Monday, July 3, 2006

Gift of Love

Another story is attached here.Again,one of my fave stories teaching us abt LOVE!!!!

Some time ago,a friend of mine punished his three -year -old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight,and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless,the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said," This is for you,Daddy."He was embarassed by his earlier over - reaction,but his anger flared again when he found that the box was empty.

He yelled at her," Don't you know that when you give someone a present,there's supposed to be something inside of it ?"

The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said," Oh,Daddy.It's not empty.I blew KISSES in the box. I filled it with my love.All for you,Daddy."

The father was crushed.He put his arms around his little girl and he begged her for forgiveness. My friend told me that he kept the gold box by his bed for years. Whenever he was discouraged,he would take out an imaginary kiss and remembere the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense,each of us as parents has been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children.There is no more precious possession  anyone could hold.


************** James Dobson*******************




  1. Mei, kisah yang bagus banget! o ya itu lagu independece day bagus cuma sedih ya ceritanya...

  2. Yes, nice story.Lagunya itu sering sekali Mei2 denger,tapi baru kali ini liat VC nya.Selasa kmrn,anak2 nyanyiin di Karaoke. Bsk mo nyanyi juga ahhh . :D

  3. Cuman inget satu nama : Chennaya! ^___^

  4. There you go,girl.^_____^ . Ngana ada Chennaya, ekke boleh donk pake Ronnie? Hahahhahaha.Rite now he's my"baby/kid". :D.

  5. very nice story, Mei ... bisa jadi reminder buat para orang tua walaupun anak-anak bandel, tetep aja they are an angel!!! .. thanks ya udah sharing .. :)))

  6. Yoa,Teh.Jadi panutan buat orangtua.Ntar deh kalo kita udh punya anak,cinta kasih dicurahkan 100% plus plus plus.Hahahhahahaha.Happy 4th July!!!
