Cindy,Nia,Marce,Atik,Mom,Cie Ira,Herlina,Mami,Fang2 ( below),Dewi,Ling2 n Ria.
Minus Novi ( left at 4 pm ), and Dae Bee ( didn't know where she was )
Sat morning....
Mom,me,Lizzy n Brian picked up Maria and drove to Batavia to attend my babyshower at The Normans.
Since I haven't done the Eggrolls yet, we went to Nia's house earlier.The party was scheduled at 1 pm,but we had arrived around 12.15 pm.
We're lost.Dennis came to guide us. He he he he. The 1st thing he asked," Dude, where's my egg rolls ?" Ha ha ha ha ha. Duhh.....suaminya Nia ini demen banget makan egg rolls. I told him," Don't worry,Dennis.I got lots of here." He laughed.
Nia cooked some noddles,bought a big box of chicken.Duh... bener2 gak enak hati,sampe ngeluarin banyak biaya buat babyshower.
Friends started showing around 1 pm. We got lots of food. Herlina brought Lontong Isi,Fang2 brought something,I cooked Rendang,Lumpia n Pudding ( brought Jengkol n Pete for Cie Ira n Herlina ). ^__^
Dewi brought a new friend,Dae Bee ( korean lady ) with her 2 kids.They're so nice.
goodness...there's so much to tell here,but I'm exhausted. ^___^
I am so glad that everybody came to my babyshower. Nia n Cindy did fantastic job!!! Mom and I were impressed to see how it worked so great.
Dennis went to pick up Mpok Atik.He said,"Don't forget my egg rolls,Man.Keep some for me." Iyalah, dennis.. Jangan takut :P
As he came back, he saw me standing next to the egg rolls.He said," Man,what are you doing with my egg rolls ?" I said," Here they are. Ok..I better stay away from them. All are yours. " ha ha ha ha ha. Takut banget doi egg rollsnya abis :D
Dennis showed me the lovely couches they bought. Dae Bee,Ria n Dewi were eating in a dining room.Dewi asked," So, it this Mei2's husband?" HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorryyyyyyyyy.. numpang ketawa dulu ah...
I said," What????????? Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Dennis is Nia's husband,the hostess." Hi hi hi hi.
Dennis replied," Yeah.. she's my ex wife." ha ha ha ha ha. Dodol!!!!!!!!!!!
I replied," He's my 3rd ex huband." Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Dewi said,"Aduh... sorry....sorry....sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy." he he he he he. I told Nia. She laughed out loudly. Goodness...it's so funny. Joke for the day. :D
Similar thing happened with Atik n Marce. Ira's Mom thought Marce is Atik's Mom. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Marce said," Aduhhhhhhhh... Gmn nih,Tik.. Sungkemwati deh lu sama gua,diblg gua emak elu." ha ha ha ha ha. Mami felt bad.She said," Sorryyyyyyyyyy ..........sorryyyyyyyyyyy " . Ha ha ha ha ha. Atik with her big voice couldn't stop laughing. :D
We did have fun. Didn't realize it's already 5 pm. Wuih... long party!!!
Didn't have a chance to say thank you to Dennis,cos he had gone to work.
Nia said they would drop some of the gifts with their truck the next day ( Sunday ). Since Mom's trunk wasn't big enough for all the gifts.
We left The Norman's house around 5 pm. I am so blessed that it ran well,lots of friends came to attend the party. Love to be around them and spent time together. Duh... more than words I can say, that I love you all, guys!!!!
May God bless you and your family.More blessings..............
Thank you to The Normans who had willing to throw my babyshower on Sat noon at their lovely house,Batavia.
Thank you to Cindy who helped and coordinated the party. It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Cin, I pray that this year you'll be pregnant and have a baby.We had " rubbed " our bellies, hadn't we ? he he he he he.
Sorry to bother you a lot,ladies. I owe you big time!!!!!
God bless you all.
Thank you too,to :
Shinta n family who had came from Michigan ( jauh2 datang ke sini cuma buat babyshower .I am so flattered )
Novi ( Kenwood )
The Ellisons, ( Middletown )
Cie Ira,Mami & Gillian ( Union,KY)
Herlina,Fang2 ( Union & Erlangger,KY )
Ling2 n fam ( Milford )
Chiko n fam ( Columbus,OH )
Dewi n kids ( Hyde Park ) + Diva ( gak datang,but thnks for the gift )
Dae Bee ( Blue Ash )
Mpok Atik ( Amelia,OH )
Marce ( Cincy,OH )
The Cantwell,Mami Lina ( Toledo,OH )
The Lees , Rini,David & Arjuna ( Union,KY ), yg udh ksh hadiah duluan.,gak bisa datang,krn bsknya terbang ke Indo.Have a nice trip to Indo!!!
Dece, Angelia's Mom ( Fairfield,OH ). Dece just had a baby last week, so she's not strong enough to go for a long trip.
Keke Dudek ( MI ). Thnks,Ke.Salam buat lil Elizabeth. :D
Lilis ( Columbus,OH ). Hope Joe will get soon better.
Thnks to Michael ( cindy's husband ) and Michael ( Ling2's husband ) who attended the party,too ( Babyshower buat emak2, para pria juga datang ) :P
Love you ...love you...love you.. love you...love you all!!! You're the biggest supporters for me. We're family !!!!!
Pray for me that I'll be fine on my delivery day. Deg2an nih :P
God bless you all!!!!!!!!!
The warmest regards,
Ronnie, Mei - Mei & Baby Ries