Sat noon, after bartending for Baby Shower at the bar,I spent time with Yoko ( She came to the bar by bus ).We went to Walmart,bought a Baby Classic CD.
Marce called me.She said she'd come to visit us. Oh well!!!
We cooked ( this time Grilled Fish with Sambal Itir - Itir ).
We had dinner at the patio.
Spending time all day long with them, made me think to invite Marce n Yoko spend overnite at home. Mom didn't mind at all.
So, Mom asked Steph to sleep in the living room,while Marce n Yoko slept upstairs,next to our bedroom.
Ronnie's at the bar.We stopped by and picked up Yoko's clothes and then went back home.
Watching movie for awhile with them in the bedroom,then I went to bedroom,waiting for Ronnie at 4am. Loooonnnnnnggggggggg day!!!
May 13th : Mother's Day
Mom woke me up. She said that the ladies were waiting for me. Gosh.. I was late to church!!!
I stayed at home.Ronnie's still sleeping. I saw Marce n Yoko were in the living room.
I was hungry. I started cooking Mie Rebus Keling for lunch.I saw 2 roses in the kitchen. Marce asked me," Mei,look at the roses."
I said,' Huh? Wah.. .lovely roses."
She said,"That's for you n Mom."
I said," Huh? You bought them ?"
She said," No..I didn't.Ronnie did."
Me : "......???? "
Marce said," Read the note."
I looked at a small note. Wah!!!! It's written " For Mei & Mom".
Wowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! Ronnie bought them for us!!! Mommy to-be. Ha ha ha ha.
Marce said," Didn't you realize it before ?"
I said," No... I am way too tired and sleepy plus got headache to realize it."
I ran upstairs,watching Ronnie's still sleeping like a baby. I said," Hey,baby.. thank you so much!!!! You bought us roses!! When did you buy them?"
Ronnie said," You're welcome,hun.You don't need to know." ha ha ha ha.
While we're having lunch,Ronnie went to the bar. Around 5 pm, we went to book store again,bought some books.
Marce took Yoko back to the hotel around 11pm,and she departed to Kettering.
Thank you for coming, ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!