faced him and put my belly behind his. He said," Aghhh... I can feel she kicks my back a lot!! ".
Baby Ries gak bisa diam yaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Ronnie likes my belly.He said," It's good you don't gain lots of weights,hun.Otherwise it's really hard to loose it back." Duhh lakiiiiiii..pengennya bini slim kyk artis , gitu?
Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, I am tiny.... . Yes, we're expecting Baby Ries soon... Hope everything'll be ok... Scared.....nervous.....
This so called " 19 yo girl " by Mami Tina is gonna be a Mommy. Ha ha ha ha ha.
PS : Mi, siap2 nih jadi Grandma ntar
gilaaa, mei...enak banget lu gak naik ini udah naik 35 pound lebih nih...dulu hamil pertama malah payah...naik 45 pound ! tp 2 minggu bisa turun 20 pound gara2 infection stayed at hospital for 2 weeks, hihihihi... ^_^
ReplyDeletegood luck ya mei...
Congrats ya, Mei! Baru tau sekarang. Enak donk baby cewe tapi ngga naek banyak berat badan elo. Gue pengikut elo nih, ikutan hamidah hihihi. Baru 10 minggu tapina.
ReplyDeleteduhhh gak terasa tinggal bentar lagi ya mei.... duh deg2an ya
ReplyDeleteMei..bentar lagi nehh baby Ries on board :) Our prayers always for you and your baby.Take care and God Bless you and the baby Ries !
ReplyDeleteduuuh Mei...gak terasa yah dah mau doain semoga persalinannya bejalan lancar yah! take care & God bless!
ReplyDeletetambah cakep aja during ur pregnancy mpok...miss uuuuuuu....
ReplyDeleteElu donk beruntung. Ini perut udh serasa mo meledak,ketat banget.he he he he
ReplyDeleteYeah.. ada Mommy to be juga nih. Congrats ya,Mil !!!!
ReplyDeleteBentar lagi. Perut "nyut2an" mulu belakangan ini. Udah gak bisa nunduk2 lagi.Pake sepatu or celana susah banget nariknya.Ha ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeletebentar lagi. Darren bakalan punya temen :D
ReplyDeleteMakin seksi lu,Mak!!! ^_____^ .
ReplyDeleteElu juga,Mpok :D . Miss you so much. Msh aktif di YM lu ??
ReplyDeleteemang ngga kentara, Mei. tetep kecil perutnya. makin cakep aja bumil ya.
ReplyDeletebagus mei..
ReplyDeletebandingin gw, beratnya gak turun2 abis melahirkan
ndut bo'...
gila lu Mei..cuma naek 4 lb? Gw naek 17 lb aja diblg kecil ma dokter..lah lu cuma naek 4 lb...asik bener..gampang balik nantinya deh hehehe
ReplyDeleteWow! I gained so much weight with my 1st... I gained 45 pounds!!! And, it is VERY hard to loose, so you are blessed to have only gained 4 pounds :) As long as the dr is happy, that's the important thing... that the baby is healthy and Mommy is healthy :)
ReplyDeleteYou'll do great in labor and delivery too, I'm sure :) God will give you the grace :)
wow.. emang ya.. gak gain banyak .. aku gained 40lbs w/ CJ hahahaaa...
ReplyDeletebut kamu kelaitan sehat kok Mei .. TUHAN tau what the best for you & the baby!!
no worries what others say or see ... :))
GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR PRECIOUS BABY 'n the Dad of course :)
have a safe delivery!!
Mei, It's ok tiny, nuruninnya gampang jadinya... yang penting baby Ries sehat selalu, that's all matter...'re looking good!...dulu pas hamil Keira duh aku naek 20kg:((... yang penting Ibu & baby sehat Mei...don't worry about what others said, All the best yah Mei
ReplyDeleteeh iya loh, kecil ! btw selama hamil kamunya cantik banget mei :), tekdung anak cewe kali ya :p. btw cepet juga tau2 udah mau 9 months !
ReplyDeletehi,Anna. Perut udh mulai membengkak minggu2 terakhir ini.Apalagi kalo udh kena rendang,lumpia n ikan sambel ^__^
ReplyDeleteHe he he he.Lain org,lain bawaannya ya :D
ReplyDeleteYoa.Btw,thnks udh telp tadi sore,ko. Sayang,elu gak bisa ikutan bsk acara babyshower. :(
ReplyDeleteWahhh you gained a lot,Mel!!! I'm still working,though.Baby Ries keeps kicking my belly all the time. He he he he.
ReplyDeleteThnks,Sis.Belakangan kepikiran mulu, jgn sampe early delivery ah.Msh pengen gain weights.He he he he
ReplyDeleteMpok,putu donk..putu your belly :P . Udh brp minggu ??? Udh dpt sms kan kmrn wkt paketnya nyampe di sini? Salam buat James n Baby Brinkman !!!
ReplyDeletePada naik banyak semua ya,Rat. :D
ReplyDeletePuji Tuhan,ini emak n anak sehat. Udh mulai nambah lagi nafsu makannya. He he he
Tiny ya... Tiny preggy mom to be. Ha ha ha ha. Emang anak ce, Wi. Tgl 27 ini diperkirakan due datenya. Doain ya,mudah2an lancar. :D
ReplyDeleteCara gampang dapat uang dari internet...mau ratusan ribu, jutaan rupiah...caranya gampang...
Dengan cara yg cukup mudah, tanpa biaya besar, bukan tipuan belaka & BERGARANSI...
Just try...& prove it....
ReplyDeleteCara gampang dapat uang dari internet...mau ratusan ribu, jutaan rupiah...caranya gampang...
Dengan cara yg cukup mudah, tanpa biaya besar, bukan tipuan belaka & BERGARANSI...
Just try...& prove it....