Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ronnie Numpang Mejeng :P

He he he he he.After work,he took a shower. He knew that I wanted him to wear the shorts. Susah banget nih laki disuruh pake shorts. He said," You want me to put these on,baby ?" He grabbed the blue ones.I didn't say anything,just laughed. Suddenly,he laughed.I looked at him,he's busy trying to zip the shorts. Ha ha ha ha ha.He said," Goshhhh.... I must loose some weights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha " He's sweat. We both laughed together.Ha ha ha ha ha.

I opened his chest and took out some other pairs.He chose the black one.He said," I hope these one fit." :P . They did.

He went to the bar earlier,I came abt 10pm.He said," Baby,I look goofy in these shorts." I said," Yes, coz you don't get used to it."

He said," Ok.. I wanna go home. Can I ? " I said," Yeah.. You can." He stood outside with a can of coke.I chatted with him.He said,"I ain't gonna leave while the cop is there." He pointed the cop car across the street. I asked," Why ?" Ronnie said," Cops sometimes just wanna have fun pull people without any reasons."

We chatted and saw there're lots of cop cars passed the street.Ronnie said," See the lane across the street? There're 4 car wrecked this evening at the lane." I asked,"How did you know that ?" He said," Cos I was at the bar this evening before going home. " Aghhh.....

I asked him to pose before he left.He didn't want to. I said," Come on...pose like a model. Mejeng." ha ha ha ha ha.

I said," The most wanted man is here." Ha ha ha ha ha. He put his face as if he was mad at me. Hi hi hi hi hi.
He went home and went to bed earlier.I went home at 3 am and saw him sleeping like a baby.


  1. cieeee bisa juga nehh abang...
    btw gw blm pernah liat PB keluar pk short, plg di dlm rumah doank:D

  2. Dia gak mau,gitu??? Padahal keren kalo pake short, lbh santai.

  3. gak mau...
    apalagi kalo summer satu2nya bule yg gw kenal gak doyan kena sinar matahari, secara kulit dia sensitif

  4. cieh... mesra nih ye... suit... suit... hehehehehe....

  5. kebalikannya niy Mei, laki gue demen banget pake shorts....gerah bow....;)

  6. Ronnie cocok aja kok pake short, Mei. .

  7. iya ronnie cocok koq, sama tuh sama si james, berasa goofy kalau pakai short atawa celana 7/8 gue bilang gak biasa aja. tapi dia tetep gak mauu. di foto terakhir binipun ikut mejeng hihihi...

  8. Ronnie you look amazing in short pants, more relax ♥

  9. Bini gak mau kalah,mejeng juga :P .Jual tampang di pinggir jalan. ha ha ha

  10. Lah,ksh tau donk gmn triknya biar bisa begitu. He he he

  11. Cocok kan ya ? Dianya aja yg geli,gak biasa sih.

  12. Ini laki susah didandani.Lucunya,kmrn karaoke,bini lagi nyanyi,dia lompat2 di lantai dansa. Ha ha ha. Double funny liat dia pake short gitu.Kyk org main lompat karet aja. :P

  13. Udh monyong duluan mulutnya,mi,sblm difoto :P

  14. pasti dipaksa bininya mejeng ya Bang hahahaha...

  15. cieeeeeee mom and dad sama2 narsisnya :))

  16. Gaya nya santai banget yg ini .... :)

  17. benaran nih Mei .... biar jatah nya Ronnie yg di foto, ga kuat jg yah kalo ga' ikutan hihihi .... *kabur*

  18. Mejeng di bawah bulan purnama. Ha ha ha.

  19. Ada yg lucu nih.Sblm fotoan,dia blg,"Full moon,baby. Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ". Dia niru suara wolf,mulut dimonyongin. Aduh,ampun dah, Mei2 ketawa2 setengah mati.Makanya wkt lagi fotoan,muka msh keliatan ketawa. ^_________^

  20. nice couple :) mei..gmana kabar si baby ?? minggu ini kan ya ke dokter lagi buat tahu boy or girl nya ??? salam buat si baby on ur tummy :) GBU

  21. Tgl 5 June ke dokter,USG nya blm tau nih.Udah gak sabaran juga. Btw,kok menghilang di YM ?Mei2 udh kelar seduh mi, sambil makan n chatting. :D

  22. Bang Ronnie, you look good with short.
    Mei, lain kali atasannya di pake in polo shirt.^___^
    Wah kalu udah masuk summer gini, laki aye paling demen pake short, gerah katanya.:P

  23. Udh diblg tuh, dia lbh sreg pake kemeja lengan pendek.
