Sunday, May 27, 2007

May 26th-Picnic @ Steve's Home

Sat evening we're invited to do picnic at Steve n Pam's house.Mom had left earlier ( she brought salami rolls,deviled eggs ).

We arrived at 6.30pm.By the time we're there,dinner was started.Lots of food,lots of cakes.

Pam made some games like Oreo Licking Contest,Corn Holes and 3 legged game. I didn't do anything ( I was full!!! ). ^___^.

The kids had fun with the sprinkled water.Baby Sam was scared everytime the water came to him.He ran away and screamed. Ha ha ha ha.All of a sudden,he kept calling my name," Mei-Mei...Mei-Mei.." Ha ha ha ha ha.

Ronnie pushed me to the water and I was surprised.I didn't expect he did that to me. Dang.. I was wet!!!!!! Everybody laughed. Huh.. bikin malu aja. :P

Ronnie left around 7pm,and Mom dropped me to the bar at 9pm.What a lovely day!!!


  1. mei elu keliatan seger dan kurusan tapi perutnya dah keliatan ya.

  2. bumil makin segerrrr aja neh * wink *

  3. Keren Say♥, Photo berduaan, Mei perutnya koq belum kelihatan, udah berapa minggu dear ♥

  4. Iya peyutnya dah mulai kelihatan dehh

  5. Mei elu keliatan seger dan kurusan tapi perutnya dah keliatan ya, udah masuk bulan ke berapa Mei?, kapan nih bisa tau ce or co nya, penasaram ^___^

  6. Iya,Jen.Baby Sam grows so fast.Aktif banget.

  7. Kurusan ya ? Muntah2 kmrn, BB turun drastis.Perut udh mulai keliatan dikit juga tuh. :P

  8. Baby Eli nih cute banget.Chubby pula. Ha ha ha ha

  9. Seger???? He he he. Thanks.Udh mulai chubby nih kyknya

  10. Mine.Sampe skrg gak terlalu demen American Food. :(

  11. 18 minggu,mi.Semalam pake baju tidur,keliatan belly.

  12. Udah mulai keliatan, tapi jeans msh ada yg longgar. hahahaha

  13. minggu 18, wi. usgnya may ini checknya.
