I'm tired, physically, but I want to rejoice in the Lord.
ML's has been coughing early this morning, sneezing,too. Gave her some syrup and said," Thanks, Dora ".. She called me " Dora".LOL.
Guess too much watching Dora at home.
Still got problem with the car, got some quotes, varies quotes from 473 bucks up to 1,050 bucks. Wuihhhhhhhh........
I need to sink my head in a cold water for right now.LOL. Shopping for car and home insurance,too, at the same time. Double headache.
But, I won't give up.We'll do some other thing. Hopefully can save some money and fix my " old" car
fixing car is pain in the butt. We have been quoted around $2500 and up, until one day we found someone that can get the job done for half amount of it. wuihh..good luck eda, moga2 cepat beres.
ReplyDeleteAduh, mahal sekali itu. Ini msh shopping prices lagi. So far sih mobilnya msh bisa jalan. Taulah, kalo di sini, detail2 sekali diperhatiin. Kalo di Indo, hajar terus,sampe mobilnya mati.LOL
ReplyDeleteTetap semangat Kak...
ReplyDeleteAlo,cinta... msh aktif di MP ???? huggggggggg.... kangen pengen ngobrol di telp lagi :) Gmn, udh punya si kecil,blm ?
ReplyDeletebelum kak, doain ya..mudah2an segera Tuhan kasih ya..., aktif sekali2 kak, kemarin2 sibuk pindahan rumah, sekarang sudah mulai beres, jd sudah bisa on lagi ....he.heh
ReplyDeleteGpp, Mir, nanti pasti diksh. Ada temen 5 thn nikah, baru dpt kabar kmrn udh hamil jalan 3 bln :)
ReplyDeleteTimingnya blm tepat,kata Tuhan. Segala sesuatu ada waktunya :)