Seems I have to reveal some secrets abt myself and show them to public. Enak benerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :P
1. I love spicy food...
2. " Poor " Lil Girl
3. I love sports, esp Badminton, Football, Volley n Fishing.
4. Talkactive a lot & love making friends !!! ( No " Rules - Rules " an )
I am an easy going person, can connect with people easily ( mostly adults, grandmas, grandpas,emak2, bapak2 ). Ha ha ha ha. Tuanya dikarbit nih jadinya :P
Don't like putting rules in my life. Mengalir bagaikan air sajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... I don't like everything must be perfect ( Lah wong manusia aja gak ada yg perfect gitu, lhoooo )
5. I love traveling & taking pics ...................
6. Goofy stuff, but I do wear Ronnie's clothes!!!!
And I love snuggling under his armpits !!!. It's been my habit since I was 13 ( snuggled under Papi's armpit all nite long )
7. Like " Cooking,Eating,Sleeping,Shopping " and more " Ing"s
But,not " flirting ". :D
8.The most important thing, I DO LOVE MY FAMILY!!! Have a very thick bond with them. I love them to death and would do anything to make them happy.
Expecting for a baby girl this month.I am so excited.Soon we're gonna have a lil family. Joe teased me when I was in Indo by saying," So.. finally... you're pregnant,huh?? Boobs are getting bigger." Huhhhhhhhhhhh... Did you think I was a man ??
Yeah... I used to be a tomboy girl, didn't date till I met Ronnie. but hey... I am a woman,not a man lah yaooooo
Ok.. I think that's all. I have revealed a lotttttttttttttttttt . See??? talk a lot!!! Time to shut my mouth up.
Now ,let me " rob " :
1. Jenny Sumadi
2.Sera White
3.Mirna Brinkman
5. Chiko
6.Lidya Schalhamer
7.Linawati Gosali
8.Dewi :P
plus,whoever hasn't done this :P
hihi mei.. sama donk.. no.1 ... dan 7 hihi...
ReplyDeleteAda temen :P
ReplyDeleteMei.... kita samaan demen PPPEEEDDEESSS... makin pedes makin asik yah say ♥ makan kalau engga ada cabe beneran engga enak dagh.
ReplyDeletengelihat merah2 yg kaya di photo aja udah ngeces neeh.... ♥
No. 4 bisa kebaca in your blogs so I trust you hehehe
ReplyDeleteDa itu photo Mu waktu kecil lutu benar.....
ReplyDeleteno 1 gak tahannnn
ReplyDeletesama Mei suka pedes ditambah asem hmmm yummy.
ReplyDeletelike cooking sejak disini ajah, sleeping oh yes apalagi kalu masuk winter udah kaya bear hybernate, shopping oh yesss...
ReplyDeleteMakin pedas, makin enak and makannya makin banyak wuih....:)
he he he he he. Hari ini mo makan yg pedes2 dulu,Mi,sekalian buat filling lumpia utk Baby Shower Sabtu ini. ^___^
ReplyDeletepenggemar yg pedes2 semua nih ceritanya :D
ReplyDeletetuh...ketauan kaannnnn :P
ReplyDeleteTuh....ketauan kannnnnnnnnn :P
ReplyDeleteJarang2 dulu fotoan,da. Setengah mati cari2 foto wkt kecil.ha ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteAyooooooo langsung ke dapur, ulek2 sambel, Dev :D
ReplyDeleteNah.. udh ditagged tuh. Ayo,gantian buka rahasia :D
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing, so cuteeeeeeeee hehehe....
ReplyDeletegiliran lu,Mir :P .How's your pregnancy so far???
ReplyDeletegw mah numpang lewat aja mpokkkkkk...missed u's life out there ?
ReplyDeleteNamanya juga lahir and gede di indo, kalo ngak suka yang pedes itu mah....hmmmm... *tau sendiri deh*...apa namanya :P
ReplyDeleteihhh tolongggggggggggggggg. Ke mana aja lu,Mpok???? Pesta mulu nih yeeeee :P . Counting days to have a baby this month ^__^
ReplyDeleteya ampun kirain robbed beneran Mei... take care met menghitung hari.. God bless you and the bebe
ReplyDeletehe he he he. Iya nih,dirampok,suruh buka rahasia.^___^. Doain ya..deg2an nih. GBU!!!!
ReplyDeletehahaha..jadi inget pas sd dulu mei..