Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pindahan Kamar ( Part 2 )

I hope this is the last time we moved the stuff. Mom started cleaning the old room while we're still sleeping. He he he he.

It's abt noon. I woke up and helped her.She wanted to move and match the vanity and chest from her bedroom to ours.

Ronnie's funny question," Is it necessary to match the stuff?" I heard it and laughed.

Mom said,"Yes,the vanity and the chest will look fantastic with your bed frame.Besides,it's yours.I want you to keep them.I will take my old dresser back from your bedroom."

Oh well... Mom does concern abt mix and match. I myself, really didn't care.

Yes,Ronnie inheritaged some furnitures and jewelry from Nanny n Poppa. Since Ronnie's got married, Mom wanted us to have them.

After cleaning for couple hours,abt 7 pm Ronnie moved the dressers from upstairs to downstairs.Mom didn't let me lift or push anything.

Ufh... I took my small table and put next to my bed.Ronnie got his dresser, I got the vanity and we put by the wall temporarily ( Mom will have someone change the windows in our bedroom,then we'll move it there ).

We're done abt 10.15pm. Looooonggggggggggggg day!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I left,I put some dried flowers - aromatherapy in the bedroom and turn on the fan ( AC was on,too ).

I had to go to work till 1 am. Tireddddddddddddddddd.

When we went home,Ronnie's surprised to see the bedroom.Smells good and he said," feels like in a hotel bedroom." He he he he.

At least,I can watch tv anytime now. :P


  1. wah naksir tempat dandan-nya Mei...(celamitan.com)

  2. Kakakakaka.Tadinya sih gak sreg,ternyata barusan nengok di internet,harganya lumayan juga ( hampir 300 bucks ). Gak boleh naksir kalo gitu. hahahahahaha

  3. Mei, gw demen neeh Chestnya keren banget ♥

  4. He he he.Dicheck dulu harganya berapa. Ha ha ha ha.mataduitan.com. Btw, Ronnie cuma pake 2 laci yg di atas,Mi.Selebihnya,Mei2 pake.Soalnya baju2 banyakkkkkkkkkkkkk sekale. Kyknya harus bongkar2 baju lagi. Ada sktr 4 plastik gede ( plastik utk tong sampah ), baju2 Summer,blm lagi baju2 winter. Gak cukup ruangan,tapi baju nambah mulu. :(

  5. Pasti bumil makin sering dandan neh heheheee

  6. berapa say? bajunya di sortir dong, biar engga berantakan♥

  7. Eh itu Alkitab yg putih sama sama punya gw Mei, hadiah pernikahan dari gereja ya? hihihi :D

  8. wah... kamarnya penuh benar heheh...

  9. kepenuhan Eda, lempar kesini aja sebahagian :=)

  10. Ronnie punya chest n tempat dandan sendiri juga,wi. he he he

  11. Duh,malah gak tuh,Yan.Sejak hamil,bawaan malas dandan.Pake bedak juga nggak. :P

  12. Gak ah.Sedap mata memandang aja vanity dipajang. He he he he

  13. Ha ha ha.Si Mami,diajak becanda,malah serius.Barusan check itu ternyata 18th Century Antique Oak Chest of Drawer,harganya 2.950 poundsterling. Geloooooooooo.Mahal benerrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Baju2 bakalan disortir,tidak tahan diriku melihat buntelan baju2 di storage room.Kyk mo jualan baju aja. :D

  14. Nggak ngeh dulu,Mon.Mei2 belinya sblm berangkat ke sini.Eh,tau2 buka hal pertama,ada kolom buat tulis nama pasangan. he he he . Ya udah,dianggap aja hadiah dari gereja. Btw,how's your pregnancy?

  15. Dibanding kamar yg lama,Fer,aduhh banyak barang2nya.Skrg mo diminimalis,maunya cuma buat tempat tidur,bukan library. ha ha ha ha

  16. Dibanding kamar dulu,banyakan barang2nya.Skrg mo diminimalis ,cuma buat kamar tidur doank,gak library. ha ha ha ha

  17. Dilempar ke rumah langsung,da? He he he.

  18. tiduran sama nonton tv emang asik Mei hehehe enjoy

  19. Wah, asyik nih, tambah rajin dong tar dandan nya ... :)

  20. Iya tuh.Pagi2 udh idupin tv.Ronnie malah selonjoran,nonton berita.jadi telat. He he he

  21. Masih malas,Nia.Gak dandan apa2.Polos los...los...losssssss.Alat dandan disimpan semua di laci2.

  22. nikmati kamar barunyaa yaa!!

  23. untung boss kalo telat kagak kenapa Mei hehehe

  24. Sangkin dinikmati,malah malas keluar kamar. Hi hi hi hi.
