Yes... yesterday I missed the delivery.I should have let Lucky inside of the house ,so I've heard him barking.
Today,after I came back home from work, I stopped by at home.I had lunch and brought my missed delivery card from post office.
It's cold. I caught a bus,and went to bank,changed some money,then across the street to the post office.
I got it!!! yeahh!!! It's a biggggggggggg one!!!!
I forgot to bring a bag. I held it on my arm and waited for the bus. Duh.. bus would come another 15 mnts. I couldn't wait.I walked home.
Can't wait to see what's all in there.
Wow!!!!!!!!! Mami sent Kerupuk Opak,Ikan Teri,Ikan Asin Nila & Ikan Asin Belah plus Lidah, Geliga,Esperson,Pete n Jengkol ( they're bad :( can't be eaten at all ), Bawang Batak,Andaliman,Abon Ikan,Cetakan Putu Ayu,Bihun,Mie Lidi ( mo buat mie gomak besok2 ) ^__^, Pics,letter,DVD Hindi and Westerns plus magazines!!!!
Thank you Mami,Papi,Cicie2,Koko,Adik2 n ponakan.
I am so blessed!!! Ching2 writes soooo good this time.Goodness,she writes more and more.
She said she has a Bible rite now.She reads it every day.That's wonderful!!!
Bless you all!!!!!!!!!
I count these as my birthday presents. ^___^
Bah..obat apa pulak ini ? * sambil memicingkan mata penuh curiga *
ReplyDeleteSepanjang jalan dari kantor pos elo luncat2 sambil bersiul dong, MeiMei..???hihiii.. Ikut seneng neh gua. Birthday gift dari kampung halaman is the best.
ReplyDeleteSepanjang jalan dari kantor pos elo luncat2 sambil bersiul dong, MeiMei..???hihiii.. Ikut seneng neh gua. Birthday gift dari kampung halaman is the best.
ReplyDeleteObat koyok.Ha ha ha. Itu salep buat tangan,soalnya alergi, kulit tangan pecah2 sampe kadang berdarah gitu.
ReplyDeletenah udah ada tuh andaliman..*wink wink....hehehhehe
ReplyDeleteitu perangkonya bisa buat koleksi...langsung sebuku...hehehhehe
ReplyDeleteyaolooo...pete yang disini kaga enak ya Mei? hehehheh
ReplyDeleteduh ikan asin...bagi dong mei..hihihiihiii
ReplyDeletegileee..kangen neh...
ReplyDeletewahhh..hhaaaaaa..mau ngarsik nehh........
ReplyDeleteJaman gua tinggal di Indo kayaknya belon muncul neh majalah yg berjudul Aura. Eh, Mei..ada websitenya ga ini majalah ? Kali aja bisa ikutan liat resep online.
ReplyDeleteSenyam senyum sendiri.Gak sabaran nyampe ke rmh.Krn ada paket,dingin juga gak terlalu terasa.He he he he he.
ReplyDeleteBeres, Eda Genta tadi siang confirm ttg orderannya buat Jumat ini.Doi pesan 4 items. Yg pasti,andaliman udh ada,orderan ente bakalan dimasak deh.
ReplyDeleteGara2 baca ini,Mei2 sampe pergi ke tong sampah, ngubek2 stampsnya.Ha ha ha ha.Stampsnya akhirnya disimpan,gak jadi dibuang.
ReplyDeleteAda sih,cuma kan pengennya langsung import dari Indo.Apa daya,kesalahan pada pengiriman,jadi telat nyampenya,udh keburu busuk.
ReplyDeleteIkan asin,Yan.Ke sini lah, biar kita makan bareng. ^__^
ReplyDeleteKerupuk Opak pake gula merah,harga 25 perak. :D
ReplyDeleteIya,da.Ngarsikkkkkkkkkkk.Sampe skrg blm kesampean.Thank God udh ada bawang bataknya.
ReplyDeleteIya,da.Ngarsikkkkkkkkkkk.Sampe skrg blm kesampean.Thank God udh ada bawang bataknya.
ReplyDeletekadonya unik lhoo..sampai jengkol sebutir difoto ;)) o ya gue jg suka baca aurora, wah tambah cantik penampilannya sekarang, tambah tebel kayanya juga ya? masih ada toh tabloid itu.
ReplyDeletegileeee....... semua makanannya mengiuuuuurrrrrrrkaaan................
ReplyDeleteNope,ini termasuk tabloid yg pelit utk buat berita online.Tapi masuk salah satu tabloid bergengsi.Mei2 dulu langganan sampe 5 thn.Bagus2 isinya.
ReplyDeleteTabloid Auro,Jen,bukan Aurora.Dulu sih harganya 3500 perak.Skrg udh 7000.Resep2nya mantap tuhh plus tips2nya.
ReplyDeleteTengah malam dilarang ngiler :P
ReplyDeleteini nih yg buat slalu ngangenin heheheee...
ReplyDeleteronnie seneng ga tuh say??....
ReplyDeletehahahaaa...hepi bedey eniwey ya da...
ReplyDeletehasilnya nyampe sini gak bagus,da.Kelamaan di jalan.Akhirnya dibuang deh.
ReplyDeleteMo muntah dia cium yg beginian.hahahahahahaha.Tadi aja cpt2 disimpan sblm org rmh pada plg.
ReplyDeleteThank you.. Udh masuk tgl 26 Oct. Ini dia hari yg ditunggu.^__^
ReplyDeletemei.. happy birthday to you.. many happy returns all the best & good luck !!
ReplyDeleteHappy birtday ya...and enjoy all your give from your family...
ReplyDeleteI think this is the most celebration we have this year.Ha ha ha ha ha *batuk2 nih,sakit :( *
ReplyDeleteThnks,Anis.Lots of presents this year. ^___^
ReplyDeleteWah Mei, asyik banget dapet paket gede banget kira Mei2 ultahnya bulan May...ternyata October ya? Met ultah ya!!! wish you all the best!
ReplyDeleteItung2 hadiah dari kel.Heheheheheh.Banyak yg kira begitu.Didobelin aja May-May nya jadi 10 ( Oct ). Ha ha ha ha ha.Gmn pregnancynya? Mudah2an dpt ce ya,biar ada temen main Alexis. GBU!!!!
ReplyDeleteandaliman? apaan tuh mei???
ReplyDeleteTeri medan!!! mau donk mei....
ReplyDeletesezchuan peppernya Chinese. Andaliman itu khas Batak.
ReplyDeleteMau seekor?:D
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to have Ron make a copy of one so I can try to read it!
ReplyDeleteI'll.I brought them to the bar on tuesday and read them all.I can't wait to try the recipies. ^_^
ReplyDeletebah.........banyak sekale kirimanya eda......???
ReplyDeletepie toch, udah di reply kok tdk masuk :(
ReplyDeletebuanyak sekale kirimanya eda........
bikin rendang jengkol eda :)
ReplyDeleteItu udh dikurangin,da.Banyak yg msh blm dikrm.
ReplyDeleteSebiji gitu,da,udh gitu gak bagus pula.Daripada dimasukin ke rendang,baunya ke mana2.He he he he
ReplyDeletebagiiii!!!! *teganya..teganya...*
ReplyDeleteHe he he.Di sana gak ada jual ? Btw, lokasi di mana,Mbak? Belanda ya? Pasti ada tuh kyknya
ReplyDeleteSo Sorry Mei, engga pernah ngelihat kerupuk ini di daerah gua. jangan sedih yah! my Funny girl! ♥
ReplyDeleteBahhhhhh !!! berarti ini kerupuk org Medan donk. :P Gpp lah, nanti Mei2 titip yg lain ya. Ntar Mei2 krm PM. Muachhhhhhhh