Yesterday we opened the bar.Ronnie didn't expect the crowds would come,since it's 4th of July.He cancelled the Karaoke program.
All day long he was at home with me.He's doing his projects ( making flyer ) and played his game!!!!!!!!!! Yessssss!!!!!!!! I forgot when the last time he played his game.But,indeed,it's longggggggggg time ago.
Running business has taken a lot ot time and energy from us.We even couldn't do the things we used to do.But,yesterday,we could do something together.Sitting side by side in the basement,doing our own stuff.It's great!!! I teased him by calling from internet to his cellphone.Hahhahahahahah.He knew it!!! :P
He's spending time hours in the basement with me.Suddenly he laughed out loudly.I asked him why.He said," I am getting silly.I can't concentrate.I can't do my flyers even play the game."
I questioned him,"Why is it like that?You need a break ?" He said," No.....I just don't know.All a sudden my mind is not here.Even the game don't capture my attention anymore." hahhahahahhaha
He said," I gotta go to the bar,hun." Wuihhhhhhhhhhhhhh.See how he attached to the bar rite now. :P
I tried to make him stay at home for awhile, he said," Ok,but soon I'll go to the bar." Hehhehehehehe.
Then,I took him upstairs.We watched tv in the living room.He laid down and I massaged him. Mom came back from Aunt Pat's home. Mom saw us laying down on the carpets and said,"See ???? When was the last time I saw two of you doing this ? Isn't that great ??? How about that?"^__________^
When Mom was in the kitchen,Ronnie jumped to my back.He laid on my back.Aihhh Mamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .......He's way too heavy!!! Out of my breath.Hahahhahahhahahahha. I'm not a bed. Hellloooooooooooooooooooooooooo :P . I said to him,"Hunnnnnnnnnnnnnn....stop it!! I don't wanna Mom sees it." He made a shake.Hahahahhahah. Silly!!!!!!!!!! >_______<
Later on,he went to the bar. Around 5.30pm,he called me,"Hey,hun?Are you hungry ?" I said," Yes." Again,"Let's go eat somewhere."I asked,"Where?" He said," Somewhere to have dinner.Maybe Dynasti or somewhere else.Get ready! I'll pick you within 30 mnts." Yessssssssss!!!!!!!!!
I got ready and he called me ," Come out.I'm in the driveway." I said to him,"Hang on,wanna take Mom,too." I went downstairs and asked Mom to get ready.Mom said,", you guys go.I stay at home.Besides,I've been cooking.You would enjoy to have dinner alone." I didn't wanna go without Mom.
Ronnie came to the kitchen and saw Mom's cooking.He said," Ups... Meiiiiiiiiiii....You know what? Mom's cooking.Why don't we eat at home?" I said," Yes, it's fine.We can go next time! " ^_____^
So,we had dinner at home instead of to the restaurant. Mom made Pasta Salad earlier.I had it for my lunch.And at nite,Mom fried battered pork. I love her Pasta Salad.
Around 7pm,we went to the bar.The bar was clean,so we didn't need to do lots of chores.Some customers came later.They asked abt the Karaoke.They still stayed till around 1am,and other customers came,too.
We went home around 2.30am.Really tiredddddddddddddddddd..........Ronnie was ready to go home and zzzzllllleeeeeeppppppppppppppppppp :P
kayak pose di video clip Reza niiih...cuit cuit
ReplyDeletePletakkkkkkkkkk *numpang pingsan* Hahahhahahhaa.
ReplyDeleteWah...ini yang mantap Mei.....sssrrrrppp....
ReplyDelete"...Pertama...kurasakan getaran...."
ReplyDeleteseksi oiii......
ReplyDeletebah.......balga ni ihur i kak Mey?heheheh
ReplyDeletejadi inget kalau kita chatting elu sama ronnie duduk di depan kompie sama-sama..
ReplyDeleteSlurrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppp.New one,Mar.Ntar kalo hang out ke bar di sana, coba deh minta jenis minuman begini.Mei2 cuma minum 2-3x sedot,udahan.Panas soalnya.
ReplyDeleteMo goyang Inul maksudnya,tapi blm PD.Hahhahahahha.Getaran listrik kaleeee :P
ReplyDeleteOiiiiiii. Tgl piga ate mulak ho,inang ? Ho pe ,seksi do ho.Obut mi pe, nga mirip halak bule.Hahhahahahha.
ReplyDeleteKyk JLo ya ? Hahahhahaha *narsisssssssssssss*.
ReplyDeleteMana neh, lama elu gak chatting,Jen.Mei2 hari ini gak kerja, makanya bisa posting sebanyak2nya.^__^
ReplyDeleteSuit...suit... sexy euy gayanya...
ReplyDeleteUdh mo jatuh tuh.:D . Gmn Mommy - to be? Sehat2 aja kan ?
ReplyDeletePutar2 bar doank.Hihihihihi
ReplyDeleteelu lagi ngapain Mei2...?
ReplyDeleteTau deh ngapain.^____^
ReplyDeleteMau corn-nya dong... cinta...
ReplyDeleteSexy juga cantik mei...
ReplyDelete- inasanari
Lovely, nice smile say...
ReplyDeleteAwas jatush say... lol...
Like to tease juga nich mei2x...
ReplyDeleteDiresapin banget cinta minumnya...
ReplyDelete- inasanari
aduh cantiknya si amei nih, wuihhh ga tahan dehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteAda gempa ya?sampe pegangan yg kencang.....lam kenal ya.....
ReplyDeleteAsih nih gayanya coo.....
ReplyDeleteHalaaaaah....biar kate sok ngumpet masih aja ketauan kalo itu MeiMei. Ketauan dari jerawatnya di dagu.. Pa kabar, Mei ?
ReplyDeleteYee...baru sekali sedot udah mabok , nih Mei ? Hihihiii...
ReplyDeleteKalo pake pakean model begini nih Mei...kagak boleh kerokan dong yah ?
ReplyDeleteUdah lama nggak ngliat MeiMei tambah cantik aja neh lo Mei.
ReplyDeleteSekali sedot udh mabok. Too strong for me. Luckily,I don't drink. Nyicip 1-2 sedotan boleh lah.hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteJerawat merusak pemandangan tuh kmrn.Skrg bebas jerawat deh. Elu apa kabar, Mak ????
ReplyDeleteKalo ini baju Sundel Bolong.Hahahhahahahha
ReplyDeleteUdh lama gak ngeliat foto2 terbaru elu juga,Mak.Posting dunkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!