Ronnie and I went to visit Heritage Museum in Sharonville.We were lost for almost 1 hour. Finally we arrived after called a couple times.
It’s really hot day.Ronnie’s sweating around. We walked around the museum. But,since Ronnie’s tired, we stopped from visiting a few houses. It’s enough for us this time.
Ronnie did enjoy the trip.He wished he could stay longer,but he’s tired.We went to CAM, shopping some stuff and then we went home. Ready to work at nite, Sunday nite, Karaoke Nite.^__^
I bought souvenirs from the museum. The pencil sharpener, Bell and Cash Registration.The bell sounds good!! Hahhahahahhaa. Besides, I bought some old money and books abt the Museum.
I am a happy camper!!! We had fun!!!!
One thing that I really long to do is Wearing the Vintage Dresses!!! :(
The guides guided us abt the histories and everything,but I didn't pay attention. I kept touching the dresses they wore.Hahahhahaha. I asked them," Do you have any photo session wearing these dresses for the guests?" :P . Ronnie laughed, he said," baby, they don't have."
We have done it once in TN last summer.Still, I really want to wear the customes. I am a vintage admirer!!!!!
Wah senengnya....Ronnie udah sehat banget ya Mei keliatannya...Puji Tuhan..
ReplyDeleteLucu bajunya....
ReplyDeleteIya,Mar. Puji Tuhan,dia udh sehat. Tapi tetap aja gak bisa diam tuh.Ada aja yg mo dikerjain ini itu. Payahhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeletePengennnnnnnn banget pake baju model beginian. Help me donkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteEmang disitu gak dijual?
ReplyDeleteAda sih antique mall. Mei2 pernah coba2 topinya doank, kalo bajunya gak kepikiran wkt itu mo beli. Lagian mo dipake ke mana ya ? Hehehehhehehe
ReplyDeleteini pakaiannya sengaja model lama
ReplyDeleteCantik yach adiknya, ga tahu dech aslinya
ReplyDeletemau saingan sama mertua ????????? mok-mok nya
ReplyDeletemombur banget
ReplyDeleteIya,bang.Namanya juga Heritage Museum.Pengen banget pake model beginian.
ReplyDeleteEmak dan anak tuh kyknya.^___^
ReplyDeleteSiapanya neh yg mok-mok,bang?? :P
ReplyDeleteBah,ada2 aja.Ini lagi mo ngurusin badan,bang.Hehehehhe.Btw,thanks lho,belai2n gabung di MP demi ngebalas postingan.Blg ke Ray,itu gak mirip kyk Haranggaol.Hahahhaha.Jadi ingat kampung halaman.