Thursday, October 19, 2006

One Afternoon With Putty Putty Melati ^___^

Bah bah bah!!!! Beginilah jadinya kalo bini ditinggal sendirian sama kucing. Putty always lays down on Ronnie's tighs. When I was laying down and watching tv this noon, Dece called me.

Putty was around.While we're talking on the phn,suddenly he jumped to my tigh.I screamed loudly.Dece was surprised.I said to Dece,"Aduh,Deceeeeeeeeeee...tulungggggggggggggggg.. Putty's laying down on me now. I am scared!!!" Dece laughed out loudly.I asked Dece to call me back later, cos I gotta take care of Putty 1st.

I tried to move,he kept staying there.I don't wanna touch his body.I moved again, he was stubborn.

He looked at me, I looked at him.We looked one each other for a couple seconds.I thought," Ok... I know how to make you go." I took my cam. I know he don't like the flashes.

I took one pic and hoped he'd go.Bah.. he's still there. Then, I tried again, he was still there.

It felt a lil bit warm, but iggggggggghhhhhhhhh... geliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I moved,he walked closer to me. Yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave up. I took a phone and called Marce. Missing her so much. Well, Putty was there till I took some pics. He gave up. Hi hi hi.

He picked the corner of the couch and watched me. I ignored him. :P

Bebasssssssssssssssssss from Putty Putty Melati.Ha ha ha ha ... Merdeka!!!!!


  1. serius banget yang lagi telpon2an ;))

  2. kasian sedih tuwww putty diusir mommy-nya ;))

  3. Kyk gak tau aja lu,Mpok.Kita dulu klepon2an, sampe jeber nih bibir. Ha ha ha

  4. Duhh tulunggg... Dia kirain Mei2 itu Ronnie.Udh tau juga kita mati ketakutan sama meong, ttp aja si Meong gak mau tau. Geliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Kenyal2 gitu badannya.

  5. he he he he

    he said... 'enak aja... aku juga mau di photo negh... '

    he he he h =))

  6. Dia itu anti difoto,tapi ntah knp seharian tadi ngelendot mulu di paha.Habis,tuannya blm plg sih. Hi hi hi

  7. itu kakinya si putty, pantang menyerah ni kucing.

  8. Weks... Cute emang iya. Sampe Engel dari CA gemes liat dia. :D

  9. Manja banget sikucing kamu, Mei..:-p

  10. Manja banget,apalagi sama Ronnie.Tidurnya malah bareng kami. ^__^

  11. "ganteng", soalnya co. He he he.Itu d namanya Putty,tapi Mei2 iseng nambahin nama di blkg jadi Putty Putty Melati.ha ha ha
